Daily Nature Fix: The Black Rock Sea Arch - Gatklettur (Original Photos)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #nature8 years ago

    Hello nature fans.  First off, I want to apologize for not making a DNF post yesterday.  I couldn't log into Steemit the whole day due to some kind of glitch.  I fixed it earlier this morning by running an apple software update, so if you're on a Mac and having the same issue, that appears to be the fix. 

   Anyway, today's Daily Nature Fix is a really cool rock formation found at the tip of the Snæfellsnes Peninsula in western Iceland.  It's a visually striking feature, being constructed out of black basalt stone, green moss and grasses on top, and two holes punched straight through the structure.  It is Gatklettur (kind of a general Icelandic name for a nature arch).  It stands about 60 ft tall and 140ft long.  The larger hole is almost 40 feet in diameter!  The combination of a distinct wave pattern and a ton of time have created some incredible architecture and some impressive patterns. 


     The geometry of the cliff as well as it's seclusion from the mainland make it a great nesting place for seabirds. There were all sorts of seagulls and arctic terns and other birds in the area.   I mean thousands of them inhabited the entire peninsula (not just the arch).  There were also tons of eider ducks hanging out in different coves along the shore where the waves weren't as harsh.

^^^Birds on the arch.

     There was also one other factor that made this a highlight of the trip, and if you've been following the Daily Nature Fix blogs for a little while, you might be able to guess what it is.  One of my most favorite things in nature.  Blue water.  If you're new to DNF, I've made it pretty common knowledge now that I go crazy for seeing blue in nature.  Aside from the sky, it's not a very common color to see in the natural world so it's always a pretty special sighting for me. Seeing blue water is also cool because I've seen it as so many different shades of the color.  The waters around the coast of Iceland tend to be a deep, rich royal blue.  It's a prefect compliment to the black volcanic rock cliffs. 

^^^Some sweet blue waters framed in basalt.

      Gatklettur is a fantastic and iconic sight to see in Iceland.  If you're ever to visit the country, be sure to set a side a day for a trip or tour of the Snæfellsnes peninsula.  There are other trademark features to see in the area as well, including the Kirkjufell mountain, the Snæfellsjökull National Park, and pitch-black Buðir church.  

Thanks for reading and looking at my photos.  I post a nature-themed Daily Nature Fix blog everyday, so make sure you follow me and never miss one!   See you tomorrow.  - Adam

***Daily Nature Fix is a daily blog showcasing the natural world.  It is all original content using photos, stories, and experiences from my own travels.***


Cool idea this DNF blog, upvoted and you have a new follower now :-)

Much obliged!

Excellent choice of travel, beautiful photographs, magical and heavenly place, a good way to settle debts with nature, congratulations and thanks for sharing

Thank YOU for reading, and I couldn't agree with you more!

The second to last photo has me thinking about dragon scales, lovely capture of the water in that one as well.

It really does! The way basalt columns are so angular and sharp makes for some awesome patterns when they're found in large masses. I plan on making a future DNF blog just about them and the different places I've seen them.

Excellent and interesting article, I liked.

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