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RE: Balneology: the study of bathing in water; Recrystallization of alkali mineral salts collected from a secret hot spring

Balneology! Man, that's a new word for me - wow! I've been enjoying a bath every day this week - it seems luxurious whilst I'm on holidays lol! Learnt a lot with this post - and it's super cool that I got to see the 'behind the scenes' working of this from the moment you excitedly collecting the salts!

It's so lovely to see a picture of you and your girl - caught in a moment of perfect happiness that makes my heart melt!!!

This is the best post I've ever read of yours because it has that lovely personal touch blended with science too! Science and emotion - a perfect blend for me. Pure poetry.

We went to hot springs in Tuscany on our honey moon at midnight - they were called 'Saturnia' I think - very sulphuric and everything smelt of eggs afterwards, but it was tres romantic!

I'm going to fire up the outside bath again this week - balneology under the stars seems a great idea.


Super cool, right? I had never heard of the term myself either! Baths truly are a luxury, and wow - they are so helpful. When I have a fibro flare up, I'm more akin to a fish than a squirrel! XD

Aw, ty! This post was a very dear one to me for all the reasons you mentioned, and more. So much love in this article, in the experience. <3

Mmmm. Hydrogen Sulfide! H2S! A very common compound found in the more acidic springs. Which, from the little research I've done, tend to be the commonality. Hot springs for a honey moon sound definitely romantic! We are thinking of taking a trip to some local ones for her birthday in July:)

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