Are you ready for a bullish / Positive steem price?

in #new7 years ago (edited)

Steem and other crypto´s prices have been on downturn lately due to holiday cash out and fuders spreading fake news on social media and other news channels- see my last mail for detailed explanation: Worried about Steem (including Crypto´s) Price? Patience and Optimism will help . My question is, did you use the opportunity to get more steem and other top crypto´s or are you waiting for more cheaper price (which might or might not come ) , did you join the fudders bandwagon and sell off your steem? Here are some few points

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Steem will shine: If you know the true value of steem ecosystem including the value SMT and upcoming hardfork20 (see my older posts for details) will bring to steem ecosystem (see my older posts for details) then you will count yourself blessed to be among steem early investors and thus use all the chance you find to get some steem and power up. The truth, however, is that haters and fuders will always do their thing-Haters will always Hate. Do not expect that central governments (afraid of losing tax money and control) , banks, Google, twitter, Facebook (fear of losing their monopoly) will relax and see all of us succeed in the crypto space without a fight. However our success lies on being strong, working together and counter attacks (peacefully) through our blogs, vlogs etc and thus spread the ingenuity of steem , Elyte (see and other top cryptocurrencies around the world.
Crypto´s are currently in green according to Coinmarket cap however we should not base our fate on ups and downs rather see the bigger picture and thus think / plan in the long run. I wish you all more success.

Do you agree? Send in your comments . Resteem in order to reach more people and upvote to send in your support.

Click here and read my former post:Worried about Steem (including Crypto´s) Price? Patience and Optimism will help

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Good point indeed, I see an opportunity to grow my steem before it is too late. Moreover, we all should stay strong together and fight against days are indeed ahead of us...thanks a lot, upped...100%

Good point, I agree....we have to unite against fuders indeed.Patience is also the key.

To be honest,the rate at which the price went down will really scare alot of people.

Hahahahah you are right...however price was even below 70 cent last year the current price is really high

Was lucky to power up when the prices were low,will still power up going forward cos now's the time to plan for the mad gains that will surely come when steemit finally goes mainstream.

Wow luck you indeed...and more success to you

I hope Steem does shine. It is a shame to see the infighting going on and bad practice by some people. The slow development of the platform is also not good, even joining is a waiting game. Competition is catching up and better platforms are coming so Steemers need to unite for the good of the platform or we could well become a myspace.

I agree with you however all good thing does not come easy and thus patience is needed...I wish you success

I think this is the best time to buy more steem, if we buy now we can afford more due to low price as our investation for future advantage. This is kind of gambling but i am optimist the price will gradually increase.

Point, I agree with you.

I really believe in Steemit platform, because It solves a ton of problems wich can't do other social medias. For example content creators can get money for the hard job they do. I think the price is connected whit stuff going on in Korea, but i believe that more and more people will join over platform and with creating content will grow this platform even more!

You are correct...I feel the same way too and optimistic that good days will surely come for all of us here. More success to you

Prices are going to go up soon the trend for btc especially looks bleak but its a lot like it was in 2013 in time I firmly believe we'll see record new highs and that will be across the board. I have bought Tron, XEM, BTC you name it but to me Steem is far superior because it serves us in so many different ways and finally we dont have to be overcome by ads and one day dtube and steemit will replace the nonsense with peer to peer legitimacy.

Very good point indeed...steem do have real life value and thus its time to shine will surely come....thanks for your comment

Yeah i See an opportunity of earning in future. As prices are low nowadays due to some reasons but what we have is patience and we have to wait for the right time to get some valuable coins. Hope for the better, crypto will rise again.

Very good point, thanks for your comment

there is just one sentence: I believe in Steem :) hashtag no fears :) .. btw , are you from franconia charles?

Good point my dear are indeed a good steemian. No I am not Franconia ..why did you ask my dear one?

hehe thanks (red cheeks^^), ah ok I thought I remembered that you are living in Franconia, cause I want to organize a Steemit Meeting in this area, thanks for replaying!

Oh Franken is Franconia ..hahahaha. Yes I am from the area... and you? we can meet us for a drink

Good news about Steem. We have to keep working together and realize what is fud.

Amen to that, thanks for your comment