Do You Believe in Partnering Up With Others? - (looking for feedback for #newbieresteemday)

Today was a good catch-up day and I was thrilled to see everyone take initiative and start games and contests to get attention for our project and to help the newbies and minnows feel welcome. I haven't even had the time to scroll through our hashtag #newbieresteemday and get all the stats yet, but I know I've seen the following:

In just the first 3 days:

  1. at least 10 different members gave up their feed to resteem for newbies in the last 3 days
  2. at least 4 different contests/games where members are encouraging the small guys to put out a good post or response and earn SBD funded entirely from their own wallets.
  3. at least 6 different donations of SBD in direct support of these contests and games
  4. a logo contest that has approached $30 upvote and has drawn the interests of more artists with each day (I'm guessing we will have a dozen entrants?)
  5. @mudcat36 and my posts on announcing the program launch have now collectively surpassed the $30 upvote total which all the SBD will be given in some fashion back to the newbies directly.

This doesn't even include all the conversations and activity that is occurring under the radar and not quantifiable. Its a lot and its growing. Which leads me to the question that I'm asking today.


Do You Believe in Partnering Up With Others?

I had an idea that we can also work with already established steemians that already have infrastructure and processes in place. By using their knowledge and experience it will enable us to not only work together, but also get more accomplished as we have many exciting things coming together (stay tuned this is just the warm-ups). ;)

Obviously as we grow our capabilities will also grow, but in the beginning our goal is to enrich the experience primarily for the newbies, yet also secondarily for our members. We are trying to build a community within a community and networking, sharing, playing, and communicating are all facets to building a solid and vibrant core. That is how we get stronger together because we learn, grow, and help each other as we move forward and "grow up". I've seen it first-hand in my first 30 days, and it works.

We have a chance to work with (or partner) with a first candidate if you want. He (@danielsaori) runs a weekly game called Steemit Comment Challenge and he has a good following. He has a weekly prize pool of $20 SBD where he encourages thoughtful comments on a post of the week that he selects. So the game is simple, people go read the post of the week that he selects and you enter your answer in the comment section. Sometimes they are serious posts and sometimes they are just fun. He mixes it up.

Again the goal is to get people to share and make comments and basically interact together. (Note: exactly the advice I give out every day to people about how to get more followers/views on their posts)... Plus they usually earn something on the good answers because their answers get upvotes too.

For an average newbie that spends hours and hours to create a "good post" and then only get a $0.02 upvote, they can sometimes get dejected pretty quickly. (I know, I was there myself 3 weeks ago). By opening up their eyes and promoting the gaming concept they will naturally learn they can do "other" things to make money and get friends to boot. The faster we can put together an ecosystem that supports the newbies, the better their experiences and the more they connect and grow. And games and contest are one such way (as the non-newbies already probably know).

How We Could Help The Newbie (in this case)

My thinking is that if you were interested (as members) in encouraging newbies to join we could ask for "volunteers" to help these newbie in 2 different ways.

#1 tell them about it. If you run across someone with less than a 40 reputation chances are they are either new or need help figuring out how to "engage" more into the system. You can tell them about it in a post of your own where you tell your followers about the game (and note you can even earn money by doing a good thing). Or you can just do it one on one when you see someone or it comes up in conversation. But basically the goal is to get them there.

#2 go to the game site and support the newbies that make a genuine effort with your upvote. And if you also feel so compelled, making the effort to comment on their post too. Everyone likes to hear they did a good job, so this would basically be a cheerleader function.

As with resteeming, this isn't going to be a perfect "fit" for everyone (there are many many ways to contribute so no worries we WILL have at least one plan that suits you). Some people like to save their upvotes for other purposes and that is perfectly valid. Others want to help newbies by promoting them to do better content, and that is cool too. So this isn't something that you do because you feel obligated to, this would be something you would do because you like doing it and support the cause of getting the newbies more immersed.

How We Could Add Incentive To The Newbie's That Participate

If the newbie (40 Reputation score or lower) enters the contest at #steemitcommentchallenge and puts our hashtag #newbieresteemday at the end of their comment, then the newbie would have a chance of winning the normal prize of $20 SBD total from @danielsaori. But they would also get a bonus too...

We could offer another prize of $0.25 SBD for the TOP 10 newbies that enter our hashtag inside the comment box. (Note: I will contribute the total of $2.50 from either the money I will get from my posts about this project if approved by mudcat36 or I will donate it personally). Also if anyone else want to contribute we could either give the $0.25 SBD to more people or increase the amount for the top 10. I'd take suggestions as the argument for both ways is good.

