@jedau's 2017 Year End Review

in #my20177 years ago

Full disclosure: This is a scheduled post, so apologies for the delayed response to comments. I hope that this doesn't discourage you from commenting. I'll reply as soon as I'm physically able. As you're reading this, I'm in South Korea with my fiancée and my family. WHEN you get to read this, I'm already in 2018, so hello from the future!

It's been a long year, and it's about that time when you either realize that you have done so many amazing things or you have wasted yet another year. This time of contemplation really brings me a lot of anxiety. On one hand, it puts a lot of things in perspective, but on the other, it feels like I'm grasping on straws. It's been a long year, and a part of that is what I detailed in yesterday's post. If you're interested in reading about it, feel free to do so. We'll wait for you until you get back.


Done? Great! Then strap on your seatbelts and join me as we take a leisurely drive down memory lane!


2017 has been a rollercoaster. Lots of high highs and low lows. In terms of Steemit and its gift economy, I think we can all agree that everything leans toward positive. Even if your post makes only $0.01, it's still $0.01 more than what you would make in other social media sites. Take it from a 1.5-year old minnow. It's tough to be noticed here, so the best we could do is to just enjoy the ride, post what we're passionate about and build strong relationships.

This is the most I've talked about Steemit during my entire stay here, so I'm going to stop myself right there. Last year, my year-end post involved my main area of interest here on Steemit: an original, fictional story. I had wanted to make something similar this year, but the thing is, the main reason why I opted for a story last year was because I didn't really spend a full year on Steemit back in 2016. I went on a 3-month hiatus, which was the result of an earlier burnout. @lukestokes set me straight, that's why I was determined to make up for lost time this year.

Many people do monthly recaps of all their posts, and that's cool, to each their own, but apart from my usual "table of contents" posts, I don't normally do these sort of recap stuff. With a solid year under my belt, I'm making an exception. That, or I'm just too pressed for time.

The Ties That Bind

Who would I be without the people that support me? Well, I'd be @jedau, but a lonely @jedau. All of the people that I share a reciprocity of support are acquaintances I've made during the course of this year. Even if it's only for just a couple of months, in STEEM years it has felt like years. Most of these acquaintances have become good friends. Some have surpassed the STEEM blockchain and have become lifelong friends. As much as I want to detail how we all met here, I would only be able to do so for a select few.

@dreemit was one of the first real friends I made here, and has continued to be the best. I first met her when she saw a comment of mine on @ezzy's post, then the interaction went on from there. In the small circles where my name is whispered in hush tones, I've been known to give thoughtful comments. That's because I do unto others what I want others to do unto me. I would put her before almost all of the friends I've made in person. She's a constant sense of support and a kick-ass writer, with a very vivid imagination. There were times when she was the only one to notice my posts and her encouraging words are the things that kept me tethered to Steemit. Nothing but love for my sister from another mister! I can't wait for the day when we get to meet in person.

Boomsday. Boomerang. Boomshakalaka. What's there left unsaid about that Glasgow great @meesterboom? I first met BROseidon, Top Donk of the BROcean when I won @papa-pepper's Poetry Contest for the Wild and Strange Contest Season 2. You see, goodfellow Boom was the subject of the artwork that I based my poetry on. Little did we know that it was the beginning of a legen—*wait for it... and I hope that you're not lactose intolerant because the second half of that word is*—dairy (which is an 'i' more that legendary) friendship. It was when I was invited to join the @fiction-trail and BROdo Baggins here was tasked to layeth the (author) smackdown on me did we start to hit it off. What followed was a string of *the* most **EPIC** comments this side of STEEMtopia has ever seen! Like @dreemit, BROcahontas here is a step above friends I've made in person. Counting down the days before we fist bump physically.

The comments between us were sporadic at the start, but when it got going, it **got** going. @ryivhnn's one of those people that is filled to the brim with enthusiasm and warmth. I imagine that having three kids would do that to a person. You can always count on her to leave the most energetic comments anyone would be lucky to have on the posts. I remember that she always enjoyed reading the intros I made for **SILVER LINING** and that she would often belt it out like an announcer. We've supported each other for so long, that we're in the top 3 of both our most loyal followers list. She gave the most wonderful engagement present and I've been trying to write a story worthy enough of the honor. Oh, and the photo was done expertly by @artwatch.

