Clarifiaction and defence of the Steemit Factory Racing project

in #motocross8 years ago

Hi guys,
So it seems there is some confusion around this project and myself also. I would like to take this chance to clear the air here and allow people to understand where I'm coming from and my intentions. I completely understand these reservations and i guess i would be naive to think everyone should take my word for things, i guess its easy to trust yourself eh? :)

Ok so I have been a designer for all of my adult working career, i started out as a design assistant in my first job, worked my way up to middleweight designer, senior designer, art director and i am now a creative director. When i was in a meeting a few years ago someone asked me to sum up the role of Art Director, or to explain Art Direction. To me 'Art Direction' is being able to tell a story or convey a feeling or situation without the need for words. You should be able to look at something that has been designed well and feel a home with it. It should explain its purpose and 'feel right' almost instantly.

True art is in the eye of the beholder, also true art is subjective.
Haha how important does that sound! It is something that needs to be understood though.

Everyone and i mean Everyone has a view on how something looks... This can be a good thing or a bad thing but its necessary to understand why this is important in this context. What it means is that the best way to get people to understand what you are trying to say or put across is to 'direct' the experience.

So back to the real reason for this post.
I think this is partly my own doing by not leaving reference to any mock up images i have used to help convey my ideas. This was not my intention and i would like to set the record straight. Steemit is new for me also and i am sure going to make a few mistakes along the way! As long as i hold my hand up publicly and acknowledge these then i hope it will calm any fears or prevent any backlashes.

Ok so in case anyone didn't know or feels mislead by a few pictures from my previous posts let me clear up what i have used and why.

Photoshoped Mockups:
These were never intended to show you real life proof but to simply convey the ideas i wanted to work with. This is normal in my industry and we collect these ideas together and create a 'mood board'. I certainly wouldn't expect anyone to be fooled by these designs and my intentions were never to try and trick. These are simply ideas to move forward with.

for example:

In my last post i used this as a title image:

Again with hindsight i should have referenced the original image but i really didn't think anyone would think this was real... I'm sorry if that was the case and it was never my intention. It was simply to convey the vibe of the project and have a little fun with it.

Please don't ignore the time and effort that goes into designing things for print
Another thing i would like to convey is that i have put a lot of hours into these designs. They are not quick to do and certainly not for print resolutions. I have been fitting these into my spare time and i am very grateful for the generous up-votes from the #steemit community for responding positively towards that. It is still early days for this and I'm hoping for a bright future ahead :)

Where have all the funds gone?
I guess this is what most people are worried about. I can tell you exactly where they are! They are in a wallet offline and ready for use once i get the designs finalized and ready. With print you only get one shot... and trust me printing custom graphics that are hardy enough for this sport is not cheap. Also this is an ongoing project i wanted to grow so these updates are all adding to the fund i can use to push this forward. Motocross is not a cheap sport... a simple google search will tell you of the hardships and costs taken on by the families who support riders.

Please also remember that you do not receive the full amount of the payout as reward. 25% goes to the steemit community, 35% goes into #steem power and 35% goes to #steem dollars. This then has to be traded to steem or sold direct on an exchange. This will dilute the total a little more depending on the market at the time. For the record i am not being ungrateful, far from it! I am just explaining that its not clear cut as what the page shows. All my transactions are public anyway so feel free to follow them.

I also want to move to sponsoring some of the younger riders at my club which i might decide to move ahead of my plans as i want to show people here what i am trying to do. Maybe that would help alleviate some more worries?

Anyway if you have made it this far thank you for reading and hopefully i have cleared the air. As always feel free to post me your feedback below and i will answer as best i can.

Have a great day #steemit :)


So maybe I missed it in your write-up, but does this mean that you will or will not be producing the body of a dirtbike with Steem logos to race with?

If not, what would you need to get something like that done?

All of my votes for your work was based on that assumption.

Hi @blakemiles84, yes i will be getting the graphics printed and also in the process of getting some team kit designed too. Your votes were appreciated and they are all helping towards this goal. I'm trying to do something here and i couldn't do it without all of your support. All i ask in return is a little trust and patience.

Big things coming!

Cool. I've never raced dirtbikes before, but I'd be happy to drive one off into the sunset if you give me the chance :)

great posting, @b0y2k

wow the gear looks great with the steem colors, keep up the good work.


Thanks @mrgrey, i am working on some kit designs at the moment. Its proving hard to track down printers who can print to the spec i require though :)

It's absolutely normal to use Steemit place as laboratory for your work, to check new ideas with people's opinion. Just keep doin this! I like your works an you addiction to race. Full Steem ahead!

Thanks for the positive vibes @busser!
I will continue and hopefully some big big updates coming next! :D

Awesome designs, I would be eager to follow on this model and see how steem can be more exchangeable.

Thanks and stay blessed

I agree @cryptokris, there is no reason this project cannot grow to something big!
Its gonna take work but i will do my best to get it there.

I am a small time designer myself and I know the amount of effort and time that could be consumed to produce something worth a while... I appretiate your work...

Thank you @ashwim, that means a lot.
I think the main problem is that people were seeing these idea mocks as me turning around something for a quick buck. That is not the case and i will make sure to clearly state this in future. They are just 'Art Directions'.

yeah great explaining thnks for share, @b0y2k

My pleasure @cikizan :)

Thanks for explaining!

No problem @fabio. thanks for keeping the faith :)

Never had lost it in the first place! I just came here after I read your announcement to want to clear something up and wanted to show support :-)

cheers buddy :)

Keep pushing, many people will appreciate steady work like yours.

I will keep pushing @shla-rafia :) don't you worry!
It's not about how you get knocked down, its about how you pick yourself up that counts :)

Cool, thanks!;)

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