Chem-trails in Ancient American Prophecy

in #nature7 years ago (edited)

Chemtrail in ancient american prophecy.jpg

Have you ever looked up and wondered: "Why is the sky criss-crossed with white puffy lines"?

Do all planes naturally leave behind that much of a trail or do only certain types seem to fill the sky? How do they affect my mind and body if they are full of Chemicals which eventually drift to earth, or come down in the rain.

These are some questions I was asking in preparation for my interview with Chief Joseph RiverWind, who was going to discuss with me a Native American prophecy that describes "Spider Webs crossing the Sky".


Here is what we know:

  1. Chemtrails are verified to be real. (Its not just passenger planes)

  2. The contents and purpose of the trails are not fully disclosed.

  3. NASA has a direct involvement in Chem-trails, and justifies it as
    scientific testing on wind streams in the upper atmosphere.

  4. Chemtrails are VERY different from Contrails

Here is a short 3 minute video that will catch you up to speed on Chemtrail theories and what they are:

If you need more proof about what we are talking about here... Listen to this recording from a NASA official who blatantly admits the spraying of certain chemicals but denies that they are harmful in any way. For something the government seems to continually deny, this employee seems a bit too willing to divulge the nature of chem-trails. Fake or not? You tell me.

Native American Prophecy from the Hopi and other tribes detail a time where the Sky will be full of spider webs.

This is a prophecy that forebodes the end of the world, or atleast the predicted end of Native tradition.


Chief Joseph AmaHura RiverWind will be discussing the Ancient Native American prophecy regarding the "Spider Webs in the Sky" and what the American Indians saw coming hundreds of years ago.

This oral tradition that has been passed down detailing the destruction of the earth and the sight of web like lines filling the sky, (which we have come to know today as "Chem-trails".) Proceeds an incredibly terrible time on earth according to the prophecy.

Why is the government bombarding citizens without permission? What affect is it having on our minds and bodies? How are they getting away with it, and what authorization or testing has gone into approving the chemical laced trails over our heads?

Check out my interview below:

If you want to catch our live shows or to ask questions here is the link to our website.

What do you think about Chem-trails?

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I can tell you this......I don't remember the "spider-webs" that now fill our sky when I was growing up!

Me either! Someone pointed out to me also that the sky isn’t as deep a blue as it use to be... and yeah, they are right. I looked for those deep blue skies last year and it was mostly a hazy blue. This is some scary stuff!

And also what is hazy is just the sky itself. I used to remember clear sky's all the time. Now they are hard to come by in my opinion! There always seems to be some sort of hazy now.

Hey Jake! Great to see you over here on Steemit. I’m still new and havent even done an intro yet! We need to get Rob Skiba over here, or is he here already? What about Shakalackamomo? Get that crazy guy over! Lol

I used to scoff at the idea of chemtrails, until I remembered something. More than thirty years ago, I watched a plane cross the sky leaving a 'contrail' behind it. I was on a swingset, and kept an eye on that 'contrail' as it turned into a long cloud that lingered in the sky. Later, my dad came out and I told him I was watching the cloud that an airplane had made. He tried explaining to me how it was impossible for me to have seen what I saw, because planes didn't make clouds like what was now hanging across the sky.