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RE: Musing Posts

I think this answer will be obsolete very soon, at least in all the of developed countries and some more modern developing countries. Because soon we would not recognize a world without the internet.

Picture this:

  1. I am now considered anti-social for spending less time on social media to socialize and not posting pictures of everything i do on them. People now call me "anti-social" now not because I dont go out often, but because i didnt "proved" that i did.

  2. Every passing day made me more firm in my stance that physical classroom education is outdated, inefficient, politically-biased, wasteful, inhumane, and valueless to society. All because the internet has shown me a better alternative. 90% of the useful things i learned are from my researches on the internet and not a classroom.

  3. I have friends in Russia that I constantly keep in touch with.. This was never practically possible with mails or telephones

  4. People may not realize or admit this themselves , but i truly see that the term "cyborg" is applicable to me now.. I can't do anything without being near a device to either communicate or research, which in my line is as valuable as work itself. I can't talk to my client unless there's internet. The whole foundation of how i feed myself is via the internet...

This are but one of many ways the internet has changed my life.. And I can't see myself ever doing backwards.

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