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RE: Musical Interlude Part.4 - "Cybernation" by @tata.lucette.

in #music7 years ago

Waay back in the 80ies, when i was a kid, in a doctor who episode, i first heard the word 'cyber'.
it comes from the greek 'kybernos', a notch in the stern of a boat,
through which one pokes a stick in the water,
and propells the boat by wiggeling it.
both boat and water are in motion,
but the cybermen are in controll ,
as they give feedback to the chaos of the waves,
and pick which peaks to surf.
the same word also originates to guvnor, the gouvernment.
So the upcoming cyber-government is an inevitable tautologie,
it just means more people get more potential power,
the qquestion is , how aware are we of those capabilities,
and how willing are we to discover them ?
Can't stand the cyber-gouvernment ? Wanna kick cyber-chaos ?
Learn Programming the Matrix !
And join the Cybernation :-D !


I appreciated your comment very much.

In french, we say "hibernation" for "hibernate".
So the meaning here is that everyone is into social networks and all kind of things that put you in cyber worlds almost 24Hours a day.

The conclusion is that "Cyber" + "Hibernation"= Cybernation.