Also we could guarantee an upvote on their comment reaching at least $0.05 by some of our more altruistic members using their upvotes to make a newbies day or just having at least 5 (of the little guys like me using my $0.01). Remember many of these newbies spend hours trying to do something that yields them $0.01 or $0.04 and they would be guaranteed something more than they usually get just because we pay attention to them.

So if we partner with an established player we get to use his infrastructure and following and experience. But by using our power of connecting with the newbies and encouraging their participation, we could deepen their involvement and improve their satisfaction levels.

On top of all this, it would give our awesome community members that have already jumped on board here with such drive and passion, ideas of how to also do our own games and contests too. I have already seen the creativity and enthusiasm that our member possess, and if we create templates of ways we can work together then it keep us tighter knit and working to make everyone successful.

Are you in? Would you like to do either #1 tell them about it or #2 go to the game site and support the newbies that make a genuine effort with your upvote.

Be honest too. I think it is a good win win win, but I am just one person, it needs to be something that you really like.

So let me know your thoughts in the comment section. And of course if you are in, tell me in which way you see yourself contributing.

Thank you for your attention and I look forward to seeing your responses.

As always, be humble and...


I particularly loved the #newbieresteemday challenge that @mudcat36 had started (after reading a post from @davemccoy). Though my followers are not as many as the others, but managed to help some newbie and resteemed their post.

13 newbies buzzed me at my first #newbieresteemday post challenge.

Some of the newbies with few followers also want to take part in this initiative to help others too. Giving a special shout out to @ilovepoorpeople

1. Because this is not an upvote challenge, hope that other steemit members with huge followers find time to participate in this too. 

2. My work is crazy, hahahaha... having time to find time to do this is a challenge to me. 

3. I will 'partner' with anyone who is there to help newbies (hate to call them minnow) and to help me to grow in steemit. 

4. Will continue #newbieresteemday in coming weeks... unless @davemccoy has other creative challenge again hahahahah... 

While I am not familiar with this tag (yet), I am constantly cruising around steemit looking at posts, commenting and chatting with new steemians. I do this 10-12 hours a day; as steemit has been my career for the last six months. (I joined mid-July 2017).
When I read this statement...

Do You Believe in Partnering Up With Others?
I had an idea that we can also work with already established steemians that already have infrastructure and processes in place. By using their knowledge and experience it will enable us to not only work together, but also get more accomplished as we have many exciting things coming together

I had to comment. I just wasn't sure where to begin

In regards to partnering up? ABSOLUTELY!
WHen I joined certain Discord groups my steemit career took a HUGE positive turn. I made the right connections, I advanced and have made a name for myself in certain communities.

In just the last two months, I have:

  • Become the writer & staff member for @qurator
  • Been delegated 10k SP from a whale- I am a Stewards of Gondor recipient
  • Hold weekly, sometimes daily, contests to share the delegation I was awarded and given
  • I am a mentor in certain Discord groups and help incoming new members with formatting, posts and how to succeed

In the mentor program I am involved in... it is the best reward knowing and watching the people you partnered up with have their own steemit page and posts blossom and grow.

I applaud your dedication, persistence and determination on helping new members advance. All these contests, giveaways, etc of sbd and steem may NOT seem like much, but they do help. I advise all red fish, plankton and minnows (yes, I am still a minnow even with all my accomplishments) to get involved. Help others. Share and strive to go one step further tomorrow. It does pay off. All that hard work and, even, frustration do pay off.

Awesome... its a deal.. we are now partners! (you can't back out now, you said "absolutely") lol

Its awesome that you are doing this 10-12 hrs a day, that shows more than commitment, it shows that you love it too. I'm still very new to this (today is the first day of my second month). I've had so much fun and learned more than I could've imagined just 31 days ago.

I read briefly through your page and I joined Qurator less than a week ago, so while I certainly have many things going through my head, I have a decent concept of what roll you play and what your mission is. I think it is amazing some of the programs that are developing here and I love how everyone wants to help everyone else out.

As far as the mission that I am supporting with @mudcat36 (and many others) the basic principle is that we want to help the newbies in the beginning to develop a little faster and get stronger sooner. As a fellow newbie myself, I just went through the learning curve and experienced firsthand both the pluses and the minuses. So the goal is to bring the experiences that we have had and use them to educate, motivate, encourage, and connect with the newbies that join our system. I have learned that steemit is designed to be a "virtuous loop" and in order to succeed, you need your friends and followers to succeed too. So when I saw @mudcat36's original post (referred to me by @plushzilla), I jumped at the chance to bring the small but strong network of friends that I had already connected with and put some muscle to his plan. It has only been 4 days, but its has exceeded even my fairly high expectations.

