
I would love to witness the day the ex late south african president was released from prison,he was a man i read so much about and i would wish to witness the day he was released and get to see the joy on his face and the face of many south africans who witnessed that glorious day...

I would want to witness the Egypt era when the pyramids were built.

With many theories going on, many films made on how the Pyramids came into being. I will want to witness it for my self. Egypt being called the cradle of civilization means there will be many things for me to see if I could witness the old Egypt.

Sanmi's answer looks sufficient enough. How do I upvote that?

You can only upvote for the first week

I'm almost indoors all through the day except something very serious pulls me out of my room. How do I build vibes to always get me out of my room.?

I'm not an anti-social person but I lack this vibe to want to go out of my room. I enjoy my company all by myself. Sometimes I get bored, most times I don't. Is something wrong with me? How do I get out of this?

As someone who is also somewhat "introverted" and spend most of his time indoors just playing some games and watching some tvshows/anime, what made me go outside was an outgoing person who was willing to drag me out of my comfort zone. :)

At first, I honestly don't like it as I was not used being under the sun and even walking places (going around the mall is tiring). But over time, I kind of long it. I think what you really need is a person willing to teach you the world outside your room. :)

Hmmm! this is interesting. So I need to open the door to people who are willing to pull me out of my comfort zone. This is indeed helpful. Thanks for your thoughts.

What you need is to invite friends in first. Let them fill you and your room with energy. Then when you start enjoying it, they leave. This will make you long for it, miss it and eventually crave it. Then you see them flexing outside and you want it too. So you take those baby steps out of your room and into the world.

Wow! Thanks for this suggestion. I hope it helps.

Do you like being outside at all? Or think you might be open to it? I've found, at times when it's hard to get myself out of the house, as soon as I do I actually enjoy it very much and end up spending much more time out of the house than I had intended to. Sometimes all it takes is the initial process of walking out the door. 

For instance, although I greatly prefer to make coffee at home, I've often made it a habit to go to a local place that's deserving of support to fill my mug rather than just making it at home. Financially, it's pretty stupid. But it does make me leave the house as I usually want that coffee pretty first thing. Usually the thought of it is dreadful, but then when I actually embark on the mission I really enjoy it! I often will end up extending my coffee outing long after I had planned on returning. 

I guess all I'm trying to say is you gotta find something to get you outta the house. I lived with a bunch of kids I didn't know and who were pretty anti-social this summer and a lot of my friends had moved out of town. I hated going "out" and socializing with random people but then a bar/arcade opened and I started to go there every day. It was like a compromise to me- I was around people and would occasionally find myself in conversation; but I could also just play video games and drink a few cheap beers. 

I'm pretty sure musing would still thrive even if that happened. Yes musing and Quora serve the same purpose, but they are built on completely different platforms. Musing already has its own following and brand and I believe that when the next hardfork comes out, it's going to make it so much easier for people to join musing.

As far as I'm concerned Musing can only get better from this point.

Yeah will still really thrive because this platform is built on the steem blockchain and we steem

as rewards,,steem is a cryptocurrency that will also have a great feature and would enable users of this platform to be able to keep earning money,,but i also feel it would

be very wonderful if this platform can create their own token so that they can also benefit from the SMT that will

be lanched during first quarter of 2019,,but i am sure that if quora creates its own ICO it will not stop from being successful continously....

This is an interesting question and I think the actual outcome would be dependent on a few different scenarios. 

1. Would Musing survive if Quora released it's own Crypto on Ethereum or another blockchain?

In the scenario where Quora released their own cryptocurrency on a blockchain that wasn't Steem I think then it's highly likely/guaranteed that Musing would survive, I believe currently that Musing's user base is quite different from the Quora user base. I believe both platforms would exist in the same way we see now, you would use Quora if you currently use Quora and you would use Musing if you currently use Musing. Some Musing users may go and try an earn Quora too, but I think overall a lot of users who currently use the Steem blockchain would prefer to stay using Musing.  

2. Would Musing survive if Quora released an SMT?

Putting aside the massive rewrite Quora would need to do in order to work on the Steem blockchain and overall huge changes to their user experience. If Quora were to create their own SMT I believe that it would be harder to predict if Musing would survive, this is because Quora could easily become the go-to question and answer platform on the Steem blockchain overnight, their current user base is already huge and they would be able to onboard thousands of people to the Steem blockchain almost instantly. The big question would be how would Musing differentiate themselves from Quora, currently Musing doesn't show ads and everything is immutable. We would assume that Quora would do the same if they released an SMT. 

I think the hard part going forward would be on-boarding new users, I believe the early adopters of Musing would stay, but I think it would be harder to onboard new users with such a big, well-established competitor. Of course, Musing may still tick along and have enough users to keep moving forward, but I believe the overall growth of the platform might be somewhat compromised in this scenario. 

