⚠⚠⚠Besides alcohol and tobacco ... Is this the most addictive and dangerous legal drug that exists?⚠⚠⚠steemCreated with Sketch.

in #new6 years ago

What he has in mind the 'science' driven by corporations for the future of humanity is very different from the landscape of dream utopian that has been portrayed by the media ... Listening to the media handled by corporations, science It is always 'good' for humanity ... Since the food industry is increasingly being invaded by junk science, efforts will be increased to hide all the chemical ingredients in food products and change the name of the chemicals that sound dangerous. names that sound like good chemicals ...

It is not television. No. Neither is refined sugar, nor alcohol (or partly), nor cigarette (and less tobacco). And much less coffee or mate. No. It is Sodium Glutamate !, or monosodium glutamate, "a chemical substance that has been indiscriminately added to processed foods without the proper regulation or studies that guarantee their safety" (Alexander Backman). Monosodium glutamate is an excitotoxin and is neurotoxic (it excites and kills neurons), it has all the characteristics of a hard drug (it is highly addictive, it is degenerative and stupid, and it can be deadly), it is totally legal, it was discovered by the Japanese to early twentieth century, and is today first, the product "responsible" for indiscriminate addictions to packaged foods, from soups and sauces to cookies, instant purées and canned potato chips, sweets and sweets, and also chicken, fruit drinks , flavored drinks, beers, dairy products (including cheeses) and milk powder, etc. And in the second place it is responsible for massive cases of obesity, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, behavioral disorders, learning and memory disorders, epilepsy, schizophrenia, sterility, and cancer, all over the world.

"What you have in mind the 'science' driven by corporations for the future of humanity is very different from the landscape of dream utopian that has been portrayed by the media ... Listening to the media managed by corporations, the science is always 'good' for humanity ... As the food industry is increasingly invaded by junk science, efforts will be increased to hide all chemical ingredients in food products and change the name of the chemicals that sound dangerous by names that sound like good chemicals ... The Corn Refiners Association is already trying to change the name of 'high fructose corn syrup' to 'corn sugar'. Aspartame is now going to be called 'AminoSweet', and GMS, has been renaming things like 'yeast extract' or 'Torula Yeast powder' ... But it's going to get much worse when fraudulent science accelerates the deceptions of the food industry . Wait to see how preservatives like 'sodium benzoate' change their name to things like, 'freshness crystals'. Or the 'artificial colors' could be described as 'Fortified with pretty colors' ... Above all, the food industry wants to hide where their food comes from, how they are made, and what's in them, because those three categories are bad news for your health. "- Mike Adams

"Health education programs supported by the state also put us in danger, which instead of providing accurate information are an unfathomable source of deception and misinformation. Of course, the state has always been a source of grave danger to its own people, which it traditionally mutilates and kills in wars. "- Thomas Szasz

"They have poisoned us with a drip, and from this history has to judge." - Manolo Cuadra

"To see little and bad food that makes people sick is to be healthy?" - Guillermo De Pósfay

"Occasionally you have to give credit to conspiracy theorists, who raise issues that media corporations have ignored." - James McConnachie

Where is the poison?

The poisonous glutamic acid is very cheap and is added to almost everything that (badly) we eat or peck daily: "sweets, chewing gum (chewing gum), condiments, seasonings, catsup sauce, English sauce, soy sauce, all the other sauces, jellies, yeast extracts, calcium caseinate, soups, fruit drinks, soft drinks and sodas, beer, corn gluten, almost all the botanitas (marinated potatoes, etc.), tofu, soy milk, industrialized milk , low fat milk, cheeses (particularly in Parmesan cheese) ", and it also appears in our daily hygiene and health, in" soaps, shampoos, hair conditioners, cosmetics, medicines, smallpox vaccine, etc. Currently, MSG is added to almost all industrially produced foods, including baby food "(Nasif Nahle).

What causes?

Glutamate destroys our neurons and causes mental disorders, such as autism, nervous depression, anxiety, Alzheimer's, schizophrenia, and suicidal tendencies. And also chronic fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, tachycardia, asthma, brain cloudiness, dizziness, fainting, and numbness in the throat and tongue.

Glutamate also causes obesity, and "heart disease, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure", rheumatoid arthritis, appendicitis, diabetes, sterility and even cancer (Backman, Melendez Díaz).

"The Society of Neuroscience has established that undoubtedly the glutamates, in the doses found in the products, damage the hypothalamus, part of the brain essential for both memory and learning," warns Nahle on the other hand.

What exactly is sodium glutamate?

Glutamate, says Backman "like aspartame, are a form of excito-toxin. Excitotoxins are the chemicals that excite neurons, causing them to fire rapidly, and then die suddenly ... GSM works by magnifying the flavor of the food by stimulating the cells in the brain and tongue. "

A little about its history

In 1907, the chemist Kikunae Ikeda, at the Imperial University of Tokyo, isolated glutamic acid from kombu, an alga that is widely used in traditional Japanese cooking, and called it "umami".

