My 2018-This is My Hobby: Crafting and Writing / #8 Letter to My Future Daughter

in #my20187 years ago


Dear @anomadsoul , I am used to write my personal blog as letters to my daughter in the future (If I have one). Mostly the letters talk about my life right now that I hope will give her memories to cherish and lesson to learn in her life later. Simple but sweet, I always write for her every 4 days and after I read about your post and contest I was thinking to combine it together as My2018: This is My Hobby and Letter to My future Daughter as I regularly write. I can keep it forever, and probably in the future, we would not know what happen, my daughter will read it and smile, how I could make it and how generous you are to create this contest. First of all, to make story short, Thank you for giving me topic to write to my daughter and I hope you don't mind to write your contest in this different approach :D , and also thank you for @blocktrades for sponsoring this contest.

Dear Daughter,

In this letter, we would not be alone, I was including this writing to a contest. This is what we did in our era. How about later? Does Steemit develop well during yours? A contest named My2018, This is My Hobby, it held by *****. Not like me, He was good author and Steemian. I want to follow his pathway in writing, that’s why I am trying to make good write and hit the jackpot for this one! Pray for me Okay! The theme just simple, only tell about my hobby such as How I fell passion on it? How long have I been doing it? When do I practice? How I put my hobby as priority? And things like that. Okay then, let’s write!

My hobby is including crafting and writing. I could not focus for one because I love them both! Especially when I am typical person who easily felt bored, I am used to switch these two hobbies when I felt stuck or uninterested. For example, right now I am typing a letter for you, five minutes later, when I stuck, I will continue to stick pencil wastes on a paper. Let’s talk about it one by one.

First is crafting. Making a craft such as crocheting, knitting, lace making even painting is one of therapy that could help to reduce stress. Other than create a creation and express your inner art sense, it also gives you calmness that you would not expect, of course, it distracted and probably if you are a busy bee person, it wouldn’t be too efficient for your schedule, looks like wasting time. Eventually, spending your time to make a craft has awakened your art talent that you probably do not know.

To be honest sweety, your mother is not “artistic person”. I prefer everything simple and fast rather than put attention to detail for aesthetic purposes. I used to believe “art” is something that inherit as miracle, and unfortunately that your grandmother’s art gene was giving up fully to your uncle, not me -_-. But when I am doing craft (any craft) I feel more comfy and relax, I love to do it slowly with calm music and coffee. It prevents you from overthinking and re-arranging your mind, I am not doing yoga but it helps me a lot. Simply keep your hand and mind busy! In the end, what will you get? Less stress and a beautiful master piece as pouch, bag or wall decorations.

I would love to do my hobby as my job but I would not put it as priority above my real life. I am an amateur in craft, but I keep expand my mind to create a nice craft, I open myself to all possibilities from Google, Pinterest or Youtube. I probably would not put it as professional job but when I need those skills, I would be ready. In my opinion, hobby is part-timing aside from job, family and friends when you need “me time” or do not feel like to socialize so much.

I am lucky enough because one of skills that needed as a teacher is being artistic, we require to be creative during teaching even it is not art subject. I am teaching science but I always including art in my session especially for primary level. For example, when we study about moon phase, I ask them to reconstruct moon phase with Oreo and design the artificial sky. When plant reproductions topic comes, we also make 3D flower and use kitchen materials to figure out how bee helps during pollination. I learn it from Pinterest or STEAM project and there are so many fascinating experiment for kids to try. It will lead them to look science as interesting topic, especially when you use many food colorings and explosive experiment on it. I believe making a craft and artistic skill are possible to combine in every kind of job you do.

Second is writing. Actually, writing is not a hobby for me, it is a dream that has been here since age. Since an early age, I was silently dreaming as writer like Andre Hirata. I just remembered how many diaries that I have been wrote. Carelessly, I wrote short stories, poems, poet, personal diaries that will blow me up if I re-read it right now because it’s so embarrassing. Haha.. I keep few of them as memory and burn it because so “eye-torturing”. My darling, I did not feel passion on writing but I feel need to write! When I am starting, I couldn’t stop! I hope in the future, you love to write just like me sweety, I will support you fully with attending writing courses, story development, writing skills and writers’ community. What do you think? It’s pretty cool you know! Expressing your feeling and mind via a writing is just like a sword from your beautiful mind that would able to beat a war. Words give you power in front of the world. Words give you pride. Of course I will support you in whatever hobby you like honey. I am not insisting, but could you at least consider it as a good skills before you come to the world honey? Hehe.. Just in case..

I am being truthful when I say I need writing not only as hobby. As teacher, writing skill (academically) is essential things in our job. Therefore my IELTS Band for writing only 5.5, I don't have problem write in Bahasa, I am good at it but in English, it seems hard since it’s not my first language. I am trying to improve my English and writing skills with practice. I am writing you a letter in English, write a poem and journal that I post in Steemit. Thanks to steemit, it turns my modest writing into sbd and steemPower, but it stimulates me to create better and better. What I am trying to improve my hobby into professional work is I read a lot. There are so many good articles here and I read it in special context that I put interest like science, education and poem, and I start making mine. It probably not as good as theirs but I feel I am developing well. When I have free time, I will definitely join writers’ community or attend writing course. I want to make great post, not only a good one.

To make writing as routinity, I am used to post every 3 days, to keep the regularity and quality beside my job and life. At the very first time I feel uncomfortable to express my mind in words, but it becomes habitual by time. If I should explain my hobby to an alien. He will understand me completely at the first place. I assume they have complicated ways to elaborate simplest things just like what I am doing right now! Haha.. My goodness I need to study more sweety. Pardon my language. Sorry for being someone that you could not proud of. It seems my longest post ever! In the end, whatever hobbies do you like to do, whether you take it seriously or not, I will support you darling. No matter what.. I promise, I will become supportive mom who will fight for her children wishes. Keep my words!

PS: I am attaching my simple craft made from waste pencils!

Your “hope to win @anomadsoul contest” Mom


Very nice post tifany....Regards @angryman Have a happy day.

Thank you very much @angryman Thank you for upvote. Have a nice day..

You have a nice day too...

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