Top 5 Things I Want From Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi

in #movies7 years ago (edited)

      Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi is almost upon us! I don't know about anyone else, but I'll be seeing it tomorrow night at the midnight release. I've been impatiently waiting for this film ever since the credits rolled on The Force Awakens, so I can't be happier that it's finally here. I've stood away from ANY spoilers pertaining to the movie, which is something I failed to do before seeing Episode 7. I've actually only seen one trailer too! The very first one. Because of how blindly I'm going into the movie, I decided to compile a list of everything I want out of the latest installment in the franchise. I figured it'd be amusing to see how far off or close I am. So without further ado:

#1. A Fitting end for Princess Leia

The entirety of the nerd population on planet earth collectively lost their minds last December when Carrie Fisher died. Sadly, the first question on many fan's minds was if she had already completed shooting for The Last Jedi. Disney heard this, and assured us that she did in fact already shoot her scenes. At least the majority of them. One thing which really worried me in particular was how they'd utilize her character in the future. She died a mere ten days after the release of Rogue One, where we got to watch a completely computer generated Tarkin walk across the screen for far longer than he should have. I was scared that they'd go the same route with Fisher's character, especially after Disney announced that they would not be killing her off. I hope that they go the Paul Walker route, although not as over the top and cheesy as that was pulled off. It would be too easy and disingenuous to just kill her character off, and I absolutely do not ever want to see a CGI Princess Leia. Send her off in a manner respectful to her character, and pay tribute to her legacy the right way. I'm going to be upset if they botch this... although based off of the positive reviews the film has been getting, I don't think they did.

#2. No Overuse of Callbacks

I loved Episode 7, and I think most people who aren't serial contrarians liked it too. However one of the biggest gripes many fans had with the movie was that it was too similar to A New Hope. This isn't something I personally subscribe too, however there was one element of these complaints I feel was completely warranted. The callbacks. There were just too many subtle references to previous installments of the series, and it broke the immersion for me. It was awesome at first, such as the infamous moment when Rey comes across the Millennium Falcon and dismisses it as a piece of junk. As the movie went on though... it started to grate on my nerves. I'm completely fine with a healthy number of self referential moments, and callbacks to fan favorite aspects of the series. I just hope they don't overdo it. For anyone who expects them not to do it at all though... this is the 9th live action feature length film in the franchise, that's just an absurd thing to ask of a series this long running.

#3. A Darker Luke Skywalker

We barely saw any of Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker in Episode 7, in fact he only briefly appeared at the very end of the film. This is something which initially disappointed me, that is until I thought about just what may be in store for us with his character in Episode 8. I had a vision of what I thought the movie might consist of while leaving the theater, and I still really hope parts of that actually come to fruition. During The Force Awakens we learned just what Luke got up to after Return of the Jedi, and of his apprentices who betrayed him. Seemingly led by Kylo Ren. We learned about how he went into exile and how he was living, then finally got the single glimpse of him at the very end. In my mind this was all setting up a much darker, cynical Luke. Everything was taken away from him, and he saw it as his fault. I want to see the consequences of that, I want to see the toll that took on his self image. Judging things by the first and only trailer I saw, I think we may very well be getting something close to this, and I'm really excited.

#4. C-3PO and R2-D2

These two have been in every single Star Wars movie. I could be mistaken on that, but I'm ninety five percent sure that they've made an appearance in every installment in the franchise. Now I'm also ninety five percent sure that they won't be in this film to the extent that I want them to be. At least not both of them. Since we'll be seeing the return of Luke as a main character. I'd love for everyone favorite Star Wars mascots to once again be part of the main cast, tagging along with Luke and Rey for their journey/journey's. I don't think the majority of Star Wars fans are clamoring for this, but then again I love these two more than the majority of Star Wars fans.

#5. It won't happen, but... Ahsoka's debut on the big screen

This is something I will always want from every Star Wars film ever. I started watching the animated series "The Clone Wars" to see the relationship between Anakin and Obi Wan. However what really kept me watching was the relationship between Anakin and Ahsoka. Ahsoka was his apprentice, and is easily one of my favorite characters in the entire Star Wars universe. Now I haven't watched Rebels, so for all I know she could have died in that time period... but this is Star Wars. Death doesn't have to be the end. Like I said, I know it won't happen, but if I were to go out and watch this movie, only to see her pop up on screen.... I'd have a heart attack out of pure joy.

There's a few more things I'd like to see out of Episode 8: The Last Jedi, but these are the main ones. I'm interested in seeing how much of this is actually in the film, if any of it even is. I'd love to hear what anyone else wants to see! Or if you agree with any of this...


what i want is to simply know how they fill in the gaps between episode 6 and episode 7

I just wrote my review. You watched it, right? What did you think?

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