The Last Jedi - TOMORROW! :D

in #movies7 years ago

Han Solo: "Wonderful girl. Either I'm going to kill her or I'm beginning to like her."
- George Lucas -

GREETINGS, all my friends and followers...

Just the briefest post on New Year's Eve Morning ( Happy New Year to All! )

Our grandson is taking us to see "The Last Jedi" tomorrow morning...

I'm pumped! Stoked!

I remember the original trailers for Star Wars episode four... Back in the 1970s.

I didn't see it until we were traveling across country on our way to California for my wife's cousin's wedding in 1977... My sister and her husband took me to see it in Cleveland.

I loved it.

Then again, I've been a science fiction junky since the first grade...

Maybe I'll come back here with a review.

Maybe I won't.

Either way, you can bet I'll enjoy the experience.

How about you?

Have you seen the movie? Did you like it? Hate it?

Weigh in below with your reply.


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Enjoy the time with your grandson. Don't let the movie ruin it for you.

I grew up as a kid with the original 3 movies and unfortunately couldn't stomach the new films since Disney took over. Way too much virtue signalling and political correctness (IMHO of course).

I think the franchise if officially dead with this one but if you were a fan of the new Ghostbusters movie, you'll love the new Star Wars. Enjoy! :)

Hi everyone, creatr grandson here. Just joined steemit :) I really hated the new ghostbusters film but really liked The Last Jedi. It takes things in a new unexpected direction, which in all honesty is what the franchise needs to be relative and fresh. I will always love the original trilogy but I don't want to see it repeated over and over again. That would inevitably run this franchise into the ground. Star Wars is a massive universe with countless possibilities. I'm beyond stoked that its finally moving past certain things and have been waiting to see its expansion of powerful and well written roles for women and diverse ethnicities. Its about time :)

First off, wecome to Steemit! This is an awesome global community with both a lot of similar interests represented as well as diverse people. You can't ask for more diversity than Steemit... :)

I guess I'm just older and more set in my ways, but for me Star Wars was magical as a kid. I guess I just can't relate to it anymore as an adult.

My only real beef is not with diversity or women, it's how poorly men are portrayed in general. It's rampant everywhere these days. I'm tired of how men and masculine qualities are no longer held as good but are only highlighted in negative ways. It turns me off.

  • Luke - A whiny out of touch male who is a quitter.
  • Finn - A coward as much as a hero who constantly needs saving
  • Poe - A loose canon who acts brashly and irresponsibly
  • Kylo - Typical evil white guy
  • Supreme Leader Snoke - The evil patriarchy

Were there any faults in any of the female characters, not really. I just want balance I suppose. What am I supposed to tell me young boys? Men are evil and can't be trusted to get the job done? Great female and male characters is what I want. I don't mind women or other ethnicities taking the lead. I'm just tired of, well, being ashamed of being a while male (Or at least being told I should be ashamed).

Sorry for the rant. I did actually enjoy to movie as well. But not nearly as much as I would have liked to, especially since it was such a big part of my youth.

Welcome to Steemit again! :)

Thanks for the welcome :) Sometime this week I'll go into a in depth reply to some of your points as I have some disagreements with some of them. I would kindly like to state that in my humble opinion there is nothing in this film that states that something is inherently evil or wrong with being a white male. Representing women and other ethnicities in this and other films is simply more realistic as anyone can be any character. I would hope that you can tell your boys that women and people of color are just as capable of anything they are and vice versa. Also that though one may falter and struggle as Luke did, seeing the good in, the spirit of hope in, and sacrifice that others are willing to make can encourage you to forgive yourself and work towards a better future as Luke did at the movies end. Luke's arc in The Last Jedi is one of the most well written examples of showing the toll that pain can take on someone but how others can help us find our inner strength for good, I've ever seen in a sci fi fantasy. The notion that to be manly requires one to solely solve everything alone and that men never suffer emotional trauma is a unhealthy view of masculinity as it drives men to push others away, creates a unchecked ego and leads to burying or covering emotional struggles through unhealthy vices instead of discussing them in healthy constructive ways. None of this is intended as an attack on you or your boys, just to be clear. Its simply my thoughts on some healthy things that anyone can learn from this film.

