Must-See World War Dramas to Stream on Netflix

in #netflix8 years ago

Netflix can be a pain the ass to find a good show. You can spend more time searching for something to watch than actually watching the shows.

That is where lists come in play. 

Your time searching Netflix can be dramatically cut down if you look for a list online of shows that fit the genre you desire to watch. 

In my case, I love war shows; I can't get enough. I have watched practically every war show on Netflix and although some are quite cheesy and poorly made, I have found some extremely well made that will keep you hooked wanting more. This list I put together is my personal favorite shows that you can find on Netflix right now, and I assure you that if you enjoy war dramas/ movies you will find these exceptional and are definitely a Must-See.


 IMP Awards 

This is a World War 2 series of 3episodes that takes the unique perspective of the Germans and the invasion of Russia. You are taken on a journey through the accounts of 5 individuals and how the war affected them differently. This series is action packed, full of twists and turns along with intense war scenes.


  1. Taking the perspective of the Germans - It is difficult to find a good war movie where the Germans aren’t demonized. This shows the human side.
  2. The character development is amazing. Each character draws you in to their unique challenges and struggles they face during the war.


The entire series is in German. If your fluent in German than this isn't an issue, but for me I need to have subtitles which can take away from the experience.



 New On Netflix USA 

This is a 3 part series of separate accounts during World War 1. Each episode contains different characters and documents a different time in the war. The first episode being the exact beginning of the war and how the English were over-run by under estimating the Germans attack. The 2nd episode involves morals of War and the 3rd episode is the end of the war involving the 1st tanks. 


  1. Intense battles with some history involved. 
  2. Good character development during each episode. 
  3. Keeps you on edge.


Why only make 3 episodes!?  Other than that I loved them all.


14 Dairies of the Great War

 JP Vision 

Ultimately, this documentary/drama depiction of World War 1 is the most informative and heart wrenching experience you can receive from war shows. Each episode chronologically documents World War 1 while also providing re-enactments of personal accounts by using diaries for reference. It is an amazing series with fantastic naration and strong characters. This series will also show you how World War 1 was a complete and nasty waste of human life. 


  1. The in-depth history of World War 1 and how it affected each nation. 
  2. The characters that continue through-out the series and how they develop. You will become attached to all of them and the struggles they endure.
  3. The multiple perspectives of different nationalities in the drama reenactment.


The multiple languages used in the drama portions. The captions take away from the scene. But over-all I don't mind because it makes it more "realistic" when Germans speak German and French speak French and so on.

These are my top favorites in the Netflix World War category. I know if you watch them you will enjoy them. If you know of others please comment, I would love to check them out. Searching on Netflix is difficult, and many shows I wish it had it doesn't!

Thank you for reading and feel free to comment.

Consider following me @generation.easy


Thanks for the tip. I haven't seen any of these yet. Cheers.

If you get a chance, they are definetly my favorites!

Hmmm. I'm not really into war... And I don't speak foriegn languages. But I might check these out. Nice post!

I personally think everyone would like them. They are all episodes, so try the 1st one out.

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