Growing indoors experiment: Indoor garden photos

in #nature7 years ago (edited)

Here's a selection of close-ups from our 36 W LED herb garden.


Mint flower in full bloom, completely grown on our modest indoor lighting system.

As a small business that sells seeds, we have to make sure to test each one and grow it out to our standard of quality. Of course these experiments in growing can be very fun and interesting. Here we wanted to share with you a few photos that we've documented over our trials.


Unfortunately the photo can't capture the invigorating smell of thyme, but this is one very easy to grow, slow and steady herb for the garden. It grows steadily for weeks and weeks and can be harvested and dried for use later on.


Dill grown from seed is beginning to show its unique leaf. The smell and taste of dill adds a great flavour to any dish, not to mention for pickling, potatoes and salads.


Korean mint, a new addition that has a licorice smell and taste. It goes well with meat and fish and Asian dishes.


All this was grown within the confines of some free shelf space and under a small LED light fixture. It's easy to start your own seeds indoors and transplant them to the garden when the time comes, and keeps you busy gardening in the off-season for those with an insatiable green thumb like us.

Hope you enjoyed our small selection of growing photos. Let us know what you're growing in your garden this summer!

All photos are our own and taken in the process of growing out our seed inventory.


Those are really pretty plants you've got there. Indoor herb gardening in pots was my hobby in college. I would love to get back to it someday. It's a really rewarding activity, plus, you get fresh herbs. :)