Thoughts are powerful

in #motivational6 years ago

A young woman was going to meet her boyfriends parent for the first time. Of course, she wanted to look her best, but when she glanced at herself in the mirror, she saw that her leather pumps looked a bit dull. She grabbed a paper towel she had used to blot grease from the bacon she had for breakfast that morning,polished her shoes, and off she went. Upon arriving at the boyfriends parents home, they greeted her and so did their spoiil, temperamental poodle. The dog followed her around happily all evening, because of the smell on her shoes. As her visit drew to a close and she prepared to leave, the parents remarked, "Our dog is an excellent judge of character, and she certainty likes you! Welcome to the family!
In the story, the boyfriends parent made a decision based on something they thought was true but wasn't true at all! Obviously, they couldn't smell the bacon grease on their sons girlfriends shoes, but the poodle certainly could and he responded favorably to the girl because of it. They decided the young woman would be a welcome addition to their family because the dog was asuch a great judge of character. People allow what they think to influence them in many ways, both big and small!

Thoughts are powerful

In recent years, much has been made of the fact that thoughts and attitudes influence people in many ways. Many medical schools and hospitals have received funding to study the mind body connection and implement programs to help patients heal physically by becoming healthier mentally. It's terrific that the medical community is paying attention to the mind and body connection, but the understanding of the power of thoughts is not a new development. In fact, it is addressed in both the old and New Testaments, written thousands of years ago!
The apostle Paul indicated his strong belief that thoughts are very powerful. Responding to a heated debate over whether or not Christians in the early church should eat meat that had been offered tobidols, he wrote, "I know and am convinced (persuaded) as one in the Lord Jesus, that nothing is forbidden as essentially unclean defiled and unholy to anyone who thinks it is unclean"
Paul did not believe meat offered tobidols could be tainted because he knew idols were nothing but wood or stone. However, many people did not see things as Paul did, and he understood his advice to them was not to eat the meat if they thought it was unclean. He knew that eating meat they considered defiled would affect their conscience in the same ways as it would have had the meat actually been unclean. In the same way as it would have had the meat actually been unclean. In other words, in a sense, perception is reality.
We can never move beyond what we think and believe. Many people today don't even bother to think rationally about what they believe and sometimes end up building their entire lives on beliefs that simply are not true. For them, whatever they say becomes truth and they may be the news media, a celebrity.a group of friends, or others who enjoy sharing opinions, but may or may not really have any idea what is true. When we believe lies, our minds can actually limit us and even keepbus from doing what God created us to do. But,if we will contend for truth, embrace the truth, and build our lives upon the truth, we will succeed in every endavour.

think about it

What one thought do you believe limits you more than anything else, Do you believe you can change.

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