Discover Yourself

in #motivation7 years ago


Socrates once said - ' Man know thyself '
Your choice determines your course and your course determines the life you live, of course it is not happens to you but how you handle what happens to you that makes the difference - Z Ziglar.

Never write off yourself , the poorest person in the world is not the person who doesn't have a penny but the poorest person is the one who doesn't have a Vision.

Don't confuse passion with excitement, you could be excited about a thing but not passionate about it, we all know excitement can fade but passion won't because it is what we enjoy doing, it is what you get your most fulfilment from.

My professor in school use to say - if you make your passion your career, you will never stress or work a day in your life.
Now ask yourself , what am I really effective or good at?? The answer fo this question might just be pointers or directions to what God has deposited inside your heart.

Some people are great visionaries, they can think fast and come up with great ideas, dont forget it is one thing to have a vision and its another to identify or interprete the vision or idea.
If you have a vision you need to align yourself with those who csn interprete or help make it a reality.

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