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RE: 2016 ....the year that people said “enough is enough..!!”

in #news8 years ago (edited)

Affermare che ad aver vinto in italia e' lo stesso movimento che vuole il Brexit o la vittoria di Trump significa solo non aver capito cosa chiedono i partiti che hanno votato per il "NO" e che tipo di cultura abbiano.

Se qualcuno e' cosi' cretino da pensare che distruggere ogni classe dirigente d'europa lasciando in piedi solo quella tedesca possa combattere l'egemonia tedesca, fate pure.

Ma quando vi chiamero' "miserabile branco di imbecillI", non tiratemi fuori che sono l'elite che disprezza i poveracci: vi rispondero' come risponde Milo Yiannopoulos: "fuck your feelings".

I partiti che hanno votato per il no sostengono idee che farebbero gridare al comunismo Donald Trump, e quando si parla di un nazionalista italiano, si parla di uno che per l'inghilterra e la cultura americana ha solo sputi in faccia, tanto per dire. Se poi per voi la Meloni e' una che ama l'inghilterra, siete i benvenuti. Se pensate che Massimo d'Alema sia un esempio di classe media impoverita che protesta, fate pure. Ma se poi vi chiamo idioti, non lamentatevi.


You continue spewing invectives without effective information. Your only reason for writing in Italian is to presume some elevated or elite status, but all it shows is that you have no interest in helping others learn something which you notice they are ignorant of, but you wish to insult and thereby raise your own status. A mere child bully's tactics. I do not complain that you call me an idiot, I pity those who actually know you and may have to interact with you outside of social media where you can assert your arrogance with impunity.

Yes, what I am saying here is that, IF you cannot even read A SINGLE newspaper in their language, and you are unable to get the meaning of politics, YOU ARE 100% INCOMPETENT .

So yes: I am part of the elite of COMPETENT PEOPLE. And yes, I dispease you. And yes, I will just sit on the side of the river, waiting for your failure to cross.

And no, the point is, YOU didn't put any valuable information, you just posted some anglo saxon website, which is just a good picture the echo-chamber you are sitting in, because of your poor language skills.

The point is not being the elite or not: the problem is to achieve or not. And, in your case, you didn't achieved any chance to understand foreign politics, which NEEDS some language skill.

If you had read ANY italian newspaper in the meaning time, possibily you noticed that "the loser" was able, just 2 hours before of "resigning", to make his balance law approved, WITHOUT A SINGLE COMMA CHANGED BY THE M5S. Not bad, for a loser, right? And now they will go discussing about the new rule to vote, for the next poll, having "the loser" as the incumbent party in one of two chamber. Ahaha: not bad, for a "loser", right?

And this is because italian politics is WAY more complex than you think, and NOTHING is what it seems. But, since the most of politics an anglosaxon can understand is "game of Thrones", which is kinda porn on a political plot, I do not wonder you cannot understand any of european political scene.

The victory of NO was easy to predict. Was predicted, and this is why Renzi resigned immediately: in Italy is not that uncommon you get more power when you lose, than when you are "the winner".

Yes, I am the elite. The elite of competent people, which can at least read the language of the country he is talking about. You are part of the whining underachiever mass, which is complaining because of not being middle class anymore, just forgetting you achieved nothing to deserve being a middle class.

Keep whining, losers. You can put the whole universe upside down, and still you will achieve nothing out of your life.

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