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RE: My son grows older than 10/365

in #mychild3657 years ago

When your son gets a bit older, I hope you can pull him away from his computer and get him out on the football field every now and then. As long as you (he) can achieve a good balance, he'll probably do well.

(note – I clicked on the photos, but they did not enlarge. I'm not sure if that's a problem on my end or what. Just thought it best to inform you.)


Thank you for your continued support. Strangely, I clicked on the photo it opens on Steemit website, I clicked again and the photo opened on its maximum size.

OK, it's probably something on my end, so nothing to worry about. Hopefully, all 500,000 other Steemians can get the full-screen view. ☺

Thanks for the support again, I will definitely read all of your articles, as I will answer all comments

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