GIANT TREES OF THE ANCIENT FLAT EARTH - Feature length Documentary

in #nature7 years ago (edited)

When it comes to history the world we walk on is quite puzzling. Our "Scientific Dictactorship" will have us believe that they have all the answers, but when you begin investigating on your own you find that official explanations given to us about natural landmarks and natural landscapes don't make much sense. Places like Devils Tower and other giant mesas may not be what we are told. They may just be remnants of what they once were. For more detailed information of giant trees, from a previous blog post click here


Why does the Grand Canyon look like an ancient city? Why do we have so many mud fossils that take on near perfect shapes of giants, flora and fauna? What really is the Eye of Sahara? These are just a few questions, but the real question is were there actually giant trees that have been cut down? Are the forests of today merely miniature reflections of what they were in the past?

The earth is still full of mystery and the more people that we get looking into this, the more we find out. Without a video called 'No Forests on Flat Earth', many people, including me, would have never even looked at this and now it's resonating with people everywhere. Was there really a giant tree at the center of all things called the Tree of life with more massive trees scattered all over the earth plane? We want to know all that stuff. Ancient Tree Research Project is a joint effort between myself, Rosette Delacroix, Shadie and CrackerWV. This is only part one so stay tuned for upcoming additions to the series. Thanks for watching.
-ODD =)


Peace be with you,



I think flat earth is just the beginning of it. Not only is the earth flat, its highly likely we are living in a simulation which would explain why we cant go to outer space or go beyond antarctica. Like a video game you cant leave the bounds of the game. If our world or simulation was created by a creator, it would be so much much easier to do on a flat earth construct. The data required to simulate the mainstream cosmology would be infinitesimal.

Simulation theory actually makes a lot of sense. The Earth however is not flat, it's a globe and easily proven to be. You can fly over the south pole from end to end, there is even a private company that will fly you in a mig jet for 20k. So it can't be flat if there's a south pole. That fact is completely ignored by most FE'rs and is so easy to prove that it makes you wonder why they still ignore it? I'm pretty sure your intentions are not to mislead people, but I feel you have been misled yourself.

I cant find any proof for this flight nor any proof of a 24 hour sun despite very much research. The webcam footage has been proven fraudulant. There are cruises that take you close to the antarctic shore but you cant get to antarctica unless it is part of a government supervised endeavor where they take you where they want to take you. Look up the antarctic treaty and you will see that independant research is not prohibited in antarctica. There have been reports of independant researchers being turned away by military. There have been no north to south circumnavigations except from a free masons. But hearsay from secret societiy members doesnt qualify as proof to me. Not saying I have all the answers but there is absolutely tons of evidence that should at least lead one to question what we are being told about the nature of reality.

A simple google search will lead you to several places that offer mig flights to the edge of space-

Are you going to say that everyone who takes this flight is in on the secret?

There's actually a lot of tourist companies trying to make money from taking people to see the south pole. Seems like someone would notice that giant ice ring surrounding the plane, or do all the tour companies sign the treaty saying they will keep it a secret too? The main reason for the treaty is to keep pollution away but I also think the military has all sorts of uses for it as well. Hiding the shape of the world is not one of them.

Sure, if your just gonna believe whatever the government tells you. There doesnt have to be an ice wall, could be a shore, the ice wall would be too long for any of us to verify anyway. Disproving an ice wall would not hinder the flat earth theory whatsoever

This post has received gratitude of 0.64 % from @appreciator thanks to: @flat-earth.

The grand canyon doesn't look like a city. It looks like a big canyon. lolz

Fossils take the shape of whatever thing it replaced. Duh...

The Richat Structure (or eye of the sahara) is a deeply eroded, slightly elliptical dome with a diameter of 40 kilometres (25 mi). The sedimentary rock exposed in this dome ranges in age from Late Proterozoic within the center of the dome to Ordovician sandstone around its edges. The sedimentary rocks comprising this structure dip outward at 10–20°. Differential erosion of resistant layers of quartzite has created high-relief circular cuestas. Its center consists of a siliceous breccia covering an area that is at least 30 kilometres (19 mi) in diameter.

WTF does ANY of this have to do with the fact that we sit on a spinning globe?

seriously, is this all you do is follow her around? you really are a loser.

lolz, in your quest to follow me around, you are mixing up who is posting what. This is not earthcustodian's post . :-)

Quit stalking me. loser.

what? you don't like it? and your calling me a loser for doing what you do? irony...

and you are complaining about you doing what I am doing what you are doing? double irony!

i don't make it my life's work. when was the last time i bothered to comment to you?

just now

most globe earthers do this , is like a obsession , very cult like , non of their theories support a ball earth though