A Word To All The Mormons Out There

in #mormonism7 years ago (edited)

Dear LDS members

I have something to say to you. I was an LDS member all my life, up to three years ago. I know what you believe. I had a testimony. I was offended by LDS members before, but I never left the church because of it. I committed sin while being a member and never left the church, but repented in the very humiliating way the church requires. I was fully devoted to my religion. I had callings and served all the time I was a member. I did fully understand everything the church taught me. It is not very difficult to understand. I got married to a returned missionary in the temple. I did everything the church required of me. I attended church every Sunday and participated in the activities that people worked hard to organize. I loved the members with all of my heart.

I did not go out to look for reasons to leave the church. I also felt that it was the only truth on this earth. I also thought the church was perfect but the people was not. It turns out that the church leaders lied about that. The church organization is not perfect, it is not of God, but of man. I scrutinized every single “apostate” literature as I studied them, making sure that the sources they were giving, were original church materials. This started after I saw a video of Elder Holland who could not deny some controversial things about the church. That lead me to question things and I went out looking for answers. It turned out that the “apostates” were the ones telling the truth and not the church manuals, the leaders or any other LDS advocates. It turned out that the church has twisted many things from history to make themselves look perfect and true. Scriptures are still being twisted to prove their doctrines correct.

I know you don’t want to believe me. It is hard to believe, because we were indoctrinated to believe that there cannot be any fault with the church. We love the church and prophets to such an extent that it becomes our God. It becomes us. We believe everything they say, because we think we can trust them. We believe they are called of God. Of all the members in the church. The apostles and prophet are the ones being paid to be there. They have a cushy job and get paid well with lots of benefits. It’s easy money. They think they are doing a good thing to lie to you. They think they are doing you a favour.

You are the ones being deceived. You are the ones being enslaved. You are the ones in bondage, giving up all your time and money for a lie. Do not say I did not warn you. I have tried so hard to give you hard facts and evidence to prove to you that the church is not all they say they are, but you choose not to believe me. There is a lot more I could give you. There is a lot of evidence against the church to prove the con man Joseph Smith really was.

You choose not to look at it, because of fear. Because of the labels that will be placed on you if you do. Labels that church leaders created. Like being apostate. Like leaving the church because of offence and sin and all other BS. Because like me, you will lose all your friends and family and be the fool. You think I am the stupid one. I may not have Mormon friends or family left, but I have my freedom and my husband and children and those non-members who love me for me. They believed me and made the trouble to look at the evidence provided.

You think I got my stuff off the internet, and just because it comes from the internet it is not reliable. Ironically the church now posts all gospel teaching on the internet. I have read many books too. Books I found on the internet, written by church historians. I read all original transcripts from LDS history too, that you can only find at Brigham Young University, because the church is hiding it from the public. I know how important reliable sources are. Why do you underestimate my credibility? My so-called friends. You hurt me you know. I have never been so offended as I have been after trying to help you see the truth. I have never been so insulted as I have been by you. Which proved to me what a hypocritical bunch you are and what religion has done to you.

Anyway. I am not done, fighting my cause. I will continue to stand up for myself, my own reputation and those who have lost loved ones due the indoctrination of the church to prevent people from looking at or believing anyone who speaks out against them. They have ruined our reputation. They are the criminals. They are the ones taking your money by telling you lies. They are cons.

Please, just start thinking…question…seek the truth. It is not hard to find. Just hear the opposition out. You might be surprized at what you will find.


There's a spiritual veil over everyone's eyes to the actual reality of who Jesus is. The only way that veil can be removed is to believe in Jesus as diety. When His spirit gives birth to your spirit, the veil is lifted and you spiritually see different. Trying to communicate the truth you now clearly see to the point of showing someone else is not an easy task.

You wrote a very truthful article.

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