They would need to raise an additional round to fund the creation of all those accounts if they were to launch a SMT. LOL

As a venture capital backed company it is highly unlikely that Quora could possibly ever consider tokenization. Not unless, first, they would convince the board of directors to dilute their holdings or alternatively buy back all shares.

Many companies in a later stage of evolution, and thus finances, have not always sufficient shares available to raise more funds and need to create new shares. This can only be approved by the Board of Directors, many of which also are often larger shareholders.

The biggest question to be asked here is “How much shares, thus tokens, could Quora issue and at what price, in order to satisfy its existing investors?”.

That would be one of the largest ICOs yet because Quora is currently valued at $1.8bn. Obviously, that valuation is what existing investors would expect to see in the ICO - and preferably even more - in order to be satisfied with the operation. Yet, at that point they enter a volatile market, a market which so far hasn’t yet proven any genuine valuation mechanics beyond BTC dominance.

If you look round you will note that many investors do not invest in tokens, but in teams. They invest in a company, and that company may hold tokens (which may even be defined in the term sheet) but the more traditional - and larger investors - will not invest by buying tokens. Instead they will give the company money to grow and scale. So-called runway.

The cryptomarket is still too volatile and unregulated for investors to touch it, especially considerations that most venture capital funds are not the money of the investors themselves. More of than not they are managers of funds, funds provided by backers. Many funds on Sandhill Road are backed by for example the country of Norway as well as private rich people and also hedge fund managers, who back the VC funds with funds they manage.

Would Musing still thrive?

It’s slightly too early to say that because Musing is too young and while it already has momentum it’s definitely not yet at the level of “thriving”.

yeah quora and have some similar features

but is a project on the steem blockchain and users will be rewarded if their questions or answers are

well good enough according to the curators of the platorm,if quora should come out with their ICO well it

will really make quora to become more effective but that will definitely not stop from thriving.... have its own unique features that will make it thrive and whatever happens to quora will not stop from thriving,they both have their own lovely plans and if quora decides to create their own token it

will not disturb from becoming more successful because is also a wonderful

projects with wonderful team behind the success it is experiencing and will still continue to experience...

The thing about is that it is one of the many platforms and applications built on top of the Steem blockchain. The more Steem grows the more Musing grows, and as we all know Steem has so many potentials to go big with all the dapps and platforms being built on top of it almost weekly.

If ever Quora releases it's own ICO, that token will only be used solely for Quora. Sure Quora has many users as of now compared to Musing, but when Steem starts to gain momentum and starts to gain mass adoption because of how apps are interconnected to each other through the power of blockchain, users can just easily go back and forth between apps and platforms including Musing. 

So yeah, Musing will thrive even if Quora came out with its own ICO.

How/what do you tell to people to bring them on STEEM blockchain?

I tell them that if they value their time, they should come here. I think this makes them think about it more deeply.

What do you tell them, what is your approach?

There are many things that can bring people to Steem, but one of the most common things that people say is

"do you use Reddit or 4chan or some other social website? Do you like it? Who earns money from your use?"

The answer is usually "the company that owns it".

There, you can say that there is a place where if you participate, you get money, and it's just a social network with many facets, including clones to Youtube (DTube - DLive for videos), Twitch (DLive for streams), Instagram (Steepshot for pictures), etc., which allow you to share your things, comment, and earn money from every vote you get and many other things.

There is also the approach of "it's a strong market that will rise but it's in its low point so you should buy". People love pre-bull markets.

You can also invite people to do whatever they do (write, record things, take pictures) but post them on Steem for a few extra cents of income and in order to promote an open-source community that is trying to make the world more profitable for the people, without middlemen handling the money that is made out of every interaction.

I think there are generally 3 groups of people that we need to bring more to the Steem platform. And to each of them, we need to pitch different benefits of the platform.

First and most importantly, we have the content creators or authors. Good authors are the foundation of the platform and Steem will be nothing without them. The key selling point for authors is that Steem offers rewards for content. Though it may be hard to be noticed among the tens of thousands of accounts, every cent still counts. If we can sell this idea to aspiring bloggers, who find it hard to survive through the advertising/affiliate marketing methods, then we have a strong case to draw them to this platform. In addition, with @SteemPress, existing WordPress users can be easily ported over. So why not?

Next, we have the investors. They are necessary to provide support for STEEM price. We are still not at a state where Steemians are able to buy their daily necessities with STEEM, hence the value of STEEM in USD is important. In order to attract investors, we need to educate them on the strength of the STEEM platform from the technical perspective. @timcliff had a very good article on this and I shall not repeat. Link below,

Finally, I think there is a group of users that are still overlooked. I think they are the businesses. Steem platform is perfect for big or small businesses to boost their online presence. Think about this, by posting one article, the business is actually getting audiences from at least 3 sites (e.g. Steemit, Busy and Steempeak). These sites are most of the time having a higher rank on Google search than their own business website. In addition, Steem platform is also great to crowdsource for content. By offering some rewards in STEEM, businesses can get fresh content and marketing materials from Steemians all over the world!

