Why I Am More Excited About Musicoin Than Ever Before!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #musicoin7 years ago (edited)

Why Musicoin Excites Me!


I wanted to use @Musicoin for a few months and really get "stuck in" to understand the technology, the road map and the motivations behind the team.

I have run my own technology company for over 15 years so I have seen my fair share of technology come and go. Companies that concentrate on providing a stable foundation and then grow organically tend to fair better in the long run than those that hide behind "smoke and mirrors" and "vapourware". The later are usually in it for the money and nothing else and that is ultimately why they fail (or they hype it up and sell - they have VCs to answer to after all!).


I was developing websites back when Alta Vista was one of the dominant search providers. Google didn't announce itself in a blaze of publicity before going on to develop its algorithms that ultimately turned it into the Goliath that it is today. No they quietly worked on their technology and when people saw that the search results were more relevant than any of the competitors the exodus began.

I see Musicoin in a similar light - building a solid foundation that pays musicians more than any other streaming service.

I Was Sceptical

I was initially sceptical as here was a technology that was already available but has performance issues and there was not a lot of communication from the team as to what they were doing about it.

What I have come to realise is that the reasons are that this is a VERY SMALL team who have their heads down getting on with the development. They are not some VC funded company with a huge budget available to hire a ton of staff. Rather than trying to develop a fully functioning and stable release of the platform they have given us a beta release (read "test system") that allows us to help them test it AND that actually pays us as well!

I still wish I knew a bit more about the team but that's a small issue. When you see people like Multi-Platinum & Multi-Grammy Nominated Producer Pascal Guyon getting behind Musicoin you realise that this could be something amazing.

And you can actually earn more than you will from any other streaming platform already!

Pascal Guyon on why he believes in Musicoin

It's Not About The Currency

Most people's (including my) introduction to Musicoin is via Bitcoin.

Watching a few videos/reading a few articles leads you to learning about the "blockchain" and if you delve deeper you realise that the blockchain is not just for currency transactions.

A currency is needed to pay musicians but first and foremost Musicoin is about using the blockchain to enable direct payment to musicians as soon as a track is streamed as there is no need for an intermediary. 100% of the streaming revenue goes directly to the artist, immediately!

It's a new way to build a "business", if you can call it that in the traditional sense, and it's something that we can all be part of rather than just users of.

The Ambassador Programme

Version 1 of the Musicoin wallet was released recently and the team's focus has turned to increasing awareness now that this milestone has been reached.

As I said above there is no PR team to do this but the exciting thing is we can all get involved and The Ambassador Programme is one way.

Ambassadors are advocates of Musicoin who believe passionately in its future and want to spread the word through whatever platforms they are comfortable with.

If you are interested in becoming an Ambassador then contact Ambassador Liason (ambassadorliason@musicoin.org).


I have also added Musicoin to my website AtomCollectorRecords.com where you can get more plays of your tracks by listening to other artist's music. You earn credits by listening and then use them to put your own tracks in play rotation.

More Information About Musicoin

Join Musicoin (my referral link)
Musicoin White Paper
Musicoin on Discord
Musicoin Forum

Add dsound & Musicoin tracks and get more plays!

Follow @JuxtaMusic for More Of My Music


Absolutely fantastic and concise post, John! This inspires me to go ahead and write one of my own, to keep the snowball going! Together, we shall make Musicoin THE reference for online musick streaming! Bright days ahead, my friend, bright days indeed! Welcome to the Ambassador team, BTW, I am glad you joined! I think you are an invaluable asset to the online musick community and the work you have done and keep on doing is awesome! Cheers! P.S.: I noticed the link provided in your article, in relation to the Ambassador program, leads right to the Musicoin site. Can I suggest you make it point to "ambassadorliason@musicoin.org" instead? ;)

Thank you very much for your kind words. Bright days ahead indeed!

I do actually link to that email address but I guess links to emails don't work. I'll just put it as text instead.

One interesting part of their proposition is the concept of tipping - additional coins that you can give from your pot of coins if you really appreciate the work of the artist. I was sceptical that listeners would bother but am proved wrong. Nearly 50% of our coins have come from tips (which is not uncommon).

A have also been pleasantly surprised by this!

thanks for sharing this!

I have been taking my time getting in to the #musicoin platform, as it is a little funky at first.

eager to learn more, of course

Did you try using AtomCollectorRecords.com? It's effectively a Musicoin jukebox. You earn listening credits by listening to other's tracks.

yup been scoping out your site today :-) thanks so much for what you are bringing!

Absolutely spot on, John! Musicoin is in its infancy, the team is small and we all need to ALL we can to spread the word to independent musicians languishing in the mire of the giant platforms that pay a fraction of what Musicoin pays for streaming. There are awesome developments in the pipeline. For instance, they are working with the folks at ROCKI to create the first blockchain audio speaker that actually pays musicians when fans clap. How cool is that!? Join the coin, immediately if not sooner!

I didn’t realize you had such an extensive background in tech, but it makes sense now... in fact, I was just talking to #THESPEAKERBREAKER about you yesterday... I’m actually getting ready to walk out the door right now, but I’ll be back to look more deeply into this #ambassador program you’ve mentioned... I’ve msintained for months now that #musicoin is the way to go, but that it’ll take time, patience, and dedication... it’s only the beta version, great things are on the way...

I hope it was all good! :P

Yes musicoin is tge future i also see a video app addon on top of musicoin do you think its posisble? @atomcollector i also tried signing up on atomcollector.com but keep getting a error help me out please

Anything is possible! :-)

What error do you get when signing up?

Complete Registration
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'
Type mismatch: 'CInt'
/register/register2.asp, line 524

Still getting the problem

Excellent article and write-up. The future is looking bright for independent artists and Musicoin sure is an awesome platform!

Bingo. Great comparison to Google, by the way. I remember the early days of Google back when I was a kid. It just worked better than the other engines I used at the time (Jeeves, Lycos, Alta Vista, Yahoo!) I used it once, switched back to Yahoo! for a few months, and then switched over. Precisely the same pattern persisted with Musicoin. Tried it once, switched back to Soundcloud for a few months, and then switched over full time.

Cant agree more than on this one :) Really think its superior technology behind it, and even better the artist gets paid in the second the song is played and can dispose the earnings it. Join us and get paid per play!

Great article, I have only recently uploaded track and it is amazing how the platform works, interesting to see a mjor player involved, i had no idea.

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