Health Tips #13 – Mosquito Repellent, Nipple Cream & Pain Relief

in #naturalmedicine5 years ago (edited)

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How can we return to a state of vibrant health?

Drink a lot of pure water daily to assist your body in eliminating all the toxins. Avoid taking drugs unnecessarily, but if you must, for whatever reason, take the time to educate yourself on alternative remedies for that specific condition. And whilst taking your prescribed medication there are various things you can do to assist your body to heal and rebuild its immune system more rapidly.

In my opinion clean, natural food is the best medicine!

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1/2 tsp. vegetable glycerine
14 oz. Witch Hazel or Vodka
Feel free to add your favourite essential oils, for a pleasant aroma and increased efficacy.
Citronella, Lavender, Eucalyptus, and/or Tea Tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia) work well.
Personally, I recommend around 30 - 40 drops of essential oil for this volume, but it‘s up to
you how strong you like it. Just mix all the ingredients in a spray bottle, shake well, and
spray away!

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Do you suffer from painful, cracked or chafed nipples from breastfeeding? After breastfeeding, pat the area dry, and then apply coconut oil. Do this as often as needed, gently rubbing a small amount of oil on and around the nipple.
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Draw a bath and add 2 – 4 cups of Epsom salts. Climb in and relax, allowing your body to absorb the magnesium and the sulfates easily through the skin. This works very well for joint and muscle aches relaxes the body and promotes a good night‘s sleep. Magnesium and sulfates are very important to the optimal functioning and well-being of our bodies.
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I am offering a safe and natural alternative to conventional treatment, but these recipes, ideas and treatment should not be misconstrued or substituted for medical advice. Please always proceed with caution and test it first on a small area, or in small quantities, if you are uncertain. Should you suspect that you or your animal have a medical problem, I urge you to seek professional advice.
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Photos from Pixabay
@erikah @niallon11


I'm drinking water now. It just happens to be in fermented grape juice ;-).

Proud member of #powerhousecreatives

hahaha, not quite the same!

The mosquito repellent sounds amazing I think I would love the lavander scent. I have read somewhere that there are also plants that repel mosquitoes. Would be great to have a lot of those planted around our area.

anything to keep them away, they are such a little pest @watersnake101

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All great, simple and practical natural health ideas. Always good to reshare, as it's information we want EVERYONE to know. Nice job.

thanks @artemislives glad you enjoyed it and thanks for sharing!

When it comes to eliminating mosquitos no chemical is to dangerous for me to try. I hate em. Actually looking back on life one of my favorite pt jobs was killing them by dropping chemicals into the storm drains.

they sure are a pest @abitcoinskeptic

I'm with you on

natural food is the best medicine!

I'm always looking for natural misquito repellents for we have masses of them where I live!
Thanks for sharing!

we do too @porters, tee tree oil also works but it smells and not everyone likes the smell!

Great info 💪💪

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I don't have chafed nipples, but that nipple cream sure sounds like a lot of fun.

hahaha, I should hope not, that was for the ladies only @blockurator

Sounds like I'm in excellent company because I will definitely be trying out the mosquito repellent as well... they seem to love my blood and at times, I can be the only person in the room that's bitten (or maybe I'm the only one that is bothered by the bite and the itching). Thanks @claudiaz, very helpful

you are most welcome @alphaccino, tee tree oil also works, but it smells and not everyone likes the smell.

haha unfortunately I have a horrible association to head lice that comes with the smell of tea-tree, from when my children were younger, so I might stick with one of the other suggestions... Now, do I apply the vodka or should I just drink it? lol jk - I think the citronella sounds like a nice choice

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