Why check truth value of the beliefs you may have

in #motivation3 months ago

Stress is a common experience for many people at different times in their lives. The way society is set up often leads individuals to feel as if they are constantly falling behind. This feeling can exacerbate stress and make individuals believe that their circumstances are the source of their unhappiness.

While some may argue that a little stress can motivate them to push through challenges, stress itself is never a positive state. It serves as a signal that something needs to change. Stress acts as a messenger, alerting us to lessons we need to learn about ourselves and our situations.

In my observations throughout my career, and from the experiences shared by clients, it’s clear that long hours or busyness aren’t the root causes of work-related stress. Instead, stress often arises when our work feels meaningless.

Many people admit that they lack the energy to change their working situation because they are overwhelmed with their current responsibilities. Over time, this can lead to prolonged burnout or even serious health issues.

Using the excuse of time constraints and low energy to avoid making changes is short-sighted. If a problem exists, solutions also exist. Often, it seems like people resist these solutions. We can choose how to respond to problems instead of allowing ourselves to get caught up in frustration about things we cannot control, such as bosses, coworkers, or societal pressures.

Complaining about these issues rarely leads to change. Instead, focusing on what we can influence can have a positive effect. When we embody the qualities we seek in others, those around us may respond in kind.

Most people desire a fulfilling work life, regardless of their specific job roles. If your job is causing you distress, it is essential to pause and evaluate what feels off or harmful. This self-reflection is a personal responsibility that only you can take on.

We each have the power to shape our lives. It begins with holding ourselves accountable. When we start to take responsibility and alter our actions, we may notice that our environments begin to shift as well. Living a life filled with struggle is not a necessity. We have the option to choose a different path if we have the courage to explore new possibilities.

Many individuals I assist find themselves entangled in the expectations of how to achieve a good life. Often, it takes questioning their beliefs about themselves and their situation to start making meaningful changes. Life, especially work life, does not have to be a painful grind.

I invite you to reflect on your own beliefs and examine whether they contribute to your stress and unhappiness. This personal inquiry can lead to greater clarity and understanding of what is truly necessary for a fulfilling life.