How Bangladeshi Sujana develops network in Islamic State

in #network6 years ago

sujon.jpg015 at the end of December, a Pentagon spokesman Colonel Steve Warren said the announcement, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria during a raid on a group of about 10 senior leaders were killed.

One of the victims was Saiful Sujon - a Bangladeshi citizen who was killed on December 10 in Rakkor, Syria.

Those who were targeted for the operation called 'Inherient Resolve' - many of them were killed in a drone attack. Colonel Warren then said that they 'hit the snake' and killing Isis' leaders.

About Saiful Sujon, he said, "Sujon was planning an external program, and took education as a computer system engineer in Britain."

He also said that Sujon was a key person in the field of hacking activities, surveillance technology, and weaponry.

It is said that an important connection between ISIS and the network was lost in Sujon's death.

It is understood that this Bangladeshi was the leader of an influential cell of IS.

For a few months after his death and on three continents, BBC Wales has carried out extensive research.

BBC Wales has learned that despite Sujon being killed, his network is funding terrorist activities around the world - many are demanding that.

There is more evidence that Sujon has become a key figure in the IS.

Sujon came to Britain from 2000 in Bangladesh. There was nothing in his appearance or personality that might seem to be that he would become one of the senior people in the IS less than a decade.

He started reading computer engineering at the former Glamorgan University of Pontifede in the north of Cardiff.

In 2005, Rob Risse met him in 2005. Sujon wanted to buy Rob Reese's house. He remembers that Sujon was a quiet and active man, but he did not have much money.

Sujon Ibex, an information technology company, was formed, behind which money was trafficked to Isis.

His wife was supposed to come from Bangladesh at that time, and for that she wanted to buy a house, but she had collected deposits for taking bank loans.

Rees said, he thought that Sujon was not sure what to do.

But within a few years, the fate of Sujoy changed. He opened his own IT company, Ibex, joined Wales Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce, and also visited Bangladesh with other business leaders.

At one stage, Sujoy's brother Ataul Huq came to Wales to stay with him, and the two managed to run their business. Their company originally created software for Asian food shops, supplying bill payment machines to China for various South Asian restaurants. Another businessman involved in his business was not a partner - whose name was Abdul Samad.

Abdul Samad is also a child of the Bangladeshi family - but his birth and education wells. He was also a local computer expert - and an important person in the business activity of Suzanne.

This is such a time when like many other cities in Britain, Cardiff has become a problem with Muslim youths who have been aggressive. They were children from different countries in Britain who came to Britain. They were enraged about global 'war on terror' and were attracted to the distorted and Orthodox interpretation of the Islamic State.

Nasser Mudhana, who has escaped from the Middle East and became a poster by international jihad, and Riyadh Khan.

They were seen in the IS's video to show loyalty to Isis established in the Iraq and Syria territories.

In the eyes of the Bangladeshi community in Cardiff, Sujon was not as conservative as a religious person; in his speech, there was no such thing as jihadist supporter Islamic preachers.

She was not religious at all, she had a tendency towards business and money income, there was nothing conservative in her marriage to keep men and women separate - a restaurant owner Anamuzzaman, who was in Cardiff, had some business transactions with Suu Kyi.

But at some point, there was some change in the face of Sujana, who changed the appearance of a pale black-edged western face and showed him the traditional bearded look of a religious Bangladeshi Muslim - said some who saw him in his place of work.

But that change can not be termed as a symbol of aggression. So he had such a change in his mind that he might not have expressed it outside.

Saiful Sujon and Ataul Huq married two twins sister They brought them to Britain. However, after the death of his wife's wife in 2012, her life changed because her life changed. He became an ambitious Western businessman in supporters of extremist Islamists and instrument providers.

Note that the anti-terrorism officials of the UK could know about these issues a lot later.

To find out where and how Susan's activities as an IS leader were first detected, BBC Wales correspondent Yar Davis visited the Baltimore city of the United States.

Investigators have been watching for a long time on militant activities within the United States. Many of them have gone to the Middle East to join jihad, many have caused similar incidents like the Fort Hood killing or the Boston Marathon bombings in the United States. But due to effective surveillance of the FBI and other intelligence agencies, foreign terrorism could not directly lead to terrorist attacks.

But there was an incident in 2015 - which is different.

The home was delivered to the newspaper - a person noticed FBI's attention.

Mohamed Elshinabi, a resident of Baltimore, regularly used to have a small amount of money from Western Union or Manigram - one thousand or five hundred dollars, such a sum. But in the summer of 2015, it was sent eight thousand dollars.

