Adventure team trail "Biroad" conquered the border of Indonesia

in #motorcross7 years ago (edited)


at the beginning of the year 2018 our team adventure trail "Biroad" City juang bireun me exploring the border of Indonesia, Adventure is our hobby as automotive motorcycle lovers trail, Biroad is a team of our team "Track On" Lhoksukon where each of our expedition from the team "Track On "never escaped the invitation of colleagues in the team" Biroad "to enjoy every dent of forest jungle, mountains and valleys created by god.


diawal Tahun 2018 kami team trail adventure "Biroad" Kota juang bireun mejelajahi belantara perbatasan indonesia, Adventure merupakan hobi kami selaku pecinta otomotif motor trail, Biroad merupakan sebuah rekan tim kami yaitu tim "Track On" Lhoksukon dimana setiap ekspedisi kami dari tim "Track On" tidak pernah luput dari ajakan rekan - rekan di tim "Biroad " untuk menikmati setiap lekuk belantara hutan, pegunungan dan lembah ciptaan tuhan.


Postingan yang bagus, terus berkarya bapak @agezz