Secret:the ten largest transparent creatures in the world

in #nature7 years ago (edited)

From transparent frogs to transparent butterflies, many of the animals are transparent.
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Glass Octopus
The glass octopus is one of the most mysterious creatures in the world. They are almost all transparent, hidden in the deep sea, making it difficult to find. This octopus is not transparent only in the eyes and in the viscera.
Unlike other deep-sea creatures, the eyes of glass octopus are not round, and they have nearly rectangular eyes. This is a tubular organ, one is the lens and the other is the retina. This is toward the top of the eye so as to collect light from the sea. This rectangular eye helps the glass octopus to hide the disguise in the deep sea. In the deep sea, the shadow of the eye of a transparent octopus is much smaller than the shadow of the other Octopus eyes.
There is also a first wave of octopus species is transparent, they can avoid self luminous predators. In 2011, scientists found that if the predators shine on them, their bodies become dark red.
Glass frogs
Glass frogs live mainly in foggy forests because of their transparent skin. It was found in central and South America. About 100 species in this frog family have a translucent stomach, and you can clearly see their organs, blood vessels and bones. The skeleton of this frog is green, and the other parts of the organ are also translucent.
At the moment we have not yet known why they are translucent. Their backs are light yellow and green so that they can be camouflaged in the green leaves.
In 2015, Brian Kubicki of the Costa Rican reptile research center and his colleagues found a new species named Hyalinobatrachium dianae. This frog has a pale yellow green skin, long as the Muppets Kermit, it emits a metal whistle.
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moon jellyfish
In fact, their names are related to the four horseshoe shaped organs of the camera, although it looks like a luminous sphere under the flashlight of the camera. These are reproductive organs. The male is white and the female is pink.
The moon jellyfish should be one of the most common transparent animals, especially in Europe, because they are often scoured to the coastline.
Sometimes you lie on the beach and find you have something like a garbage bag next to you. Maybe this is the moon jellyfish wandering around the sea. There, they trapped plankton by the umbels filled with mucus, and digested them in the entrance.
The moon jellyfish can also get bigger food by shaking its tentacles. The antennae and the outer edge of the umbrella are filled with spiny cells to paralyze the small fish that swim from the side.
The moon jellyfish can not cause much harm to human beings, but it will bring trouble to people. There were several nuclear power plants that had to shut down the nuclear reactor because the cooling systems were occupied by these organisms.
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Semitransparent bluish tripe
This fish is not how people understand Latin, it means "blue belly of the night, the name of the rogue" fully explains its habits and appearance, in addition, blue fish belly belly and head in addition to its accident, the other parts are basically transparent.
And the fish are transparent at their infancy, which helps their camouflage and shelter from prey. After maturing, the bluish tripe does not grow very much. This fish is found in the Negro River in Brazil in 2011. The length of only 17 mm, only Bilubi elves (the world's smallest known fish) 7 mm long.
This is a surprise, because scientists believe their habitat, the largest tributary of the Amazon River Basin has been fully explored, but after that, researchers found more species in the University of Sao Paulo Animal Science Museum, which is nearly 30 years people have forgotten.
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The name of the walnut comes from the shape of the walnut. They move slowly, and not the eyes and brain, looks like a transparent block.
They are not jellyfish, but jellyfish. The jellyfish swam in the way of water jet, while the chlamyma leaned in a row of tiny rows, and the hair like tissue quivered. It looks like a comb, so it gets its name. Hickory walnuts are transparent, but their comb like tissues can divert light into rainbow - like colors. Make a line of neon light. The animal can also produce blue-green bioluminescence from a special cell called light cells.
Hickory used their "comb" to trap their prey and send plankton to the import. Hickory, which has a large amount of food, can have a great negative impact on the food chain in the region.
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Glass Butterfly
Butterflies are famous for their beautiful wings, and they look for their partners by their charming colors. Some varieties dodge predators through obscure colors inside their wings. But none of them is like the glass winged butterfly in China and the United States. Yes, yes, their wings are transparent. The colors on the wings of a butterfly are produced by very small scales. But the wings of the glass butterfly, most of which have no scales on it, form a transparent window.
What is even more surprising is that these wings hardly reflect light, even a little accidental flash will not expose butterflies. This is due to the wing structure.

  1. A study describes the structures on the wings that are "confused" in the shape and size of the structures. This structure is essentially a reduction in reflection. This structure may be applied to computer screens and mobile phones that are not reflective in the future.
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    Euplectella (also known as Venus flowers)
    In many species with transparent glass can be used to compare them, or Euplectella closest to the glass. They are also known as glass sponges. The main component of their bones is silicon, which is also the main component of the glass.
    Euplectella live in the Western Pacific, sturdy body fixed to 1000 meters deep seabed. Their reticulate columnar body can grow to 25 centimeters long. They look like a vase, so people call it "Venus's flower basket".
    They suck the sea water into the bottle and filter the food. Sometimes, their body structure is also used as a habitat for shrimp. The shrimp live in the larvae and can't get away when they grow up. Then the shrimp are caught them, as if married. Euplectella in Japanese popular, island people think it is a symbol of eternal love.
    Euplectella once they leave the water, the color becomes pale. They are illuminated by the organism, that is, the bacteria on the surface of the body are shining.
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    Sea butterfly
    Sea butterflies are actually sea snail. They live mainly near the North Pole.
    The winged feet of the sea butterflies are not used to crawl in the seabed and are used for swimming. This improved wing foot consists of two round protrusions, which looks like a pair of transparent thin wings. The sea butterfly was named because of the flapping action of the wings. Most species of sea butterflies lose their shells, but they are fully transparent even with shells. The sea butterfly gets food through the mucous net on the foot of the wing. The net has five times the size of the body. In getting enough food, sea butterflies will be the net in the suction port of.
    Sea butterflies are considered to replace more than half of the plankton in the polar region, providing food for a large number of marine organisms, such as green fish to ring - spotted seals.
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    ghost shrimp
    Most of the body of the shrimp is transparent, and the crustaceans have evolved to a nearly stealth place. "Ghost shrimp" refers to several small animal, one of the most famous case of freshwater shrimp.
    Freshwater shrimp has a total of more than 40 different varieties. They are usually called ghost shrimps because they are completely transparent and can even see the viscera clearly. Sometimes they are also known as glass shrimps. In recent years, thanks to the personal love, the ghost shrimp is the favorite pet fish to feed. Besides their easy feeding, their peculiar appearance has also attracted people deeply. And they can clean up the residue on the fish tank. Green eggs can also be seen in the forthcoming female ghost shrimps.
    The eyes of the shrimps are not transparent. But the young ghost shrimps' eyes show a layer of golden green light. This light can block their black eyes and avoid predators.
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    Antarctic ice fish
    Living in the ten meter deep South Pacific Ocean. The water temperature is up to minus 2 degrees Celsius. But the Antarctic icefish has been fully adapted to this environment, there is a kind of antifreeze protein in their.
    The fish is pale, and most of them have translucent skin. One alligator fish genus, is known as the world's only a hemoglobin of fish.
    At first scientists think that this is the result of their adaptation to environmental purification, but now it is a wrong evolutionary direction. Alligator fish in white blood to carry oxygen is only equivalent to the ordinary fish red blood 10%. Therefore, they need a large heart, a lot of blood and dense blood vessels to maintain their oxygen supply.
    The ice below the waters once considered fish area, but recent research shows that fish dominate the Antarctic waters, the region accounted for 35% of the amount of species. But recently, the sea temperature rise, fish on this icy water unique ability to adapt, but may make them in danger of extinction.

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