We don't care, do we? - Climate Change, We are fucked and Before The Flood (the Movie)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #nature8 years ago

I honestly hope we all are aware that we are fucking this planet up. If you don't think that we are collectively destroying this beautiful earth, I want you to sit down and think. We throw away huge excess of food, especially in West (Supermarkets, manufacturing, farming), our factories and lifestyle produce lots of garbage and pollution, we destroy flora and fauna ..

Maybe you do something to help. Maybe you recycle, eat less or no meat and eat locally (transport of meat and food in general contributes the most to the greenhouse effect), bike everywhere, and maybe even more.
I applaud you for that. And it's amazing that you do that.

But is that enough?

It's a great start. But let's be real. As a collective, we are not helping. As a society ruled by corporations - that are only thinking of the profit right here right now and not caring about our future, not to mention a future of our children - we are ransacking this planet of all its resources. We pillage, rob and plunder.

Here's a documentary on climate change released recently by National Geographic. I encourage you to watch at least 20 minutes from around an hour mark to at least see an interesting simulation.

Our ancestors were very aware of the environment. You can look at any indigenous tribe living right now and you can see how much they care about their biome. They help it, they preserve it and they take care of it. Yes, sure, they hunt and gather. But they only take as much as it's necessary and won't take more if it'd impact next generations. As an example, If they catch a small or pregnant animal, they let it go.
Why? Because they know they depend on the earth. Without it, they'd die.

Image Source(direct link to img)

So what happened to us? Why don't we care?

We are blinded by consumerism, advertising, money.

We are disconnected from our food. We no longer know where it comes from. Heck, I'd even go that far and say, just to make you think, that agriculture and animal farming is destroying our planet. We take a wild land, we destroy it and we build fields.
What we are doing there is saying "We know better than this planet, we are God here, now, bend to our rule , Planet Earth".
How the hell can we honestly believe that?

We know nothing.

I wonder how much longer before we gonna get wiped.

Tyranny is not sustainable. We want freedom and we (eventually) fight back if it's taken from us. So in extent, all life wants freedom. And because we oppress this planet, we are starting a war.

A war we can't win.

What can we do as a collective?
I have no idea. I can tell you lots of small things you could do but I don't have any "magic pill" solution for you.There probably isn't any.

But maybe by raising an awareness and making EVERYONE do something, we might survive.

If you want to know how I modify my Images, check out my post about a tool I created

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About the Author;

Hi, I am Joe and I love freedom.
Freedom of all sorts, social, financial, emotional, physical, freedom from your stuff or place.
My biggest passion is to show that it is possible to live life being free, work towards my freedom, and help others obtain their own versions of freedom.
I also love exploration and experimentation (of all senses).
My articles are about all of this (Freedom, exploration, experimentation)
as well as my own transparent and authentic experiences.


You are so right with this post. God gave us the responsibility to take care of the earth not to destroy it.

Totally agree with this. I also think we should live in a more sustainable and respectful away, but unfortunately, they're still people who don't give a fuck...

So out of curiosity, how do you try to do that?

I would love to live completely sustainable, but currently it's not possible for me, maybe in few months. So I understand it's not possible for everyone, but everyone can take some steps. And everyone should. Not just one person, everyone.

Actually, I only do small things (very small things). I posted my own vision on this movie and contributions to planet Earth last week - Before the flood - a must see documentary (in case you get curious) ;)

i would agree with everything you've said if it were not centered around this obvious human caused climate change propaganda. we are polluting, yes. CO2 is not the issue. climate change is happening and would be if there were never any humans at all. if politicians and media stars are saying it, doubt.
look into it yourself, and i don't mean to watch another piece of propaganda by hollywood and corrupt politicians. if i can be of any help let me know. usually i find that most people don't want to know. try starting here, and look up all the references, don't rely on the experts, but do the learning yourself. i would start with the Trivium Method and the Quadrivium, and this:

I know that the planet would be heating up anyway. Heck, it even cooled itself down and we had a mini-ice age in middle ages.
But that doesn't mean we are not contributing heavily.
There would be animals that go extinct even if we were not here, but at lower rate, and some woulnd't.

And in my post I mostly talked about how we destroy biome because of agriculture, factories and throwing shit away. :)

Thanks for the link, I'll look into it in few weeks, though I don't think I'd learn much new things.

we don't care. we're driving Cadillacs in our dreams.

It's a matter of perspective. Now is the most awesome time to be alive in the history of human existence. Just because we can imagine a hopeless future doesn't mean that future generations won't find ways to solve future problems. Warming has been good for humans thus far.

How was global warming good for humans so far? Can you elaborate on that?

Food production. Atmospheric carbon makes it easier for plants to grow. Cold climate is more difficult for humans to thrive than warm. The last mini-ice age was devastating for humans and we would be wise to avoid cooling the planet. What is the perfect temperature for earth? We don't actually know. The alarmist have been predicting run away inflation and by their calculations we have passed the point of no return. Either the alarmists are wrong, or we are all dead. In any case, we don't need the laws based on crony capitalism that will be pushed with the excuse of stopping global warming. The kyoto protocol was passed in other countries and it failed spectacularly. Waste of time. How do I know the alarmist are liars? There is technology available to reduce carbon... for example LFTR, and it is NOT being pursued because their goal is not saving the planet or resources, their goal is control.

Yea, that is quite possible indeed. We have lots of technology that is being supressed, too.

Thanks for your comment :)

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