Why do you think it is impossible for you to move your body? Now don't quickly blame it on your lack of skill. Relax.
Now tell me, what would it cost you to :
nod your head when you hear good music
shake your somewhat rigid waist to the rhythm of the bass guitar
tap your very lovely looking foot inside your shoe;where you have decided to hide it , when YOUR favorite song is played
My point ? Simple... Dancing is not a crime nor a sin. and you are not taken less serious when you dance. No matter how uptight you think life has got you looking, DO NOT let it take the rhythm out of life for you. Take 5min everyday to listen to some very lovely music and dance your mind to freedom, remember it's more about the process than the steps.
in the shower
while taking out the trash
while doing the dishes
in the supermarket
when you hear something that makes you smile
EVERYWHERE and with Every opportunity
SHOW YOU THE DANCER WITHIN and shake the walls of your RIGID self. This will by default result in a much more healthy living.
Stay close for more on the music series at the klynic. Don't forget to comment, subscribe, share and reshare.
Very interesting