How to Network with People- Getting the Best of Relationships

in #networking7 years ago

Steemit -Networking.jpgPeople - meeting -people is as old as man. The truth is that relating and networking with one another will continue to exist because the creator creates human being to need themselves. We will always need ourselves to grow and make progress in life, especially in any endeavour that involves making money. You will need people and connections to sell your products and services to. In fact, nobody in any chosen field would be able to make any reasonable impact without the help of others.
Before going further, let’s get to know what networking is.
Networking is said to be the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions; specifically: the cultivation of productive relationships for employment or business
If relating with others or networking with them is so important, the question now is “How then can I network with people?”
Get some useful tips that will help you to initiate connections and get the best of networking.

  1. Believe in Yourself.
    This is the most important thing to consider in achieving any tangible success in any aspect of life. It is only those who believe in themselves and what they do or want to do that will go far in life.
    To believe in oneself simply means to be bold, courageous and to have confidence in yourself, because people can tell if you are fearful or shy when approaching them. These are some of the attributes of a champion you may say, yes, it takes a man with a champion’s heart to be the first to start a conversation.
    As you can see from our definition above, networking involves exchange of information between two or more people and to get any information from someone you are meeting probably for the first time, you must have the belief that you are not inferior to anybody. If this kind of thoughts preoccupy your mind, your self-esteem will be boosted and you won’t find it difficult to network with people.
    Action plan; Next time you meet with someone you don’t know before and you want to network, even if you an introvert or a shy person, tell yourself that, the person is human being like I am and give yourself a smile. And if you are rejected, say to yourself something like; they don’t know what they miss by rejecting me and move on. The worst answer or reaction you can get from people is shunning you, when this happens it shouldn’t affect you if you believe in yourself. After all, it cannot take anything away from you. It is when you talk about it or show some unpleasant attitude that makes it problem. No one can be acceptable to others until he is first acceptable to himself.
  2. Be Prepared
    Whatever you do without adequate preparation will yield little or no result. There is nothing that is too small to prepare for. Don’t feel meeting people is a minor thing to border yourself about preparation especially if you find it difficult to talk whenever there is more than one person in a place. If you don’t prepare, fear can make you freeze up or your tongue. You know the result? You will lose out in the race of networking with people.
  3. Think of what you can contribute not what to receive.
    Another important virtue that can help you in networking with people is to think of what you are willing to offer to make the relationship grow when it start, and not what you will get from it. The human nature always seek for what to get and think little of what to give and this kind of attitude has caused many people great relationship that would have been a profitable one.
    You must understand this essential fact in networking; that is, every relationship should be a symbiotic and not a parasitic one. In fact, you will always get yes from every approach you make to others when trying to network if you let them know you are a contributor and not a consumer.
  4. Follow up.
    Staying in touch is the proof of your seriousness in networking with people. If you collect people’s information may be complementary card, e-mail address or phone numbers and you keep the information in your archive without any single call back, there’s every tendency that you are going to lose that relationship.
    When you meet people and collect their details, make sure you follow up even if all you have to say is ‘how are you doing’, you will be doing yourself a lot of good in sustaining the relationship.
  5. Networking takes time and effort.
    If you think networking is all about the first meeting you will be disappointed by the time more time and effort is demanded from you. To build a lasting relationship you must not count on the energy you put into it especially when it outweigh the cost and the ultimate goal is to gain from it. The best way to think is to see network as investment.

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