This chemical drug to highlight the flavors, they say "was first added to foods after World War II and has since been added dramatically by the food industry in ever-increasing concentrations" (Backman).

In the 60s, says Agnés Melendez Díaz, "a brand name seasoning AJINOMOTO was popularized, which was used as salt in all foods. He was removed from the market upon discovering that he was highly CANCERIGEN. It was pure monosodium glutamate. Then, the industrialists began to use it combined with other additives to season the industrialized foods ". We know then that since at least 1978, its harmfulness in the brain and its cancerogenic potentiality is known: "Therefore, for years it has been known that this additive harms our health, but for economic interests we hide the truth and continue using to make us addicted to a series of foods that usually have a high caloric value, inducing an increasing increase in obese people ".

A few years ago, John Erb, from the University of Waterloo, wrote his book The Slow Poisoning of America, denouncing some of the evils of monosodium glutamate, from the Northern Empire.

Today, in the midst of this Fourth World War that also includes a war in our stomachs (our second brain), this toxic addictive poison (which directly liquids our neurons from the "first" brain) is in almost everything that the food market capitalist of the New World Order, offers us to supposedly benefit us. Let's think and depart that it is already in the milk that we buy in the supermarket, with which we feed our sons and daughters. And this, as we saw, has been going on for at least 50 years.

Glutamate is then "a chemical drug that should never have been put in the food supply chains. But, for something is there. The only answer is that they, the World Elite, know it and want to poison as many people as possible, especially children and the elderly, "adds Backman in a clear conspiracy conclusion.

Other names of the same poison ...

They are: GSM or GMS, flavoring, flavor enhancer, Accent, Aginomoto, Natural Meat Softener, Gelatin calcium caseinate, Hydrolyzed vegetable protein, Textured protein, Monopotassium glutamate, Hydrolyzed phytoprotein (HPP), Yeast extract, Glutamate, Phytoprotein Authorized, food or yeast feed, glutamic acid, sodium caseinate, authorized yeast, plant protein extract, Senomyx (wheat extract labeled as artificial flavoring), powder broth (Knorr), flavoring or natural flavoring (Campbell's Splash V8) 's), Concentrate or isolate of protein, Maltodextrin (Power Ade), and Malta of barley, among many others, or with the letter E and three numbers: E620, E621, E622, E623, E624, E625, E627, E631, or E635, according to different researchers. Although sometimes they do not even include it in the labels, as they do not include the toxic chemicals that tobacco companies put on industrial cigarettes.

Football & neurotoxic advertising campaigns

We know of the sinister alliances that football and other sports have had with the genocidal dictatorships, that go back to the imperialist Roman slogan of "Pan y Circo" of more than two centuries ago: in the 20th century and during the 2nd. World War, Nazism has used sports to cover its racist and genocidal policies; and in Argentina, they used the World Cup and Kempes, Passarella, etc., to cover a genocide and a whole physical and ideological persecution, with kidnappings, torture, and brainwashing included.

And today l, we find soccer players and football people, like the popular player Juan Román Riquelme, in a paradox where sport is supposed to be health, promoting advertising on TV and street posters, to the consumption of hard drugs highly addictive and toxic, such as monosodium glutamate and aspartame, in Lays fries and in Pepsi, for example (with this company of addictive dangerous sodas also worked the most popular footballer of the moment: Lionel Messi). In the Pepsi-Lays propaganda, the player Riquelme said he was "happy", and was seen smiling, in a subliminal message (perhaps planned by the publicists of the day) of legal drugs + addictive consumption = joy and satiety of the drug addict.

They are: GSM or GMS, flavoring, flavor enhancer, Accent, Aginomoto, Natural Meat Softener, Gelatin calcium caseinate, Hydrolyzed vegetable protein, Textured protein, Monopotassium glutamate, Hydrolyzed phytoprotein (HPP), Yeast extract, Glutamate, Phytoprotein Authorized, food or yeast feed, glutamic acid, sodium caseinate, authorized yeast, plant protein extract, Senomyx (wheat extract labeled as artificial flavoring), powder broth (Knorr), flavoring or natural flavoring (Campbell's Splash V8) 's), Concentrate or isolate of protein, Maltodextrin (Power Ade), and Malta of barley, among many others, or with the letter E and three numbers: E620, E621, E622, E623, E624, E625, E627, E631, or E635, according to different researchers. Although sometimes they do not even include it in the labels, as they do not include the toxic chemicals that tobacco companies put on industrial cigarettes.

Football & neurotoxic advertising campaigns

We know of the sinister alliances that football and other sports have had with the genocidal dictatorships, that go back to the imperialist Roman slogan of "Pan y Circo" of more than two centuries ago: in the 20th century and during the 2nd. World War, Nazism has used sports to cover its racist and genocidal policies; and in Argentina, they used the World Cup and Kempes, Passarella, etc., to cover a genocide and a whole physical and ideological persecution, with kidnappings, torture, and brainwashing included.

