Racial and sexual identitarianism vs. individualism - a couple of thoughts

in #mra6 years ago

The video below reminded me of my time at the scouts. Now, in the US, feminists forced boyscouts to accept girls with all else feminists demand for girls.
Over here though? It wasnt segregated to begin with.
Is or was that a problem? No. No, it was not. I used to be with the scouts in my youth, mostly stopping due to disability.
Did we treat women like special snowflakes? No. No, we did not. We didnt dig a seperate shitting hole for them and we didnt refrain from tying them to the ground with tentpegs just becouse they were female. Its what every new person went through, espacialy every new adult. Now, if a woman told you in her #MeToo accusations she was struggled to the ground and tied to it, that would sound incredibly damning, espacialy if it wasnt even denied.
But thats if you dont acknolege the difference between involuntary violence and the wall of death metalheads have.
Incidentaly, many of the #MeToo accusations rely on you not caring about the difference. Harvey Weinstein from all i can tell simply had sex with people he worked with, just like Bill Cosby simply had sex with women he took drugs with.
The accusations rely on you conflating "giving drugs" with "drugging" in this context.

Now, im not saying the number of women that are not like that are notable, what i am saying is, it wouldnt matter if we didnt care about sex to begin with. But we do. Policy does. Even law does in some nations including the united states in which men still are not elligable to vote - they can if they sign up to the draft but ONLY if they sign up to the draft, just like women prior to 1920 could vote if and only if they owned land.
I noticed plenty of people opposed the oppening of the boyscouts to women in itself. I dont agree. In fact, id argue if those women are going to be treated just like the men are, it would be incredibly valuable.
Of course, that is not how its going to go.


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