Photographing the Ice - Photo Challenge and the Story

in #mundaneart7 years ago

In was winter 2010/2011. I was still a student, and the snow blaze started, with the flakes that were perfect crystals.

I run up to my room, took my trusty Yakumo D-410 (my first camera, 4.1 Mpx), umbrella and run back to the yard.

This was the result:


Some 10 or 15 minutes latter weather conditions changed and the flakes changed its shape.

I seriously love this camera, because it's capable to focus even if the object is placed directly on the lens!
Seriously, in macro mode, 0.00 mm - amazing.
And because the sensor was small - everything is in focus.

Unfortunately, no image stabilization and ISO could be either 100 or 200.

Anyway, if you find some old Yakumo in classifieds, don't hesitate to buy it as the special tool for extremely close focusing.
Batteries won't be the problem because it uses standard AA batteries.


Одличан снимак @alexs1320, али објекат на објективу није 0,00 мм — удаљеност се мери од равни филма, односно сензора :)

Znam, kao ona oznaka na dSLR-ovima, nego mi je nekako uvek bilo intuitivno da za interne potrebe merim razdaljinu od kraja objektiva do minimalnog fokusa i širinu slike koja može da se dobije na tom rastojanju. (*priznajem, krajnje čudno, ali mi je nekako praktično)

Primera radi, na papiru, 40 cm, super, ali do prestravljene pčelice mi ostane 20 cm :) i hvatam 5 cm na primer što mu dođe pola prsta.

Cool! nice photography with your past memory.

impressive :) keep up the good work

Wow :O amazing!

Wow, amazing, I didn't know that you can do this without serious macro lens

This was a very strange old camera with crazy saturation and macro abilities because the front element stayed fixed. And its small sensor made possible to have everything in focus all the time

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