DBM 005: Separation Can Be For Good!

in #motivation7 years ago


You can have the most important, or even all, of your boxes checked on someone and some things, or everything, could still go wrong because of the Timing - Wrong Timing. If the timing were perfect and your checklist is clearly inline with your divine destiny and purpose, things would be a lot different.

Also, life is phased in seasons. If God were to require your undivided attention in a season of your life, even the right relationships, situations, or environments, could pose some distractions to the cause. And if God wouldn't afford that, He could stir a separation to redirect your focus to what He wants to do in and through your life at the time. When He is done with that cause, you'd be better for it, and everything will fall back in place. So yeah, those people, situations, or environments might have been perfect for a while, and God definitely knew how precious they were to you, but if He separates you from them, you have to Trust that the cause for doing so would serve a more precious and higher purpose. Hence, the season of separation serves you, it is for your growth and advantage, rest in this assurance.

Lastly, separation comes for you to find your balance. If you haven't found your balance yet, it'll be difficult for you to sustain yourself, let alone support someone else. Just like swimming in an ocean, if you haven't found your balance and learned to swim on your own, you might drown, and if someone was to lend a hand to help you, your imbalance and the fear of drowning might become a threat to both your survival because the person could choke on trying to help you and you both could drown. But if you've found your balance, survival becomes easy with the right partner who have also found their balance and are heading in the same direction as you. Each person bearing the destination in mind, supporting and encouraging through the journey when the other feels week, tired or uncertain.

So maybe you should start looking at the separation differently. Start seeing it as your opportunity to grow, so you could be a better support system to your partner tomorrow. Start seeing it as that season to hear from God, to prepare for your next seasons. It is for you.

Have a fabulous weekend! Till tomorrow again:

Stay Switched On and Switched Up!

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