
It's actually very simple the miss universe acually need a new set of rules as to whether transgender participating in the actually acceptable because in my opinion miss universe is actually for women, the phrase that having a Vagina doesn't make you a woman is quite bizzare, if a vagina is not a characteristic of womanhood then I wonder what really makes you a woman?

To me transgender women are actually men that have every properties and qualities of being a man, from their way of thinking to the mindset and conscience they still remain men to me and participating in miss universe originally meant for women definitely doesn't feel right.

My opinion is that I do not have anything against trans performing at the miss universe but my point is that it's only their appearances that makes them look women their inner self and consciousness is still masculine.

It will definitely feel better if there was a beauty pageant for trans, whether male or female, vice versa. The culture and purpose of this pageant was meant originaly for women and trans soiling it is like contaminating it's original essence

Another great answer mate, I could see it passingbthe million mark by monday or tuesday but then falling back. I dont really understand how it allmworks but obviously this rise isnt indefinite!

There are no records in history of anyone dying from the active ingredient in marijuana which is THC. Smoking itself is harmful and could probably kill you just cause smoking itself is harmful. You can get around this by using a vaporizer or by eating marjuana in a snack or food after preparing the marijuana by frying it in some kind of fat like butter. You can take insane amounts of THC these days by consuming butane hash oil made from good weed and no you won't die unless there impurities in the hash oil or worst case scenario you will have a bad trip and get a panic attack but you probably won't die. You die from coffee than from marijuana, but even that scenario is quite unlikely.

It's great, especially if it helps unanswered questions find an answer. Every improvement to musing just keeps making it better!

It is awesome. Recommended questions (and answers) was muissing so far.

The biggest problem was that until now Musing was merely a feed and no awesome threads were highlighted. The problem with that being that when you arrive on the site via an external link, you don’t know where to go next.

Shaping the flow of traffic is a very important thing for websmasters as most users don’t know where to go next and will generally follow the options given. If you look for example at a site like WebMD you will see that when you enter it via Google, and even when browsing the site, each article has plenty of related links in the sidebar. That’s because you came for a specific thing and the site tells you ‘Don’t leave yet! Here’s more of that topic’.

That is also very important for SEO btw.

Thus it wouldn’t be surprising if over time, and depending on how you found the question thread, the recommended links will be more related to the question you are currently reading or answering.

Thanks! Looking into them. And yes, for Musing.

The sight of a mouse in one's house is a nightmare because with one comes along others for a party. They have a vivacious breeding habit such that in a matter of weeks, you could have a dozen of them. Apart from the fact that they communicate using their urine dropping diseases everywhere, they could harm your cable wires, eat up your documents, destroy your food items and cause so much havoc and this is why they are pests and the first thought of a house owner on sighting them is to kill them, I do kill them actually.

However, there are animal lovers who would rather look for a less horrible way to get rid of them without causing any harm

1. The use of scents. Rats have a sharp sense of smell and they hate the scent of some spices like peppermint, black pepper, garlic . Simply acquire these items and place them in sensitive areas where you know there is an increase in the rat activities. This is a natural and safe method of chasing them out of your house but do not forget these creatures are smart and can easily circumvent this.

2. Use of non-lethal traps.: these are human traps that are made in such a way to trap the rat in a container with no way out. It uses baits anywhere. Just drop the trap where there is high rodent activity or droppings and watch them take the bait. After it catches them, dispose of the rat very far away from your house to ensure it doesn't return again.

3. Keep your home clean and tidy. Rats ain't dirty animals but a dirty environment is more appealing to them. Secure your food tightly and seal up all holes. These will help you get rid of the rats humanely without having to poison or kill them.

There are various ways you can control sex urge. Sex urge firstly starts from the mind so one of the ways you can control sex urge is to control what goes through your mind. When your mind is filled with sexual thoughts, the resultant effect is constant sex urge. So control what goes through you mind.

But in order to control what your mind ponders on, you have to consider what you feed your eyes and ears. What we look at consistently and listen to, influence what go through our minds.. when you spend your time watching or listen to sexual content, you're filling your mind with sexual thought and the resultant effect is sexual urge.

So control what you watch and listen to. You also need to keep yourself busy engaging in productive work. An active heart would have no need dwelling on sexual urge. whenever you're having such urge, just get yourself busy and the urge would die down.

Plenty of masturbation. Get on pornhub

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