In summary, if we can grow all 3 user base, I think Steem will easily be the top 20 crypto if not the top 10.

First of all I explain them a bot about blockchian if they haven't heard of and especially about Steem, the blockchian, then I explain them what a cryptocurrency is, how are they used and exchanged and so on.

Then I show them my blog with examples of my posts, interactions and how does the blog works. I make them also some analogies with other blogging platforms or social media platforms. I also explain them the benefits of using Steem in comparison with other platforms.

I usually explain more of my experience on Steemit rather than letting them to read the trending page and get the wrong idea about how things work with Steem. Of course, when tackling this topic I mention also about bit bots, upvotes and reputation score. 

The main idea is that Steem is the best blogging/social media platform built on a blockchain that rewards users, through upvotes, with Steem tokens. Plus I always encourage them to focus on quality rather than quantity and engage as much as possible with other users. 

When introducing steemit to new users, what I tell them is **they can earn for doing the same thing they do on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and so on**. You see many people show interest. They immediately want to sign up.

I then go on to explain how steemit works for them. How they can be a passive investor and make their steempower work for them or make posts and earn from both author and curation rewards. For me, I think this is the simplest way to explain steemit to a new user and get the person to sign up immediately.

smoking trees or eating bee's?

WWhat holds Steem back from top 20 crypto in CMC?

We are quite aware that Steem is being underestimated, with so many dapps and activities. Then what holds it back from being top cryptocurrencies?

Currently the 20th crypto is at about $600m market cap. For Steem to enter the top 20, it will need to at least increase its market cap by 3 folds and the other crypto need to remain the same or weaken.

As a Steemian, I can clearly see the potential of the STEEM platform. We have 50,000 active accounts and growing. There are tens or hundreds of dApps. It is really exciting.

In my opinion, the key reason why there isn't enough money flowing into the STEEM platform is because people haven't recognize the business use case of STEEM.

First of all, STEEM platform can be used as a blogging platform for any company. The cool thing about blogging on STEEM is that one article is posted across multiple sites (e.g. Steemit, Busy and Steempeak). This is actually quite good in improving the online presence of a business.

In addition, STEEM platform is also a perfect place to harness crowd wisdom for crowdsourcing and crowd prediction. These are all actual use cases that are of value to the real business world. We have no lack of good creators on STEEM, but more people need to know that.

In essence, I think we lack marketing and that was why @timcliff's Steem Blast Day got me quite excited. Though it didn't seem to have worked well enough, it was still good effort and every Steemian should play his/her part to spread the word to the rest of the world.

I believe that when the SMT is launched it would make the Dapps to become more popular and attractive and

that would attract more investors to the steem blockchain and it will increase the faith of the previous investors on the steem blockchain...

What makes a cryptocurrency to rank higher on cmc is the market capitalization and the more the

cryptocurrency have a high market capitalization then rhe more it will keep ranking high on coinmarketcap,,,so what is holding back steem from getting to the top 20

cryptocurrency on coinmarketcap is that steem market capitalization is lower compared to the market capitalization of each cryptocurrencies at the top 20....if

steem gets an increased massive investments and its market capitalization booms very high then it would make steem to reach top 20 or even top 10 too....

The rival between the United States and North Korea which mentions nuclear weapons in the media, apparently has an impact on the Bitcoin exchange rate.

Last weekend, the price of one Bitcoin was closed equivalent to 4,224 US dollars or around Rp56 million. In the beginning of this week, he even touched the figure of 4,400 US dollars or equivalent to Rp58 million. Investors in financial markets turned out to prefer challenging investments in crypto aka digital currencies like Bitcoin, rather than investing in safe havens such as gold or US government bonds.

Bitcoin, with market capitalization for 71.5 billion US dollars or equivalent to Rp954 trillion (as of August 15, 2017), is indeed the largest crypto in the world until now. He is known as the "father" of all crypto, because it is present as the first decentralized digital currency. But, not everyone knows that Bitcoin is not the only crypto available. At least, from those noted by CoinMarketcap, a crypto exchange site, there are 848 other crypto, including Bitcoin itself.

Bitcoin came first in 2009. Two years later, Litecoin was present as a competitor. In March 2015, hundreds of crypto later followed. They present with their respective strengths, especially in security breakthroughs.

That will be me trusting people less and keeping my circle smaller. I am someone with a large heart and feel for people when they have issues going on with them.

I find it difficult to sleep knowing I am doing fine and could have helped others. That's why I do help people around me. Most times I get bad talks in return. You see people you think are your friends talking bad of you. It's so saddening. Some even use the opportunity to fake lies so you can help. I learnt too late and now trust people less, always trusting my instincts.

I would love to trust less during the time I had a large heart, because it caused many heartbreaks for me.

Someone starting an ICO is that they should ensure that they have a good whitepaper which will educate people about the projects behind the ICO and also be able to convince them on why they should invest on the ICO.....

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