Do not Bathe In These Three Times Can Make You Sudden Sudden
In Indonesia people are accustomed to bathing 2 times a day may be because the climate in the tropical area menhuat quickly hot and uncomfortable if not bathing at least 2 times a day.
bathing should be done by everyone to cleanse themselves. Often a person takes a shower at three times, and even more dangerous when they bathe when the condition of the body is not ready to receive air mandian. Do you know there are dangers of bath time that you often do? Time-what's what can harm the body?
Let's see, do not take a bath in the third time this time make you die suddenly. Here's the review:
- Do not Bathe 30 Minutes After Ashar Prayer
Bathing at this time could be you die suddenly Because at that time conditions in the body is hot, if you bathe at that moment then the body will feel weak and tired. So reduce the bath on this wakti ya girls if you want healthy healthy.
Do not Bathe After Magrib
Better at this time you are advised no longer need to shower, because if you take a bath then it could be dangerous for your body. Because at 18:00 to 19:00 the condition of the heart to cry because if you are still doing the shower will be very dangerous for your body health. Wet lung disease will attack your body.
After isya until 12 pm
At this time should your body and heart rest. If you take a bath at these hours it will be very dangerous, heart conditions that should be forced to work instead of rest / then it could be a bath dijam this can cause damage to the heart. Not only that rheumatic disease that will attack your body anytime.
Well that's three times that you can not do to bathe. The proper bath is the bath as recommended by Rosulullah. As in the dawn or before dawn because at that time air contains higher ozone is very good for the body and can make you young, and increase endurance.
In addition, bathing at the time ashar will make the body more fresh and also able to boost immunity so that not young disease. Well what time bath we should do. Because the actual human body is very susceptible to disease, therefore we must maintain and care for itself. May be useful.