Email Before the Contest is Over
Send an email to before midnight PST ( < 10 hours ). If we lose the contest we don't want to look like sore losers.
Demand a recount that would force voters to prove their identity by sending the minimum amount of coins from their wallet to a NetCoins-owned wallet. The cost would be about a tenth of a cent per account for both platforms. Any wallets created after the contest started can be easily ignored.
I've already sent such an email. Maybe they'll take it seriously if we show some solidarity. It would be much nicer to win the contest fair and square rather than all this obvious cheating. Plus we'd get to see just how flagrantly both sides have been cheating (they are obviously worse).
Sheesh, it isn't even over yet.
Now is not the time to have them decide we are a bunch of high maintenance whiners.
Even if it is true! :)
It's not meant to be whining. It's just common sense that it should of been like this the whole time imo. There's no reason to not utilize these basic functionalities of trust that exist on the blockchain.
Did it. Said to check out our many posts vs the lack of promotion from Verge. Said we care and would gladly prove our votes come from HUMANS.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Email SENT!
Please offer VERIFICATION to prove VOTES
To whom it may concern,
I have some concerns about the verification process. It appears there is some suspicious activity, in that some coins that do not have an active community are receiving large numbers of votes, equal to coins that have an active and vibrant community.
For example, STEEM is currently in 1st place, but INS and VERGE are extremely close. While this may be legitimate, it is odd that so many votes are coming in for these particular coins, considering there is no active community supporting them at this time.
Please consider implementing a second phase of verification to ensure that every vote is human. Thank you for considering this matter.
You can buy 10K human votes with unique IP. Only way to detect them if the votes are casted from same region or country with short period of time.
They have a very small community and nowhere in earth, they can manage 22K human votes. And, you can't use another vote farm to beat a vote farm. A Steem whale easily could have bought 10K votes.
If Netcoins review is fair (which they promised and reduced votes for VERGE and PACCoin earlier), STEEM will be winner. just needs to open their google analytics and look at where their traffic has been coming from for the past few days. I bet it's not even a contest
Can't you get around that with VPNs and spoofing IP addresses and stuff?
When you say it's not even a contest are you implying that we are way ahead? That's what I assume as well.
You could but I'm pretty sure the cheats of other cryptos aren't that sophisticated... They just go on the vote page and vote with a bunch of fake gmail accounts.
To the point and not insulting I think.
Things are looking good right now with a 1000 vote swing in our direction. It is good to be safe though.
Heh I disagree, things are not looking good at all. just put up like 3000 votes in a few hours.
Look at INS go, they suddenly got a lot of "people" supporting them. It would make netcoins look really bad if that coin ended up winning in the end after being a no-show for most of the competition.
I think what disappoints me more than anything is we had about 9000 votes up until yesterday. All of a sudden we have another 5-6000 votes. Where was everyone when it started 6 days ago? If we had worked as one we would have close to 30 000 votes.
I'm guessing a lot of those votes are programmers putting their cheating hats on. I guess we could have started cheating earlier :D