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RE: Riots, Raves, Human Rights & Criminal Justice Bills (On the frontline of the UK's Free Festival & Illegal rave culture)

in #music7 years ago (edited)

Hey @jimbobbill thanks for taking the time to support and leave a comment, I really appreciate it. It's shocking to witness the fact that this type of brutality happens on British soil. If the video evidence wasn't there most people would never believe what had happened. I wasn't at the beanfield but I was at the criminal justice riots and if you'd watched it on the news you'd never have known the extent of the violence. It was around the time of the miners strike and they employed similar tactics on them.

I feel it's the sense of an alternative community that the government really hated. This could never be allowed to become a viable alternative. These people wanted freedom from the chains of the system and to the authorities the concept of freedom is a dangerous thing. Were they perfect? hell no, but give me a rough diamond over a polished turd any day of the the week! As we move to greater and greater state control over every aspect of our lives you can really see why this lifestyle threatened the long plan for us all.

Thanks again my friend!