Mother Nature Father Nurture

in #nature8 years ago

Human beings as a species are the product of both nature and nurture. Nature influences a human being by the genetics he or she inherits and nurture influences the development of his or her values, personality, etc. The phrase Mother Nature is used widely, but most people do not try to understand or delve into the meaning of the phrase. Females do the sexual selection in our species which means that females decide which genes remain in the gene pool. Human females select male traits based on what is best for their offspring, these are the traits they are naturally attracted to. In essence, females are the species. The traits that are valued by females are determined by culture in our species (Father Culture). The valued traits changed as culture changed: from who could pick up the biggest rock during prehistoric times (no trade) to who had titles of nobility during the eras of kings and queens (controlled markets) to who makes the most money in modern times (comparatively freer markets).

For the remainder of this article, I will be using the diagram above to refer to Left and Right. This diagram is much more representative of the way things actually are than most people’s idea of what the left right paradigm is.
During the “women’s” march, I think whoever organized the event, revealed their true agenda. I have often seen it pointed out that the Left’s position on celebrating Islamic culture (burqas, hijabs, and other ninja outfits that I do not know the names of) doesn’t make sense considering that they claim to be on a crusade for women’s rights.

I believe that the true motive of the leftist agenda (yes, there is a leftist agenda in “news” and most other form of entertainment) is to switch the natural order of how a human being is created and raised. Women in many of the more radical forms of Islam have little choice in who their mates are. In cultures such as these, it is the males who do the sexual selection (Father Nature). This is not beneficial for human beings as a species because males do not choose mates based on what is best for their offspring, males choose a mate based on the strongest/healthiest genes (symmetrical features, signs of fertility, etc.) This is what males of our species are naturally attracted to.
Culture in a modern society is largely based on free trade (even in controlled economies). Desired male traits are those that result in success in a free market. If a male is unsuccessful/cannot compete in a free market because of a perceived lack of talent, intelligence, drive, etc. then he is more likely to feel mistreated by the culture he lives in and therefore feel jealous/angry at those males who prove to be successful in a free market. Culture has been evolving over the centuries to create a more level playing field, by this I mean an increase in freedom. Rather than classes of people being restricted to the area of work or life that they were born into, modern societies allow for people to move up or down in the social class structure based on their ability to provide service to their customers. This applies not only to people who own businesses and sell products or services to customers, but to employees of those businesses as well. In the case of an employee, the service he or she is selling is (labor, talent, innovation, etc.); the customer is the employer.
Those who feel they cannot compete on a level playing field are attracted to agendas like that of the Left because it provides them little pockets of unconsciousness (communities of similar minded people) where they can create transnational relationships with mates. For example, a male may claim to display certain personality traits (virtue signaling) or adopt ideas that don’t make any sense in exchange for companionship from females in those communities. I used the words virtue signaling and claim because of what I have seen and experienced. One example that comes to mind is the following: I enjoy yoga and spirituality, I used to go to meetups and other events pertaining to these topics hoping to learn from/ interact with people with similar interests. The vast majority of people I met at these events ranged from Democrats to far Left. I knew this one man who practiced meditation regularly and talked about how spirituality, yoga, and meditation should be a part of your life if you wish to practice it, rather than something you do once in a while. He seemed to have some good ideas and I have gone to him for advice at times. Something he suggested to me once was that I pay a prostitute and “do whatever I want to her”, this was supposed to benefit me in some way ( I think maybe I used to get nervous around certain women and perhaps this was his unsolicited advice on a solution to that issue, I’m not sure). I figured he was joking and laughed it off (at the time it felt like Gandhi had just suggested doing that as a joke). Well, he suggested the same thing to me two more times on different occasions. It didn’t feel funny after the first time. The phrase itself seemed strange, “do whatever I want to her.” I have previously received similar suggestions/ commentary from some leftist acquaintances I have known. This seemed odd considering the Left’s position on feminism and women’s rights. It finally occurred to me why the left claims that there is a rape culture and misogyny in the West. There is, it comes from the left. Radical Islamists are actual proud rape apologists and misogynists. So are the western leftists who claim to be virtuous, but see women as objects for pleasure. The terms bitches, hoes, tricks, etc. come to mind and unless I am mistaken, none of those terms came from the Right. The perpetrators of rape culture and misogyny that the left claim to be afraid of are themselves.

I am optimistic enough to think that many of the people who call themselves leftists have been brainwashed by schools, media, and their peers. The men have been brainwashed into hating their masculinity and the women have been brainwashed into calling themselves feminists, but putting on a hijab to stand in solidarity with radical Islamists who would sell them in a slave market. To any men who were watching the “women’s” march, not all women are like that. To any women who participated/organized/supported the “women’s” march, not all men are like that, just the ones you hang out with.


The word transnational in the first sentence of the 6th paragraph was supposed to be transactional. I misspelled it and auto-corrected to the wrong word.

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