Man, @artistchristian is one of the few that I've only really met recently, but we've hit it off so well, his inclusion in this list is a must. One of the most talented artists I've seen, I can't help but be at awe of all of his artwork. They're all just so great! We have similar preferences with regard to many things, and I'm sure that's what contributed to our fast friendship. We first met because we had been part of an auto-voting group that has since disbanded. He went on a hiatus and came back with the discovery that he had been voting on my posts all this time. Talk about great timing. Ever since then we have continued to build our friendship day by day. I'm so lucky to have stumbled upon all of these people.

For all the others that have made my time on Steemit as awesome as it is, please take a look at a recent post I've made about investing in Steemians.

The Quickest Way from Point A to Point B


At the start of the year, the only posts you would've ever seen me make was for A Day in the Clouds. All of the proceeds there went directly to @zeppelin, and now I'm happy to say that his father, Erwin, has taken control of the account and is now actively posting here as well. But, as much as I'd like to be just a one-hit wonder, I have since published other stories as well. My main thing here, after all, is that I'm a storyteller through and through.

During my first months here, I tried to preach the gospel of fiction throughout Steemit. I supported tons of fiction authors any way I can, and for the most part, many of them have suceeded. Now, new groups have emerged to champion cause, which is great for fiction in general. Sure, I can't help but feel dumped by the wayside because I was excluded, but yeah, nothing I could do. I would still do my part and uplift the tiny portion that I'm alotted.

Some of the other stories I published here this year were an engagement post (because I got engaged to my longtime love!), a number of short stories inspired by a trip to Singapore, a freewrite short story, a color-challenge inspired, freewrite short story series and a Halloween story that sort of parodied my last year's story.

During the course of this year, I've made a post about being a part-time acupuncturist, I tried my hand in baking a Valentine's gift, I was part of a User's Chain, I went to my first standing concert, I won several different contests (those are different links, excluding this one and this one), judged a couple and even conducted my own contest (I'm particularly proud of this TOC post, so check it out!) I was a featured writer for several posts (this and this), I listed things I used to do and I shared my thoughts about comic book things. @dreemit roped me in to a photo challenge, to which I obliged (Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7). And, I even started creating a dictionary of portmanteaus (check out the latest one here).

On top of it all, I kept my NaNoWriMo streak alive, and I made jokes here and there. I even had the chance to toss back a couples of brewskies in honor of the Boomdawg.

Man, it's been fun reminiscing my year on Steemit. Not gonna lie, my eyes glazed up a bit as I was reading the comments. Okay, okay, it glazed up a lot. I hope that you look back at your 2017 with fondness as well, and I hope that this post serves as sort of a reintroduction of me for the new people out there.

My name is Jed, but you can call me AU (eh-yu), I am a teller of stories, a solver of problems, a dependable rock when times are tough and a genuine friend you can count on. This was my 2017 (feel free to post links of yours in the comments section), and as I close this chapter of my life, I eagerly await what lies ahead. I'm calling it right now, 2018 is The Year of Resilience and we're going to own it. Will you join me?


Solidify @lukestokes.mhth in the Top 10 STEEM witnesses! You know you want to ;)

If you enjoyed this, please be sure to follow


Wow, what a year. Very nice recap. Glad your here, and very very happy that you've encouraged me to keep at it. I can assure you it has been very beneficial to me to continue with Steemit (even though I nearly gave up a couple of times - goddam mood swings!).

Your posts are the ones I search for when I log on each time. Apologies if i missed any, but for the ones that I didn't, I'm never disappointed that I took the time to read and comment.

All the very best for 2018. Here's to turning the losing streak around, to publishing fantastic fiction, to making new friends, and to dreams made real.

Man, Steemit isn't the same without you. I'll always help out in whatever way I can. I'm just glad I was a factor in roping you back in here!

That's so great to hear! Man, you're really tugging on my heartstrings with that compliment!! No apologies necessary. I know you have a lot on your plate. I'm just happy whenever I see your comments on my posts, and even more happy to know that you're in tip-top shape!

Hear, hear! 2018 is going to be awesome! If it isn't then at the very least we're not going to be beaten by it! Here's to our dreams turning to reality!

Enjoy the vote and reward!

Hmm.. thanks!!

Yes here's to 2018. But I have disappointed myself already. I just reread my comment (or attempted to), and noticed on the first line your instead of you're. I hang my head in shame. Where's that editor when you need him?

Oh yeah, I noticed that. But, since the editing window was long gone when I replied, I thought it best to just not give an emphasis to it. No need to hang your head in shame, mate. Our fingers get the best of us from time to time. We are writers and not editors by trade ;)

And when we get into a strong flow of writing our tappity-tap-tapping can be so much slower than our thought processes. I read back over some things I have written and wonder at what language I was aiming for.

It's strange reading old stuff, isn't it? Sometimes it's like reading something written by someone else, for better or worse.


