So Logically, Why Should Any Vaccine Be Mandatory? If Vaccinated People Are "Safe?"

in #monsanto4 years ago (edited)

It is time to examine the flawed logic which underlies Big Pharma and the medical establishment's endless drive to up the number of vaccinations deemed desirable for society. Because what's happening is The Emperor Has No Clothes.

We hear the argument: if I don't vaccinate my child, I put other children at risk, because my child becomes a "carrier" for something other children might catch? But wait, I thought all the other kids were, like, vaccinated. Meaning they can't catch it.

So the risk of catching the "thing" of the moment is borne solely by families who chose not to vaccinate for that "thing." Based on those familys' evaluation of risks, which they have the right to do.

How does a person unvaccinated for something endanger a planeload of people who are vaccinated for it? Again, people are vaccinated if they want to be.

Oh. You say that some children cannot take a vaccine, because of their perhaps immune-compromised systems? We are sorry to hear that. But you cannot force my child to take risks so that yours won't.

All vaccines have risks, as they are right on the fact sheet that comes in the box. Even the government and Big Pharma admits there are risks, or they would not have started the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, which makes pay-outs to families of injured children. And guess what the vaccine with the greatest number of injuries is? The flu shot.

So the government admits it is a game of Russian Roulette if your child gets injured, albeit, it says, it is very small odds. This is worth it to some families, but not to others. Fine. But you are only forced to play Russian Roulette in Deer Hunter.

Alan Dershowitz, the lead attorney for the late Jeffrey Epstein who was a personal friend of his as well, insists that people who are not vaccinated "endanger" people who are. Moreover, Dershowitz argues that the state has the "right" to forcibly accost a person and "plunge a needle" into their arm.

Dershowitz: State Has the Right to "Plunge a Needle" into Your Arm

It doesn't make sense. If your kids are vaccinated, then they cannot get the thing you are afraid of, whatever it is.

No longer confined to deadly viruses, but STDs, like the HPV vaccine which reduces a girl's chances of getting cervical cancer later in life. Even if a girl is not sexually active. Sure, some are. But some aren't. One size does not fit all.

In exchange for lowering one risk, you introduce another, maybe higher and more immediate. Now I'm starting to believe this is not about health at all.

Let us never forget one hard fact. That pharmaceutical companies, whether they be Merck, Pfizer, or Glaxo Smith Kline, exist for one reason and one reason only. To make money. One might argue, convincingly, that the social good is best served by the free market impulse. That is neither here nor there. Pharmas answer to stockholders and pension funds looking to maximize earnings. Period. If you helped the world in the meantime, great.

The cold hard fact is your child's health does not figure into it, except as a serendipitous effect of free market economics. Of course, individual scientists can be idealistic, and comfort themselves they are doing something worthy with their lives. And they may be. But when a project gets too expensive, the company kills it. Shareholders do not ask, did you save the world. They ask, what is the current price/earnings ratio.

The growing global vaccine market is the new gold mine, while other traditional industries such as oil are in decline. Even before COVID, world vaccine market revenues hit $60 billion.

At a vaccine choice rally in Boston, a man spoke with his 8-year-old vaccine-injured child in a stroller besides him. It was heartbreaking. At the rally, story after story was told of children born perfect, wide-eyed and alert, forever terribly damaged immediately after receiving a vaccine or vaccines.

Boston No Mandatory Vaccination Rally, August 30, 2020

Choosing not to vaccinate is on me as a parent. Parents know their kids better than anyone. How sensitive they are to their environment, to different substances. When something is wrong.

That is also on other parents who have made the same decision. For example, to go through the childhood measles process as many generations have done, including mine, when we kids scratched for about a week, and then we were immune. For life.

It should be noted that the infection fatality rate for measles in developed countries is .1% - .2%, the same as flu. But in the old days no one was calling for a "warp speed" measles vaccine and shutting down schools and society, inducing a killer Depression which will wind up starving millions of people and making them homeless.

It should also be noted that, since the beginning of the COVID "crisis," the CDC has revised the COVID survival rate upwards to 99.8%. Also about the same as flu. Yes, it can have some nasty after-effects, but so can flu.

So why do parents, who have made one decision, want to impose on parents who have made a different one? And castigate them as "anti-vaxxers?" Even though parents might chose to go with one vaccine for a child, but not another. That does not make them anti-vax. Just careful.

Imposing risks on my family in order to participate in the society, such as school, that my taxes pay for, the same as yours, is tyranny. And although the for-profit pharma companies insist all these vaccines are safe, growing numbers of parents, in recent decades, say otherwise.

Taken to a hypothetical extreme, why put all people who have refused vaccination for a thing in concentration camps, if everyone else has submitted to be vaccinated, and is immune to that thing?

If governments, and the people who back their decisions, are so concerned about our childrens' health, including cancers, why are they ignoring causes which may be far easier, and safer, to impact? Why is everything about vaccines? Which all carry dangers, some serious?

The fact is that childhood cancers have shot up in recent decades. What is indisputable, even according to CNN, is that the pesticide Glyphosate is linked with cancer, and it is everywhere, including your food. The brand name for Glyphosate is Roundup. That is a pesticide that is legal on American food, that is illegal in many other countries. It is made by Monsanto.

Childhood cancers, very often deadly, have gone up 27% since 1975. About a quarter of children who develop a cancer do not live more than five years after diagnosis. These are terrifying numbers. I don't see governors using their shiny new emergency powers to put state bans on Monsanto's Roundup.

The idea of vaccination is not new. In ancient times, matter from survivors of a contagion was taken by others, the same as dead virus vaccines of today, and it conferred some kind of immunity. But it was never a matter of being forced or coerced.

Now we hear more and more scary talk about "measles outbreaks." But despite flu killing people every year, 83,000 in 2017 - 2018, you never heard never-ending scary talk about flu in the past. It's almost as if people dying of disease just started happening.

Something else is going on here. Although vaccination programs may have started out well-meaning in the days of polio, they have morphed into something else entirely. It is time for parents everywhere to start asking questions, and doing research. Those who want a vaccine, should be able to get it. But trust between governments and The People has been broken.

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