No offense taken. You are a pensive person who clearly forms your opinions and views from a well thought out perspective. Disagreements aside, I will always respect that.

I don't necessarily believe that the filmmakers went out of their way intentionally to make men look bad (although they may have). I just feel that the film (like many others in recent years) are a reflection of our new everything traditionally masculine is evil culture in the west.

I agree with most of your points about emotions and feelings and teamwork and I get a bit insulted (you didn't do this) when people insinuate that my objections to man-bashing in society have something to do with being a chauvinist or racist.

I'm more spiritual in my approach and really believe that there is a place for traditional masculine traits (like resolve, forcefulness, action, impulse, strategy, competition etc) as much as the feminine. To shun these will tip our world out of balance. And I believe many of our problems in western society stem from the particular shift and imbalance. The film is simply symptomatic of this for me and clearly does not resonate with people like me.


Thanks for your thoughtful comment. There's not much that could ruin time with the grandson, he and I are pretty close. He is also a huge movie buff, a college grad in film production. So we should have a ton of fun.

And I'm old enough to spot and "suspend disbelief" when it comes to propaganda. ;)

Cheers to that friend! Enjoy it. I went with my kids and they had fun so it was worth it... :)

Sounds fun! I've seen the old one but I was in elementary so I only remember bits and pieces. I think I need to carve out time for these new ones. How about a review? ;)

I'll need to think about a review...

Meanwhile, you can read this one (but it has spoilers):

Movie Review Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Thanks for the link. No worries. I don't have issues with spoilers xD

I didn't see this movie but in such a way you have define it .ihave gotten interest in the movie. Now i am eager to see movie. I know that it is a good movie God bless you

What a Great Way to start the Year!

Thanks, my friend! I expect we'll all have a ton of fun. :D

I haven't watched aq movie in a long, long time and didn't bother with episodes 1,2 and 3 but I'm looking forward to getting the opportunity to relive my youth a little with this one when I get the chance. :)

Have a great time and an awesome 2018, my friend, to you and all of yours.

Thanks, Tony. It should be fun. I don't take these things too seriously; just some mindless entertainment.

I've been a big sci-fi buff since childhood, so it should be fun.

Happy New Year to you and yours! ;)

I haven't seen any of them for a long time. I'd like to see them again, but probably I'd watch them in order.

Yeah, we talked about a marathon... but didn't do it. Not enough time.
Besides, I would no doubt fall asleep. :D

My husband Joe is looking forward to your review. He likes the opinion of trusted friends.

Hi Mary,

I enjoyed the show, but it seemed a bit too long for me. Maybe I'm just getting too old. ;)

I'll think about writing a review, but I guess the short review is that if you are a Star Wars fan to begin with, you'll find enough to enjoy in the movie even if you aren't thrilled with all the details. :D

I agree, they went a little overboard on the lenght. They film should have been edited down to the standard two hours. They could have easily done this by tightening up the action scenes. I talk about that in my own review if you're interested:

Thanks. I appreciate your feedback. ;)

Thanks for the update, I let Joe know. BTW I ate an apple for the first time in 4 years without my face exploding in a huge rash. I am taking it very slow adding back foods I have not been able to eat since that flu shot. Colloidal silver is giving me my life back, there are just not enough words to express how grateful both Joe and I are. I hope you had a wonderful holiday with family and friends.

Hi, Mary,

Thanks so much for the update. I am so glad and very thankful to hear that my little colloidal silver making machine is helping you with your health! :D

I hope you've had a blessed Christmas and I wish you and Joe and your family a very Happy New Year. :D

It's a terrific movie! I hope you had fun.

Thank you, we did have fun. ;)

I enjoyed it! I also came up with a few theories that I’d love to hear your opinion on!

Hello, @jadegreene,

Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

Sorry, but as much as I love sci-fi and Star Wars, I am not one of those "analytical types" who would be able to comment coherently on your theories.

Perhaps someone else who sees this might weigh in? :D

Good luck!

This is very special. Thank you for sharing. I appreciate your great effort
and happy birthday

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