The Daily Brief 2020-03-05

in #news5 years ago

This is a summary of 23 AMN articles on the following subjects: Baghdad, Iraq, Erdogan, Putin, Syria, Idlib, Turkey, Russia, Assad, Pompeo, US, Saraqib, IDF, Israel, Hezbollah, Soleimani, Greece, ISIS, Raqqa, Homs, Quneitra, Aleppo.

Categories covered in this brief: Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Middleeast

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Table of Contents

Breaking: Two rockets land near US embassy in Baghdad

Published 2020-03-05 21:36:18 by News Desk in Iraq

Two rockets landed inside the Green Zone in central Baghdad, Iraq, where the US embassy is located, setting off alarms at the compound, Sky News reported Thursday. No casualties have been reported. Citing eyewitness reports, an Al Jazeera journalist noted a plume of smoke rising up from the Green Zone following the two explosions. This latest rocket fire marks the second time this week that projectiles have landed inside Baghdad's Green Zone.

Tags: Baghdad, Iraq

Putin to brief Assad on agreement with Erdogan

Published 2020-03-05 21:19:28 by News Desk in Syria

Russian President Vladimir Putin will brief his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad on the outcome of his negotiations with Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told TASS. "Yes," he said when asked whether Putin will brief Assad on the outcome of his negotiations with Erdogan.   Source: TASS

Tags: Erdogan, Putin, Syria

Two Turkish soldiers killed by Syrian Army ahead of scheduled ceasefire: MoD

Published 2020-03-05 20:58:19 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:45 P.M.) - Minutes ago, the Turkish Ministry of Defense announced the death of two Turkish soldiers in Syria, as the upcoming ceasefire approaches. According to the Ministry of Defense, the two Turkish soldiers were killed during a Syrian Arab Army (SAA) attack; however, they did not provide details or the exact location of the incident. The death toll for the Turkish Army in the past week has exceeded 60, making this the bloodiest seven days for them since the start of the Syrian conflict.  

Tags: Idlib, Syria, Turkey

Syrian Army will not withdraw from any areas captured in Idlib: source

Published 2020-03-05 20:46:27 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:30 P.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) will not withdraw from any of the areas they have captured since the start of the new year, a military source told Al-Masdar this evening. The Syrian military will retain their positions past the 2018 Sochi Agreement lines, despite Turkey's demands that they immediate withdraw from the deescalation zone. While Turkey repeatedly threatened to launch an operation to push back the Syrian military to the deescalation zone, they were ultimately unable to do so, as their allied militants on the ground struggled to regain territories they lost to the government... Read on ->

Tags: Idlib, Syria

Turkish-backed militants attempt to capture strategic city of Saraqib

Published 2020-03-05 20:32:21 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (7:45 P.M.) - The Turkish-backed militants have launched a new attack this evening to retake the strategic city of Saraqib in the eastern countryside of the Idlib Governorate. According to a field source in eastern Idlib, the Turkish-backed National Liberation Front (NLF), backed by Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS), launched an attack this evening on the Syrian Arab Army's (SAA) positions west of Saraqib. The source said the militants are currently attempting to advance back into Saraqib, but have so far been repelled by the Syrian Arab Army and Hezbollah. Despite the ceasefire agreement, the militants will likely try... Read on ->

Tags: Idlib, Syria

Idlib ceasefire announced after meeting between Russia, Turkey

Published 2020-03-05 19:34:06 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (7:20 P.M.) - The governments of Russia and Turkey have reached an agreement to implement a ceasefire in the Idlib Governorate, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced this evening. According to Erdogan, the ceasefire will begin at midnight on March 6th, 2020. He followed up the ceasefire announcement by stating that Turkey will respond to any ceasefire breach that threatens his country's forces in Syria. At the same time, Russian Foreign Minister confirmed that his country's forces and the Turkish military will be conducting joint patrols along the M-4 Highway (Aleppo-Latakia). He added that a 6km safe zone... Read on ->

Tags: Idlib, Russia, Syria, Turkey

Up close footage of Turkish Parliament brawl over Syria operation

Published 2020-03-05 19:11:47 by News Desk in Syria, Turkey

Turkey's parliament descended into a chaotic fistfight after an opposition lawmaker accused President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of disrespecting Turkish soldiers killed recently in Idlib, Syria. During a closed session about the country's operations in Idlib, opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) member Engin Ozkoc said Erdogan disrespected the dead troops and had also acted irresponsibly by sending them into conflict without air cover. The accusations quickly escalated into a huge brawl inside the chamber between government and opposition politicians, with punches thrown and lawmakers slapping and kicking each other. Ruptly released a video of the fight, with zoomed in footage to... Read on ->

Tags: Syria, Turkey

New video of Russian, Syrian warplanes destroying several sites belonging to Turkish-backed forces

Published 2020-03-05 18:58:30 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:40 P.M.) - The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) released a new video on Thursday that showed the Syrian and Russian air forces destroying several vehicles and hideouts belonging to the Turkish-backed militants in the Idlib Governorate. In the video, SANA shows several different strikes that were carried out by the Syrian and Russian air forces; this includes airstrikes on sites that are believed to have a Turkish military presence. For days, the Turkish military has been releasing videos that show their aircraft, mainly drones, heavily targeting the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and their allies in the Idlib... Read on ->