Thanks for taking the time to read!

I'm in a select few! I don't know what to say XD

Sorry about the sporadic comments, I'm the "cripplingly-shy-til-I-get-to-know-you-then-you'll-wish-I-would-shut-up-sometimes" stereotype, it's a bit of an effort for me to initiate interactions XD And funny story, there will be a repeat if we ever met in person XP Back in the days of irc some people I'd been talking to for ages and I decided we were finally going to have a meetup. This was organised at King's Park which was nice and easy to get to and had barbeques. Everyone rocked up and it was a good thing other people are extroverted as I don't have a clue how to start conversations XD So I just got to hang there and eat and answer questions. And it wasn't even like I didn't know these people to at least some degree, we'd been chatting on irc for a while before the meetup! XD

Wow coupled with your last post you did have a pretty full on year :O And generally more high than low? (even if the lows were pretty low especially at the time, but the highs looked like they would have been pretty high as well :)).

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with this year :D


At least the constant shoutouts have helped you get over the heavy breathing and constant curling up into your blanket haha! Now, if we could only get the words out..

No need to apologize, mate! We're cut from the same cloth. I'm super introverted, but since I'm talkative online people are surprised how timid I can be in the real world, especially during the first meetings. I've experienced the same thing you did. Chatting up people online like there's no tomorrow, but when tomorrow does come and we met in person, it feels like we're total strangers haha! I make an excuse that I'm like a Diesel engine, it takes time for me to warm up.

Not even trying to give the lows the time of day. I'm just thankful for all the highs, and I'm thankful for the lessons my lows have given me. I'm tired of being weighed down by disappointment. I need to grab the reins and steer this year the way I want.

LoL! So if we ever met up we're just going to be hanging out somewhere with milkshakes or something being idiotically shy til one of us starts talking about something in common and then suddenly we won't shut up XD

Nope the constant shoutouts just made me hide more XD

Haha diesel engine, nice analogy.


Haha! I think that would be accurate! Usually, there's an event that happens that spark a conversation, so there's no need to artificially manufacture an icebreaker haha!

You've had quite the year this year!

Meeting new people, working on your writing, doing all you can to improve in any and all areas of your life, in and out of Steemit. Glad I found you by accident! I am looking forward to your growth in 2018.

Wish I was there in Korea right now to pay you a visit!

Take care and peace and love!

I didn't see this comment before I commented on your post asking you if you were still in Korea haha! It has been quite the year. While I was in the thick of it, I didn't appreciate every moment, but looking back, 2017 was jam-packed! How did you find me? I'm glad that you did, and I'm looking forward to more interaction in the coming weeks.

Thanks for the comments while I was away! I appreciate it!

How did you find me?

One of your articles was trending and it interested me.

Oh wow, I didn't know I made those lists. Good to know.

You are truly someone! I read your "being part-time acupuncturist". Shame on you! How dare you doubt something so old as acupuncture - the patients survived some thousands of years with it without having modern medicine anyway near them. OK, I guess, now that you have practiced it a while, now you can trust it's now some wishywashy thing. See, here, some time ago a guy went on a vacation to Turkey. He returned on a wheelchair and blind; some unknown infection. The doctors in the hospital gave up on him. The acupunturist returned him his sight and walking ability. OK, then that practice also had a very good Tui Na therapist, and they carried out 3-2 practice (3 times acupuncture-2 times massage a week or vice versa). Of course, no one expects to have acupuncture as a first aid if someone breaks a leg. I don't say that every old or ancient practice is good. Far from that, quite some are pretty oppresive and trying to pass themselves as merciful. Sure one has to be educated, otherwise it's a scam. But shouldn't it make us think how far today's medical point of view of human is from that of tradition chinese medicine?

Hmm? I'm not sure what part of that post made you think that I doubt acupuncture. I wouldn't be practising it if I didn't believe in it haha! That would make me kind of a hypocrite, wouldn't it? I don't consider it's origins as Chinese, but I'm not discounting their contributions to the art. Just to be clear, I don't think acupuncture is a "wishywashy thing", if I did, I wouldn't even give it the time of day. I still practice it by the way.

Oh, no. I refer to your initial doubt, here: "Before I learned acupuncture, I was one of those vehement skeptics. I mean, how could a person get healed by just pricking them with needles, right? That's just some quack practice that preys on gullible people. I belong to a family of medical doctors, so I think I would know what passes off as a credible cure."
And I don't think of you as any type of hypocrite. Though you shock me sometimes.

How do I shock you? Haha Pray tell.

