Get ready, Smart Robot Will Take Over Tasks Echelon III and IV

in #news5 years ago



President Joko Widodo's idea to replace a number of civil servant jobs, especially echelon III and IV, with artificial intelligence (AI) will soon be realized. Because, Indonesia already has AI technology or cooler called smart robots.

Gagasan Presiden Joko Widodo untuk menggantikan sejumlah pekerjaan PNS, khususnya eselon III dan IV, dengan kecerdasan buatan atau artificial intelligence (AI) bakal segera terealisasi. Pasalnya, Indonesia sudah memiliki teknologi AI atau lebih keren disebut robot pintar.

Director of the Research and Development Institute of the Ministry of Research, Technology, and the National Innovation Research Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenristek / BRIN), Kemal Prihatman revealed, Indonesia's artificial intelligence is very good.

Direktur Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Badan Riset Inovasi Nasional Republik Indonesia (Kemenristek/BRIN), Kemal Prihatman mengungkapkan, artificial intelligence Indonesia sangat bagus.

Even India recognizes the advantages of Indonesian AI. Unfortunately, the use of AI in Indonesia is still very low.

Bahkan India mengakui kelebihan AI Indonesia. Sayangnya, penggunaan AI di Indonesia masih sangat rendah.

Even though Kemal has no research on comparing the capabilities of smart robots and civil servants, according to Kemal there is still an effect. Especially in terms of time and budget efficiency. Besides the use of smart robots can minimize the occurrence of KKN.

Walaupun belum punya penelitian tentang perbandingan kemampuan robot pintar dan PNS, tetapi menurut Kemal tetap ada efeknya. Terutama dari sisi efisiensi waktu dan anggaran. Selain itu penggunaan robot pintar bisa meminimalisir terjadinya KKN.

It is common knowledge, public services are prone to collusion and extortion. Minimal queuing culture makes people willing to spend their money to get their business done faster.

Sudah rahasia umum, layanan publik rawan dengan kolusi serta pungli. Budaya antri yang minim membuat masyarakat rela merogoh kocek agar urusannya lebih cepat selesai.

It is known, at the end of last November President Jokowi put forward the idea to replace a number of bureaucrat work with artificial intelligence. The use of smart robots is believed to accelerate the work of the bureaucracy.

Diketahui, pada akhir November lalu Presiden Jokowi mengemukakan gagasan untuk menggantikan sejumlah pekerjaan birokrat dengan artificial intelligence. Penggunaan robot pintar ini diyakini akan mempercepat pekerjaan birokrasi.




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