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RE: The Longest Natural Miscarriage Ever

Thank you for your bravery in sharing such an emotional and spiritual journey with us. This resonates with me,

I didn’t see miscarriage as a possibility for me

I too felt this way. After having 4 children I just knew my next one would be just as smooth and go well. I’ve never had any complications and my midwives always tell me how healthy and strong I am. I thought this was a recipe to never have a I thought.

This also resonates with me,

I knew my solution would come when I got to the heart of God.

It’s not until we search and seek His heart that we might find peace in our darkest hours.

I miscarried one of our twins at 14 weeks 2015 as well. I shared the story here on Steemit 2 years ago when I was fairly new. It really helped me by getting it out there and sharing my story and after reading yours I think it’s time to revisit mine. I struggle and wrestle with “why and how did this happen?” I thought about the sonogram too and maybe it was too much for my baby. I blamed myself and then a nurse told me it most likely was chromosome abnormalities. But then I read this scripture:

Ecclesiastes 3:6 KJV - “A time to get, and a time to lose;

There is a time for everything ~

I want to say I am so glad you waited on God to lead and guide you and give you the strength you needed to allow everything to happen naturally and on it’s own time. I can imagine how tough that was to wait. I wish women wouldn’t underestimate their bodies and how miraculous they are. The Lord has equipped us to be well capable, our bodies are amazing.

I am sorry for your miscarriage. I’m not sure if I will ever completely be over mine. Although I do know my son or daughter (we lost the baby before we knew the gender) is with the King and He had a greater purpose in mind. I am always thankful knowing he or she did not have to step foot on this dark lost world before seeing Heaven’s gates.

I think that’s a great tip you gave at the end. We really need to be mindful and think twice how we ask questions and approach different situations. Wow so now there’s two more things we have in common. I’m so glad to know you know the Lord :)

God Bless You ~ 💗


Thank you for sharing this with me. It can bring women so much closer to know that we have gone through the similar trials. I will go find your story!

It is so comforting to know that we have God to love and guide us through this life's troubles!!!!

It really does bring us closer. Although we wish no one would never have to experience what we went through, it is comforting knowing there are others we can talk to and that relate to us. I always feel better when I talk about it.

Amen! It truly is. Thank you again for sharing ~

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