By the month of October, federal agents took the step. They searched the house of Elshinabi, and found they found Sujon's contact with Cardiff-based company.

Within a few days, they also pointed out that this meaning was coming in for terrorist attacks in the United States. Not only the meaning, but its chronological instructions were also sent about how to attack - from Wales's eBooks account in Wales.

The case of Elishnabin has been followed for more than a year by the Washington University's Simus Hughes of Washington University. He said these men were directing Elsinabi for the attack.

His office wall has a design of a spider net, there are pictures of suspected people - some of them are alive today and someone is dead. It can be understood from how complex it is to search

The first contact was to instruct a person to kill a person in Texas, said Mr. Hughes, but when Elshinabi was not getting everything together, they said, 'So why do not you pay attention to a big attack in Baltimore?

Susan has sent at least 16 videos to Lushinabi so that she has instructions on how to make bombs. FBI investigating officials have also observed that some of the targets that can be hit targets have been researched by Elisinabi. Among them are the federal court building in Baltimore.

He acknowledged some of the allegations made against Mohammed Elshinabi about the evidence found against him. At the beginning of this year, the court sentenced him to 20 years of imprisonment.

One such person who could become a terrorist within the United States is Elishnabi. He is now safe in prison because he is safe. But Mr. Hughes says that from his research it has been understood how efficient the IS network is, through which he was recruited. This is a network that has been linked to an IT firm in South Wales.

The expertise of this network has reached such a stage that most analysts did not realize that, Mr. Hughes They used to send money in different countries through some organizations so that no one doubted it. It's fancy. It is known only from the Isis bank in the United States about this funding.

Mr. Hughes has no doubt that Sujon and his associates created terrorist networks that opened their mouths.

They have examined many facts of the FBI, many court documents. It was found there that Sujon worked for the funding of IS and how much he was able to send the necessary goods.

In the FBI papers, two names were returned - Ataul Haque and Sujan's brother Abdul Samad.

According to the FBI, their evidence has been found in Mr. Samad supported IS. And he sent money privately to Elshinabi in America in the direction of Sujon.

It has also been found that he also collected technical equipment for IS.

So far, it has been known that Sujon became an expert in collecting military surveillance equipment and various parts of the drone. They were sent to Syria and Turkey to Islamic State militants.

An example of this in the FBI papers shows that Mr. Nori, from the North American suppliers, is collecting 18,000 dollars worth of surveillance equipment. How was Samad connected directly? This is done at the request of Sujon. Later they were sent to the Middle East.

FBI investigating officers have repeatedly shown that none of these devices is related to the business of iBacks.

With the transfer of money and equipment Mr. In order to investigate the involvement of Samad, officials went to the depths of his communication with various people. He also analyzed his history in the social media.

We also got some evidence from which Mr. Samad was an active supporter of the IS and other Islamist ideals that matched the FBI's claim.

She shared IS campaigning videos where commentators highlighted the rationale for establishing Islamic State. In other videos, Muslims have been invited to the battlefield to be martyred.

Al-Qaeda mentioned the notorious and prominent person as "the 21st century model of character".

One of his office accounts' passwords was Kilobabama 77.

Britain's anti-terrorist police Samad arrested on 10 December 2015 On that day, Sujon was killed in a US drone attack in Syria.

Sujon became the sole occupier of the card office in Cardiff. Most of the equipment was seized from there.

Police said it did not find enough evidence to bring a criminal complaint against him.

Then Mr. Samad was asked about the allegations made against him. He was accused of helping to send money to a IS support worker in the United States, he was involved with the collection of high quality military technology. These materials were collected for the use of IS. He is also a supporter of Islamist extremism - on behalf of the FBI's claim, on his computer, some other items were found.

Some leading ISIS leaders who were killed in drone attacks

In response to Mr. Samad said that after arresting him, he was initially told that he was released without any complaint and no case was filed against him.

He denied having been involved in doing something bad. Said he is not a extremist and he has no idea about financing the attack on the United States. He claimed that he ordered the purchase of only legitimate items for his company.

Mr. Samad was also asked about a new complaint. The complaint is that in September of 017 he created a new company in South Wales. This company was created for Sujoy's brother Ataul Huq who worked and worked in Spain at that time.

Huq Sujon is one year old. They were very close. They were also partners in the iBook business.

Suede's brother Huq's name is also well mentioned in Baltimore's case filed by FBI against Mohammad Elshinabi, as has been the case with Mr. Samad talks.

It has also been seen that, despite the surveillance of various intelligence agencies, there was no action against Haq. He was never arrested even after being a senior member of IS and Sujon's brother and a director of his company.

