Music Monday (feel free to add your own music)
Every Monday I intend to post a music video (and a few words explaining my choice) I invite you to join me by doing same in the comments section below. As the forum (hopefully) grows my aim is that we begin to inspire our fellow Steemians to broaden their musical horizons by listening to the music that inspires us. The only thing I ask is that (where possible) every song we listen to is played nice and loudly on headphones or speakers in order that we capture it’s true essence.
As more Steemians join this venture there is also going to be the possibility of being rewarded for our musical tastes via the amount of upvotes each song receives. That said please never feel awkward about posting a track, a guilty pleasure or even your own musical ventures. I have an extremely wide range of musical interests but also understand that music like beauty is very much in the eye of the beholder. As such I may play my chosen song, but who am I to define what constitutes good music.

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Hey Buddy, I’m back and decided to go for a fucking truly surreal moment!
Foo Fighters and Rick Astley at the O2 arena last year?! WTF?!
Never gonna give you up.
Are you kidding me? 😂
Haha just when I think I've heard it all you go and chuck me another curve ball! For the crowd that must have been one of the biggest wtf!!?? moments ever lol I'd been interested in hearing the story behind it :D Thanks or the music @tremendospercy
Dave Grohl is a massive fan! 😲
I think they played Tokyo too!
lol, this made my day! :))))
Simply stunning music. Yours is right - it is a crazy world! Is it alright? Amazing video with it :)
Nice one !
Hey my friend, Thank you I'm really glad you enjoyed my choice this week! This is a great choice!! I'm a huge Clapton fan and this just washes over you like a wave of beautiful music! As always his guitar work is seamless .. it's so effortless that it's almost as it's an extension to his body .. equally Crays solo is sublime! Thank you for the music @ricia
i can really feel that wave... very emotive song <3
Piece of art :)
5 Deadly Indians. I think Funkdoobiest was completely underrated. I love the story Son Doobie tells in this song of the Native American Indians having to deal with the westward expansion of settlers.
Excellent choice @patriciorayaz I still have the original Funkdoobiest albums kicking around at home .. I think Son Doobie is (or was) now on Swollen Members, Battleaxe label. Like you say this track has some excellent and emotive lyrics, I really appreciate hip-hop that carries a message, wisdom and story and this track has it in spades!! Thank you for the music.
This is fuckin dope!
Music Monday!
Thanks for the introduction to this amazingly talented woman :)
Wow! That's a hell of a lot of music for one woman! Excellent stuff my friend! I really enjoyed listening to this and equally, it substantiates my belief that the best music goes unheard by the majority. So much talent on display here .. respect! Thank you for the music @jakeybrown
Ya, she's awesome, I love this song. Anytime, music monday for life
I don't know whats going on with me today but this one almost made me cry its so amazing... Great pick
There is some heart in this song, I can see it being sad even though the song doesn't seem sad
I saw this video a few months ago. Wonderful talent!
Here is a band from Vancouver Island where I live. Malahat.....named after the mountain between Victoria and Duncan.
wow - love it !
Thank you @peaceannejustice I've never heard these before .. following your recommendation that's now going to change! Excellent choice (loving the guitar work on this) and a testament to why I love listening to all these diverse musical choices. Thank you for the music my friend.
Ahhh BC <3 That voice, wowza!
Cretan traditional lute player and Australian punk rock drummer formed a band. Here’s their latest hit:
Xylouris White - Only Love
OMGoat This video is so FUN! this should be the #minnowbooster upGoat theme song @minnowbooster
@hrissm thank you for sharing this It up such a big smile on my FACE and gives me ideas of some animation I need to learn. I look forward to more of your song shares.

Glad you enjoyed it!! I love the selfie reaction and reflection of it in your lens! I'll definitely be sharing more music too! Stay tuned... (pun disclaimer)
PUn Received and digital dial set on tunes :)
Haha! Man that's a genre in itself and I'm loving the abstract and insane video .. never heard of these before so thank you for the introduction, great choice @hrissm
I’m glad you liked it! I’m really into the traditional Greek (more-so Cretan) music. So when this collision of genres was formed it was very interesting to me, to say the least. They have also evolved a lot since their inception.
And agreed the video is amazing and tells the story well. I should translate this one too if it isn’t already...
Got to be a bit of Floyd for me this week bro. Have a great week and everyone else joining in.
Nice - glad you kept enough back ;)
:-) Thank you my friend.
Great choice my friend .. I love this and for my money one of the best tracks on the album!! This was just perfect to relax to after a long day at work. There is just something so soothing and real about Floyd .. once you feel their genius it never lets go. Equally they make me lament that there will probably never be another band of their ilk .. in many ways they are my musical high tide mark. Thanks again @deliberator
beautiful <3
Here is one of my allll time favorites, the original and this piano cover speak to my soul. I love belting this one out, every aspect of it gives me shivers <3
@amymya thank you for sharing the Stunning Piano cover and Getting my blood pumping this morning :)
@unityeagle check out the energy in this piano play!
She has more amazing videos, such a beautiful musician!
Stunning band! If I could play drums like that I would die happy ;)
Excellent @amymya that certainly put a spring in my step!! I love this track .. whatever mood I'm it instantly lifts me .. I used to train to this and the energy it exudes is contagious. Thank you for the music I had forgotten just how cool this song is .. the piano version is simply spine tingling!!
Me too! No matter the mood, I can sing it angry, happy, sad, the lyrics and expression are just so profound and full of passion... love it to pieces.
This song really gives the energy. Even your breathing becomes different. Rock on!
Here's one for you that also relates to current events...
For some reason the uploader included about 10 seconds of silence at the beginning but it will play eventually!
The Eagles-The King of Hollywood
Yes! Me too, I think it's a great choice ;)
Excellent and inspired choice my friend .. to me this track is akin to a beautiful musical comfort blanket, one I really enjoyed wrapping myself in and letting it wash away my busy day. Thank you for the music @onetruebrother I had forgotten just how good this is!
I choose this one, Dragons & demons, because lead singer & percussionist Thomas Nepia has just passed away so I thought of this song straight away. Herbs are a legendary band in New Zealand. Happy Monday everyone.
Hey @kaykunoichi I've never heard of this band before so I thank you for the introduction. A great track!! Perfect to chill out to and simply let the music wash over you (loving the guitar work) .. excellent stuff. Thank you for the music .. a worthy addition to my playlist :)
Thank you @perceptualflaws that really means a lot! We grew up on this music in New Zealand. Much respect!
Great old reggae sound :)
Love it!