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RE: Does he look familiar? DNA can show the face of a killer for Cold Case detectives

in #murder6 years ago

I hope so too, but it's not looking good, absent any forensic evidence. I keep thinking there must have been some guy's skin under her long fingernails... but in 1976, small town police weren't collecting DNA.


True enough.

So many young woman have been murdered and disappeared without a trace, and there are just SOOOO many cold cases.

I used to work at Carnation Company's world headquarters on Wilshire Blvd., and I remember one day when a coworker didn't come to work, which wasn't like her. Her supervisor tried to reach her, failed, then wound up ultimately calling her apartment's superintendent to check on her. This was on a Monday.

The super, receiving no response to his knock, looked in her window and saw her lying on the floor. He quickly entered and checked for vital signs; there were none. She had died from multiple stab wounds. He called the police.

Naturally, no one saw anything. She had been alive Friday night, neighbors heard a low conversation through the wall that sounded like she was speaking with a man, but no one saw him. There was no sign of struggle, no sign of forced entry; just her dead body.

I am sorry to say that I only vaguely remember her. We didn't know one another, and she worked on a different floor, but we'd met a couple of times in passing.

But her death affected me deeply, along with my friends who worked there; we all knew that this could have happened to any of us.

I didn't discuss it with my family, as I was living on my own across town, and didn't want to worry them, especially my mom. And I had an advantage that this unfortunate young woman did not have; my roommate was my 135-pound Newfoundland, Ebony, who would absolutely have protected me with her life.

This sounds like a bad thing to say, but it's good to hear that you and other coworkers were "deeply" affected by the senseless murder of a woman you didn't even know very well. The killer apparently lives on, undetected, indifferent to the suffering inflicted on others.
Funny: there's a Carnation factory in the town where my sister was killed.

Interesting, and yes, perhaps haunting as well.

I worked there when it was still a family owned business, and seriously misogynistic, as were most companies at the time. But I worked with some great people, many of whom became friends.

I was always sorry I hadn't gotten to know this young woman better, as those who knew her held her in high regard, and were devastated by her loss. I can only imagine whet her family went through.

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