The mind blowing concept on god,consciousness and physics
Why and how was the universe created? What is the nature and reality of Time? Does Time has beginning and an end? Why life and death are so interconnected and seems fundamental? If we are just made up of quantum particles that strictly obey laws of nature then from where consciousness, freewill and compassion for life emerges? How neural networks and arrangement of complex bio-molecules results in feelings such as love, anger, happiness,…. That make our world lively?
Questions are endless. Enthusiasm is infinite but time for mankind is limited. And there is only answer to all these questions which is absolute truth and the ultimate reality. And to know this reality, the secrets of universe and reasons for everything happening around us is the nature of human intellect. If we trace out the pattern of long thinking and scientific discoveries over the course of long time, then we find two major breakthroughs. The first one is unification of everything- space, time, matter and energy. And the second one is Quantum Theory itself where nature takes its bizarre form and reality exist only if it is observed. The connectivity between these two breakthroughs is the unification between mind or consciousness with everything else. This is the point where physics and metaphysics overlap.
Space, time, matter and energy are the bestow properties of Universe. But, they are not separated from each other. They are interconnected and are fundamentally same thing. The story of unification between these components of Universe begins from the Theory of Relativity. The special Theory of Relativity which is the theory of flat spacetime unifies matter and energy as equivalent and inter-convertible parameters as summed up in the equation E=mc2. In fact, matter is energy in it’s most compacted form. In addition, the Theory of Relativity unifies space and time also. Time is not absolute and independent of space. Time is relative and is no more a universal ‘tick tock’ of some cosmic clock. Time can be slowed and it is just a dimension; we can move back and forth in it. Past, present and future are just illusion. Past for someone can be present and present for someone can be future and so on. Relativity transforms space and time from passive background in which events take place to a active participants in the dynamics of universe. It combines time dimension with spatial dimensions to form a 4 dimensional manifold. Time and space are inextricably tangled up to form 4 dimensional fabric called ‘Spacetime’. At this point matter and energy; and time and space are unified. But there is connection between matter-energy and spacetime too, which is shown by General Theory of Relativity, the Theory of curved Spacetime. It is our common perspective that space is just empty vacuum. Some relate space with the notion of nothingness. But, space itself is ‘something’. It has got it’s elasticity. It can be bend twisted, and curved. It is flexible and we can make a hole in it too! A black hole literally is just a hole is space due to infinite energy density which we call ‘Spacetime Singularity’. So, General Relativity gives space a proper meaning and defination. And as mentioned earlier space and time are related in a deep manner space cannot be curved with curving time too. Thus the 4 dimensional manifold of spacetime has a geometry; it may be flat or curved. This geometry of spacetime is related with matter-energy, which is summed up in field equations of General Relativity. Presence of matter-energy curves space. In other words, matter says space how to bend and space says matter how to move. So, at this point we can say that sapcetime and matter-energy are deeply related and fundamentally are same thing but their forms are different. Some interpret is as space=matter, some says spirit=matter while some says prakriti=purush. Thus, space, time, matter and energy are same, manifested from the same divine and supreme source God.
This can be see from vedic point of view too. Bhrgu Rihsi explains that time is fundamental as it is creator of element, it is mind, it is breath (prana), etc. kapil Rishi gives glimpse of Relativity by putting space and time togrther as ‘Dik Kaal Aakaashadibhya (Dik: direction, Kaal: time, Aakaashadibhya: arise from space)’ a (3+1) dimensional lorentzian manifold as we know today. Kanad Muni, the atomist and founder of Vaisheshik listed nine fluids (navadravayas), the five elements (earth, water, light, air, space), and also time, direction, soul and mind, prithivy-ap-tejo-vayav-aakasha-kaala-dig-aatma-manaamsi. Special Relativity tells us that the first four are different forms of energy, and general Relativity equates energy flux with curvature of space.
At these point a question arises, is just unification of space, time, matter and energy is just sufficient for the complete description of nature and reality itself? Afterall, they are physical entities of universe. Consciousness, freewill, compassion for life and our humanity and moral standards are also dominant component of Universe, and their connection with mysteries of cosmos, in terms of mathematical equation if possible, can perhaps take us to the stage from where every mystery becomes clear. And this is point from where the story of Quantum Theory begins.
Everything in Universe happens for a reason. And the reasons are laws written down by God. But, if we look down at the atomic level, these laws become weird and common sense gets broken. Quantum theory throws up surprises at every step through I) Quantum Uncertainty→ nothing can be predicted about the particle or sets of particles called quantum system until observed or made some measurement and II) wave-matter duality→ particles can behave both as wave and matter. And as a result lots of bizarre phenomenon takes place. Particles can be at two or more places at the same time, they can travel back and forth in time and change the experimental result, they can be teleported from one region to other and many more. But, the philosophical implications of it are very beautiful that keeps consciousness and life as the key to the understanding of Universe.
In Quantum Physics we see there is always involvement of consciousness in any measurement/experiment done on the quantum system. Our consciousness can interact with matter and energy to give a specific result about the particle/system out of number of equally happening possibilities. An act of ‘observing’ plays vital role. Just by observing we can change the state of particles or any quantum system. This implies that matter and energy can be controlled by means of our consciousness. Our consciousness may be controlling the atomic world. This is because before any atom or any particle is observed by conscious being( here observation does not only implies act of seeing through eyes but also an attempt to know about particle by means of some experiment), we cannot be sure about its existence also. This sounds like saying that when we are looking at moon it exists but when we close our eyes the moon will have no existence( just a classical world analogy of quantum world). But this is the truth no matter how much weird it may sounds. So, in other words the existence of atoms and tiny particles is significiant only because of our consciousness. This is the unity of mind and matter-energy.
And since our world are made up of same particles and atoms, we can reach to the beautiful conclusion that life and consciousness are the central component of universe, which adds the meaning to the creation, make our world lively. Time has no real existence and it is just the physical construct of our brain. Without consciousness time does not exist and there is no meaning of spatial dimensions. Whatever we perceive about this universe is just projected to us by our brain. We don’t know even if the reality exist beyond our perceptional abilities. Without life universe can’t exist. So, we, all the living beings from small bacteria to Homo Sapiens means a lot to Universe. Everything is connected; space, time, matter and energy. Our consciousness and life are too connected with matter and energy. And this is the point from where we reach to Mystical world. May one day we will be able to unite Quantum Physics and General Relativity to open up a wormhole to get teleported.
Everything is connected and we all creatures are connected. Our existence means a lot, in this whole cosmic arena of 11 dimensions. This is the ‘Connected Universe’, and perhaps the mystery of nature.
Sangeet chand
whatta post. just loved it. though it took some time, it is worth reading. lot of unknown information. keep them coming.
Sure bro