The last sentences of Another Day in the Clouds surely did shock me. Imagine, I calmly read the whole post and then bam, in the last 2 sentences you come forward as some sort of Gheghiskhan. ??? It sounds like you are going to rape the very year. Very disturbing. And, ugh, non-digestible to say the least. It also gives me the impression that you will be heading strightforward into exhaustion. Maybe, I'm wrong, but anyway.
Take this: "Dr. Lu insisted that there were only one illness - a disturbance of the balanced way." (The Healing Arts, Ted Kaptchuk, Michael Croucher) You only need to be receptive, and than you can detect the coming ups and downs and smooth them, you might detect the obstacles and figure out how to go around the, remove them, or lessen their impact, and notice what you need to do not to burnout or head for the freefall.

Hmm.. I think that you're completely misinterpreting what I said. The last two sentences was in no way related to rape or pillaging. Rather, it's a play on words about the common colloquialism and the proper name of a female dog. It's in no way meant to be interpreted as inciting violence, or even being disturbing. Also, the whole piece recounted a previous bout of exhaustion and the vow to learn from past mistakes. If anything, I'm heading directly away from exhaustion with my new strategy. I don't know if it's just an issue of wrong translation.

This is what I got the impression until the last 2 sentences, and while reading them I felt like being splashed with a bucked of obscenity, and they gave me the impression that you are heading into the exactly opposite direction than you announced previously in the text.

Yeah well, that wasn't the intention at all. It must be miscommunication with language, s'all.

First of all happy new year! 2017 sound a pretty interesting year for you. You did many different things and if i may say you experimented a bit! i hope the whole journey was above everything funny! You made some good friends in the deep world of steemit and i hope 2018 would bring you more friends and joy!

"A bit" is quite the understatement. I think the only Steemit thing I didn't do was make a video playing music, which I already had in plan but didn't finish editing because of many reasons haha! Looking back, there were a lot of times that were funny in retrospect. I do hope that 2018 would top 2017 by a landslide. Here's hoping I make even stronger connections this year!

Wow, you had a busy 2017! I know your 2018 is going to be even better! Continuing with your coin metaphor, I think JED is going to reach a very nice high point in 2018 and I'm glad to be an "investor". Thanks again for the shout out! I feel like I need to make some great posts and spotlight you in them but a post like this isn't really my cup of tea - hence why I am leaving the writing to you on our project(s)! I'm definitely excited to see where our collab goes and what we end up creating. I've got some good ideas and I know you do too, so combined they should be, like, really really good ideas! Hope you're having a nice vacation and I look forward to catching up on Discord.

I do hope you HODL the JED coin haha! I don't have any plans of letting go of any of the coins in my portfolio so tough luck getting rid of me as an investor. The thing is, I realized I didn't include your awesome @allstarrunner picture (I think those retro styles are super cool btw) so I had to include it in another shoutout. No need to be obligated to return a shoutout, brother. Our future collab is enough. I've been swamped trying to get up to speed on things, running a lot of errands. But, I'll try to catch up on Discord as much as I can. 2018 is going to be a great year!

Man what an awesome post, definitely something I needed to read today. You're friendship means more than words can express right now (I'm having a bit of a tough time with words at the moment, I'm sure I'll find them again soon)
So much love being sent your way. Also, I'm going to check out @artistchristian, how could I not with such a high recommendation from someone whose opinion I value as much as yours? xo

I bet you and Christian will get along great! He fits right in with our burgeoning circle :D No need to rush it, the words will come to you. I've been having a tough time catching up, but I feel like I'm closing the gap. I'm glad that this post helped you out even a bit during that turbulent stretch. I really wish I could've done more.

Oh man oh man!! I missed this because I knew you were away so hadn't been checking. It was only when I checked today to make sure you hadn't sneaked back I saw it!!

Bro me over! I mean, you summed up our entire history very well! The author smack down the Papa pepperaminess. All I can say is that it had been an utter pleasure to have met you big dudeski!! See you when you are back!!

Hisssss I thought I could slip one on ya, but I should've known better! I was pressed for time when I wrote this. Literally. I finished this minutes before we headed out for the airport haha! I'm surprised that it came out well hahaha! Man, getting to know you, @dreemit and the others were real highlights of last year. Our epic conversations got me through tough times, so I feel like I couldn't thank you enough for that! We've already gone through the birth of the second Boom Baby, and now we're set for my wedding. I can't believe our legendary friendship is being recorded on the STEEM blockchain! Looking forward to meeting you all in person in the near future though! I bet that I'll be super timid at the start, right before I warm up and be the same as I am while online hahaha!