The talent and the energy is really amazing and I encourage you to go through our feed to see all the different things already happening (from literally a "cold start" 4 days ago). People are making logos, having contests, the newbies are embracing the concept, and amazingly many quality people are taking the time to use their feeds and resteem others to help them get some more eyeballs (and to offer suggestions on how to improve). Its something to watch for sure.

I also want you let you know that the introductory post is a great place to see both the launch and even more importantly the reactions from the people in the comments. We have almost 200 comments and if you want to gauge the appetite and see what we are doing, that would be what I would most recommend you reading.

As far as partnering, I'm a very creative person who can come up with some out of the box ways to get things done. I would love to do anything that supports the goals of improving the newbie experience and of course contributes back to your efforts too. Sometimes it might just be a piggy back on something you are doing (or vice versa), but other times it could be a joint effort or program that we support together. I am not sure what you need as you are so much more developed that us at this time, but if you tell me then I will find a way to support your needs with our cause too. Needless to say, I'm a big proponent of win win win.

So if you are still reading this rather long winded message, then I hope I still have your interest. If so and you have any questions, please let me know. If you would like to know more about how I think or watch the progression of my life here, I also welcome you to browse through my blog as I have chronicled my thoughts as they have progressed.

Its very nice to meet you and I'm so excited you @goldendawne and it awesome that you sent me this message. I would love to work with you and along side you and make this place "even better" than it already is.

Thank you for connecting and can't wait to hear from you again!

ps... this long comment is partly due to the bandwidth issue at steemit. I would have made it a little shorter if I could've gone out and made some new friends. lol :)

connect with me on DIscord- same name there

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thank you very much @resteemable as always I appreciate it. You guys are the best and let me know if you have ideas on how we can steer more traffic your way.

i'm in on both

You have been resteemed as part of #newbieresteemday ... I made today my #newbieresteemday, and invite you and others to do the same. To learn more: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

Yes i bealive in partnership and tram work 😊😊😊😊

Awesome @indrajeet... I love the enthusiasm too :) ... keep your eyes open to the contest and lets all have a little fun and bring some of your friends along.

Yes i do believe in partnership with other. We are here in a community and it is normal to hell the newbie. For example, I am a newbie, I made my account only yesterday and it is indeed hard to get attention here since a lot of steemians are already pretty famous. Whatever, have a nice day and good luck in here!

Its is nice to meet you @pikitch... I'm glad you made a comment so that I could get to know you. We will help you get noticed and help you to make new connections. It is just your first day, but I promise if you want to learn many here will help you. I include myself too.

I have sent out 2 things I'm doing today that will be a good thing for you to experience. You should do them and see what I mean. Here is the link to explain:

I will also look for you and your answers in the comment section and that will remind me to go through your profile and get to know you better. So don't forget to do that and I will help guide you. Do we have a deal? :)

thank you for your help

This is very nice.since i am already at the higher limit of being a newbie,i would like to keep this platform moving.
I would like to contribute in both ways..I have already started number 1.
Also want to use this medium to thank you @davemccoy, you really are interested in my progress.Am glad to declare You has my favourite steemian.
Keep up the good work!!!

This is really great @davemccoy. I am a newbie and I'll be joining this challenge. Thank you for redirecting me there as well. This is huge. You've been a great help to me since I joined steemit.

Awesome, that's exactly what I'm trying to encourage. The more we interact, the more we become connected. This is just one more thing that we can do together to show the newbies how to succeed by "engaging". I look forward to you letting me know if you liked it after its done. And I'm so glad I can help you I also know its all of us that are actually motivating each other.

Keep your eyes open for the game, I think it will be in 2 or 3 days. And bring some friends and some of you newbie classmates, the more we can educate, the better we all are. You'll understand soon how that works.

It seam's to be going good with all your good idea's and you are still coming up with way's to help. Love it!

I'm trying to... every day is a new learning experience and I'm finding new things we can do all the time.

ahhah yup my classmate i believe in partnership work in my daily life but not on steemit but your post is really good i like ur thoughts and respect your work keep in touch

lol ... well I'm glad in your daily life you believe in partnership Annie, that will be good for you as you keep moving forward and up with your work. I wonder why you don't believe in partnership working on steemit, could you tell me why you think it isn't good here?

And I respect your thoughts very much too and I'm glad we are keeping in touch.

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