After the death of his first wife, he was introduced to a Spanish woman in Cardiff. After that they married and through his formula Mr. Huq was able to move to Spain.

M from turkey After returning Haq, they were placed in Spain in August 2015.

But since the beginning, Mr. Spanien was in the police surveillance. Right. Police investigators in Madrid, during the investigation, later said that how was the IS network enabled even after suzuki's death in December 2015?

An official reluctant to reveal the name said, Mr. Huq established an organization in Spain for a little different name. This name was Egintel. His brother Sujon had earlier operated a similar IT company in South Wales.

We knew that his brother Isis was a senior man. His business was legitimate from outside, but his aim was to provide technology and money to Isis, he said.

In some cases, the Spanish police found that Hawk was more ambitious than his brother Sujon. Especially about the collection of drones for IS.

Last year, during the Battle of Mosul in Iraq, IS drone mortar and grenade using IS drones. This drone has also been used to manage suicide attackers.

Because of leading role in using technology, the Americans targeted Sujana at the end of 2015.

But in Spain police investigation, Huq had special interest in collecting and using these drones.

At the time, I have done detailed research on what kind of drones the ISIS needs. We have tried to find out what kind of drones there are in the Spanish market, said a Spanish official. Although they knew that the Ibex network has already sent some military equipment that can be used for various purposes to Isis.

In America, a British analyst Peter Singer said that terrorists will use more drones not only because they have lost control in Iraq or Syria. They will use more drones because these technologies have become available day by day.

Spain's police claim that Sujon was quick to raise the influence of Isis after his brother Huq.

It was the mechanism of sending technical equipment to Turkey. Thousands of dollars have been sent to the terrorists of Bangladesh also, said a police officer from Madrid.

He said, we have calculated that Ataul sent a total of 50 thousand dollars in Bangladesh in December 2015. Our colleagues in Bangladesh told that the goal of sending these money was to attack them.

Authorities in Bangladesh are not willing to accept the presence of IS in the country, although there have been a number of terrorist attacks in the country and many Bangladeshi jihadists have gone to Iraq and Syria to fight for IS.

Tasnim Khalil, a Bangladeshi journalist, thinks Sujon and his network have a large role to increase the effectiveness of IS in Bangladesh.

He is reporting on the impact of these two brothers for many years. Tasnim Khalil said that in order to do some of his work, Bangladesh authorities tortured him and that is why he is living in exile in Sweden.

Saiful Sujon has a major role behind IS financing around the world. He conducted some of the primary activities of Isis in Bangladesh. From there, some young people gather and send them to the war zone of Syria, he said.

Mr. Khalil's idea was to collect at least 50 jihadis from different countries of South Asia through this network of Sujon, primarily by the company of Cardiff and later some of its associate organizations in Bangladesh. Half of them went to Iraq or Syria. And the rest of the people probably attacked inside Bangladesh.

According to him, Sujon's money may also be available behind these attacks.

It is also speculated that Sujan may have financial support from the network established in Sujan's Gulshan-based Artisan Bakeri in Dhaka in 2016. 24 people were killed in the attack.

Bangladesh police refused to comment on the matter.

About two years after Sujoy's death, the authorities of Spain and Bangladesh decided that they would work to break down its established terrorist network, which is still active.

Haq was arrested from Merida town in southern Spain. 11 people have been arrested in Bangladesh also suspected of involvement with the terrorist network in the ongoing operation.

Investigators in Spain have no doubt that Haq and his brother Sujon are both very dangerous people.

They are horrific even more than those who threaten public attacks. They can be easily challenged, but together with the four countries, it took six years to break the network of these two brothers, said an official.

How the network of terrorists has been broken, it is still a big question.

These money and equipment providers are now getting priority to law enforcement agencies around the world in tackling international terrorism so that they can not collect new jihadists to carry out terrorist attacks abroad.

Baltimore Mr. Lormal said terrorists' moneylenders are now becoming an important target for terrorists.

As the flow of their money can be reduced, the extent of their attacks will be reduced, he said.

Ataul Huq is in Spain jail Police say that he may now be charged with a criminal offense, although he has denied these allegations.

Abdul Samad also denied the charges brought against him. But he did not say anything about the allegations made against him last. He is complaining, Mr. Huawei has created a new company in Wales. The name of this company is Egintelle. There is a company in Spain with the same name. Spain's police say this company has a big role in funding the IS.

The terrorist network to be formed by Sujon is possible to finally break. But after more than two years of declaration of his death, it is still not possible to say that it has been possible to stop the funding of jihadists for terrorist attacks.

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