
in #music7 years ago


It is a virtual band created by Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett who is afundamental part since he is a drawerand the one that gives life to imaginarythe whole world of Gorillaz, Whichpresents from its beginnings strong subject both in the musicalthing and in the concept of the bandsince behind the music they werepresenting histories that him werehappening to the personages.

At personal level the band seemsfascinating to me so much at musicallevel and as for its presentation, thedays of the disc remained far anamesake, a Demons Days, PlasticBeach and always forgotten the fall.

Now he has to speak about its album the most recent Humanz

In words of the proper author thealbum “presents an apocalyptic stagenot much removed to our currentreality where the election of DonaldTrump as one of the most powerfulmen of the planet marks a strong slopefor the humanity”.

Apart from that the subject-matter isclear something politicized but eggwhite, it is a radiography of the currentsociety with everything good and thebad thing. Of the point of view of theconcept it sounds well but at themoment of listening to it he feelsdesenfocado one feels that he wants toinclude many topics without finding aclear conceptual line in which it ispossible to guide.

The need to demonstrate the self-destruction of the world is veryvaluable but this leads to so muchdifferent ways that the songs do notstop fitting into a compact and unifiedbundle and one would hope that thingabout gorillaz how the Fall hasdemonstrated it earlier with DemonDays, enclosed Plastic Beach, that lesscareerists tackle topics, but inside whatheader was keeping a coherence somuch narrative as at levelcomposicional. On the other handHumanz feels disconnectedthematically and musical relied on withthe genres, soul, house, dance, electronics and hip hop, this denotes abig creative explosion as lacking inapproach, since in spite of howpessimistic the letter is the music thataccompanies it invites you to dance.

Track List

  1. I switched My Robot Off
    This is a comment that describes ourrelation with the technology it appears

  2. Ascension (Ascent)
    It is a declaration of how the world iscoming to its end and that to this alonepoint is important to look for thepersonal satisfaction accompanied by astrong message anti racist. The assentconception plays with the idea ofreaching something better when onegains access to the death.

  3. Strobelite
    It is a particularly dance song, on whichof some form he reflects of as we hidethe pain with the apparent state ofpleasing.

  4. Saturnz Barz
    This is the song ensign of the albumwhere we find Podcaan counting itshard life history, complemented by one2D tormented by the decisions of itspast. The concept that turns concerningthe song is the search of the success orin its defect the defeat.
    In this song there is a phrase inparticular that there attracts attentionof me “WITH THE HOLOGRAMSBESIDE ILL DANCES HIS ALONETONIGTH”, it possesses a doublereading referring to the Internet to thevirtual and false world that we havecreated and that coexists in our reality, and the singing of Damon Albarn whodoes space to himself across theholograms that are gorillaz to speakstraight with us. On the other hand thesubtitle marries of spirits it is bothreflex of the musical video and the logoof the band, like a metaphor that thebar where one drowns its sorrow isequal to a place full of bogeys.

  5. Momentz
    The soul marks the return of therappers De, one has powerful subtextthat he speaks on how we get obsessedin the course of time but that in turn wefill our moments of ephemeralexperiences and withouttranscendency. Quite accompanied inan intelligent way with an industrial andelectronic rhythm as if the memorieswere produced in series.

  6. The odd number - conformist Oath
    It is an interlude of form of comedy thathe speaks about how we have lost theindividualism.

  7. Submission
    Song that generates an interesting duobetween a woman dependent on itsexcouple and a man who leaves theconcept of the love due to an instabilityof money and time. Two key conceptsto that we listen to repeat itself alongthe album.

  8. Charger
    It is a song difficult to interpret, it isdark and its sense seems to point thatsuddenly we receive things withoutknowing really from which they come.

  9. Elevator Going Up
    The sound of an elevator makes way forus to the most melancholic part of thedisc.

  10. Andromeda
    Very nostalgic song that is a homage somuch to the deceased mother of itscouple as sing to the already deceasedone Bobby Womack. Quite with a verymystical air adopting again anastronomical metaphor.

  11. Busted and Blue
    It is a heartbreaking singing that goeswith it thematic like the existentialcrisis, the lack of affection and themastery of the technology in our life.

  12. Talk removed

  13. Carnival
    Quite dark song that in a figurative waydocks like the human relations they endup by turning a mere game.

  14. Let Out
    Flatly it puts the things the mostpolitical explicitando the malignantfigure of Donald Trump who brings withit dark times especially for theminorities.

  15. Penthouse

  16. Sex Murder Party
    In a frankly twisted way it puts us in theskin of a sexual predator

  17. Shes My Collar
    It continues the same note tackling themeetings of one night that is for far themost frivolous section of the album. Ittouches as the sexual intercourse hasbeen denatured, to the point of turningit into something completely banal, passing and disposable.

  18. The Elephant
    As republican campaign sign announces its victory.

  19. Hallelujah Money
    It is the most open protest singing forthe election of Donald Trump. Aradiography of the current politicalambience as everything moves for themoney, the ambition and the powerdestroying the ground in the process.

  20. We Got the Power
    It takes form of an allegory of freedomand power that believes in the spirit ofchange and of the capacity of thehumanity to get over to the adversity.


I see this album like theconglomeration of a heap of ideas andcolors assembled in a tremendouslycreative bundle, that what it does nothave of cohesive has of charismatic theinterludes they separate the album indifferent sections of an independentway the automation of the humanbeing, the dependence, the gap andthe loss, the indolence, Frivolity and theboth proper and foreign power allsymptoms of the current society, thesociety who is finishing with the world. Expiring with the initial premiseinsisting that everything should sitdown more like a collection of songsthat met in an album. Humanz isdifficult to digest and is understandablethat to the fans it is difficult to see likesomething top his those who have beendone in advance, in fact I do not see itlike that either. But with everything it isstill a coloring powerful work and withcharisma that possesses potentiallymemorable topics. After him veryturning I do not feel disappointed theymanaged to surprise me with theartistic direction that they took and atthe end of accounts this is for what Iexpect from a band as Gorillaz.

To this album I give to him 6/10.