And today l, we find soccer players and football people, like the popular player Juan Román Riquelme, in a paradox where sport is supposed to be health, promoting advertising on TV and street posters, to the consumption of hard drugs highly addictive and toxic, such as monosodium glutamate and aspartame, in Lays fries and in Pepsi, for example (with this company of addictive dangerous sodas also worked the most popular footballer of the moment: Lionel Messi). In the Pepsi-Lays propaganda, the player Riquelme said he was "happy", and was seen smiling, in a subliminal message (perhaps planned by the publicists of the day) of legal drugs + addictive consumption = joy and satiety of the drug addict.

We already mentioned another carcinogenic excitotoxin such as aspartame, aspartame or E-951 (included in juices, soft drinks, soft drinks and chewing gum), which produces headaches, memory loss, mood changes, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, depression, Parkinson's , diabetes, etc., and was created by the company Monsanto (which not only pollutes the earth, food and bodies, but also politics, as it came to light with its influence in the recent coup d'etat in Paraguay, last month ); and we also add acelsufamo (also in sweets and sodas); soy lecithin (present in chocolates and other foods) that excessively causes cancer; preservatives such as Sodium Benzoate or E211, (in juices, soft drinks, fruit salads, desserts, etc.) that can cause asthma, cancer and epilepsy; Sulfurous Anhydride or E220, Sodium Sulfate or E221, Sodium, potassium or calcium disulfites or E223, E224, E225 "that cause irritation of the digestive tract, inactivate vitamin B1, cause headaches and vomiting" (in beers, ciders , wines and juices); and the Nitrites and Nitrates of sodium and potassium or E249, E251 and E252: "potential destroyers of the red globules, possible generators of vascular accidents and with carcinogenic effects" (in sausages); flavorings such as Amyl Acetate (it is included in liquid to polish floors to dairy products and sweets), butyl aldehyde (flavoring, and at the same time rubber solvent), phosphoric acid (included in gaseous cola, is a powerful corrosive of calcium), piperonal (it is also flavoring, pyojicide!); dyes such as Tartrazine or E-102, which can produce from anxiety and headaches, internal bleeding and gastric ulcers; Amaranth or E-123, (in ice cream, jams, yoghurts, wines, caviar), is carcinogenic and in some countries like the USA. is prohibited; Orange Yellow or E-110 (in juices, ice cream, candy, desserts) causes allergies and behavior disorders in children; and "trans" fatty acids and hydrogenated oils, present in a large amount of packaged foods, and which are "dangerous" to the heart and arteries, since they are involved in the increase of cardiovascular diseases, and are called "silent killers" "For different investigations of nutritional health: even the WHO (World Health Organization), manifested against them in 2005, and advocated eliminating them from our diet.

And we who consume honey also know that sometimes we find honey mixed with corn syrup, and this same syrup is "found in most processed foods and junk foods," and in flavored and carbonated waters, and it produces diabetes and obesity. And recently "they have changed the name to sugars in the labels instead of telling us that they are the deadly components of these sugars" that caused "an epidemic of childhood cancer in Mexico and other infra-global countries," says Backman.

In short, these are just some, because there are many more poisons in our daily diet and that of our children: our food is increasingly plagued by GMOs, which reveal the medical reports is also harmful to our health, as they alter and weaken our immunological organisms and systems (Arpand Pusztai): at the same time that the massive cultivation of GMOs (managed almost entirely by Monsanto) produces "the destruction of native forests, the eviction of indigenous people, peasants and rural workers , an increase in the use of herbicides and a serious substitution of food production for local consumption "according to a Greenpeace report.

And while in our country President Cristina Fernandez meets and signs transgenic agreements with Monsanto, precisely in Chile there is currently a popular campaign of social organizations called "I do not want transgenics in Chile," as the daily newspaper El Cuidadano says, with complaints and citizen mobilizations, where the government of Pineda is required, to give way to the law on food labeling and the toxicological analysis of genetically modified crops, especially ensuring the health of our youngest children.

The systematic vicious circle of addictive legal drugs

From a very young age, since we are babies, the dominant food system has been drugged with monosodium glutamate and other exotoxins since dairy products, soups, sweets, sugars, etc .: that stupidize us, depress us, alienate us, or make us anxious, mess up our brain and our learning, and stimulate our addictive behavior, fatten us, while they weaken us physically with transgenic foods, to send us later to the psychologist or psychiatrist, or to the nutritionist ("the therapeutic intromission entails a degradation of the person", remember Szasz), and drug us with anxiolytics, antidepressants, etc., and other health professionals to end up totally weakened and dependent and addicted to the medical system and its legal drugs. Yes, they fill us with legal poisonous drugs, from cradle to cancer, schizophrenia and grave. With the bow of legality, science, apron and health. All in bright packets and wrappings, or little bottles of beautiful colors, full of "rich" flavors, in all kiosks, supermarkets, pharmacies, cities of the world. Wrapped for gift: a gift with surprises of the New World Order, which seeks to finish imposing its "imperial fascist global dictatorship" (Daniel Estulin), nothing more and nothing less than "at the expense of the welfare of the world population" (Marcelo Torres) .

Source: http://www.thelastkingdom.net


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