Tags: Idlib, Syria

Erdogan must end support for terrorists before restoring ties with Syria: Assad

Published 2020-03-05 18:41:43 by News Desk in Syria, Turkey

BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:30 P.M.) - Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad sat down for an interview with Russia 24 TV this week to discuss a number of topics, including the ongoing Turkish military campaign in northwestern Syria. The Syrian President told his interviewer that his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is unable to tell his army why they are in Syria. "Erdogan is unable to tell the Turks why he is sending his army to fight in Syria and why his soldiers are killed in it because the issue has nothing to do with Turkish high interests but with his [Muslim] Brotherhood... Read on ->

Tags: Assad, Erdogan, Syria, Turkey

US evaluating 'handful of things' Turkey requested for operation in Idlib: Pompeo

Published 2020-03-05 18:28:44 by News Desk in Syria, Turkey

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Thursday that the United States was still assessing Turkey’s request for help in its operation in Syria's northwestern Idlib province. "The Turkish government has asked us for a handful of things, we are evaluating all of those requests," Pompeo told reporters in a press briefing. Pompeo also commented on Thursday’s meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Erdogan, saying "our requirement is that they move back to the Sochi agreement back from 2018, that they too enter into a ceasefire in the region." The secretary of state said the United... Read on ->

Tags: Idlib, Pompeo, Syria, Turkey, US

US cites 'serious concern' over Turkey's acquisition of Russia's S-400 amid talks of weapons supply in Syria

Published 2020-03-05 16:49:46 by News Desk in Syria, Turkey

Turkey’s purchase of Russian S-400 defense systems remains a very serious concern as Washington considers what support to offer over Syria’s Idlib, the US special representative for the region James Jeffrey has said. The envoy was speaking in Istanbul on Thursday. Jeffrey also said the United States had already offered humanitarian assistance and information sharing with Ankara and was pressing European allies for a significant contribution. On Tuesday, Jeffrey said in Turkey’s border province of Hatay that the US was willing to give NATO ally Turkey ammunition alongside humanitarian assistance in northwestern Syria.   Source: RT

Tags: Russia, Syria, Turkey, US

Militants launch new attack on Saraqib, Turkish soldier killed in Syria

Published 2020-03-05 16:30:20 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:20 P.M.) - The Turkish-backed militants have launched a fresh attack on the strategic city of Saraqib this afternoon, following two failed counter-offensives to capture the area on Wednesday. According to a field report from this front, the Turkish-backed National Liberation Front (NLF), alongside Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) and the Turkestan Islamic Party (TIP), launched several artillery shells and missiles towards Saraqib and the Aleppo-Damascus Highway (M-5) on Thursday. In response, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) fired several artillery shells and missiles towards the enemy positions, as they attempt to deter more attacks from the militants. Shortly after... Read on ->

Tags: Saraqib, Syria, Turkey

IDF troops banned from leaving Israel over coronavirus fears

Published 2020-03-05 16:22:04 by News Desk in Middleeast

No IDF soldiers will be able to leave Israel from noon on Friday in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, IDF spokesman Brig.-Gen. Hidai Zilberman said on Thursday. The decision was made by IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi in accordance with the Health Ministry’s guidelines and following an assessment with the military’s General Staff. Kochavi decided to take a strict approach to reduce the number of soldiers with the virus in order to maintain operational readiness. Zilberman warned that one has to be careful “with spreading rumors.” Currently, between 500-600 soldiers are in quarantine, the Jerusalem... Read on ->

Tags: IDF, Israel

Turkey claims 184 Syrian soldiers 'neutralized' in 24 hours

Published 2020-03-05 16:16:59 by News Desk in Syria, Turkey

BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:00 P.M.) - The Turkish Defense Ministry said on Thursday that "Operation Spring Shield" against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in Idlib continued throughout the night with success from their land and air forces. "In the last 24 hours of Operation Spring Shield, 184 elements of the Syrian regime were neutralized and 4 tanks, 5 artillery, 3 anti-tank and 12 military vehicles were destroyed," according to the Turkish Anadolu Agency . The Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said on Wednesday that "the Syrian regime has lost more than 3,200 of its elements since the launch of the Spring... Read on ->

Tags: Idlib, Syria, Turkey

Turkey is using Idlib to create permanent presence in Syria: expert

Published 2020-03-05 15:53:51 by News Desk in Syria, Turkey

Turkish authorities seek to use the crisis in Syria’s Idlib province to create permanent Turkish military presence in the Arab Republic, says Andrey Baklanov, deputy chairman of Russian Diplomat Association Council. "Event in Idlib revealed Ankara’s real intentions. These intentions are to use the unique ‘historical chance’ - the crisis and the war in Syria - to permanently deploy its military contingent on this state’s territory," the expert told TASS. The Turkish government justifies its policy by the alleged threat of "Kurdish militants" infiltration, but have no real evidence of such events, Baklanov said. He reminded that Ankara has commenced... Read on ->

Tags: Syria, Turkey

No one knew the location of the Turkish soldiers killed in Idlib: Putin to Erdogan

Published 2020-03-05 15:14:36 by News Desk in Syria, Turkey

Russian President Vladimir Putin has commented on the recent killing of Turkish soldiers in Idlib by saying that nobody, including the Syrian Army, knew about the Turkish troops' whereabouts. "I would like to once again extend my sincere condolences in regards to the death of [Turkish] servicemen in Syria. The death of people is always a tragedy", Putin told his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan during their bilateral meeting in Moscow. The Russian president further stated that the recent escalation of tensions in Syria's Idlib Province demanded his meeting the Turkish president tete-a-tete to resolve this situation. Putin added that... Read on ->

Tags: Erdogan, Putin, Russia, Syria, Turkey

Iraq's Hezbollah accuses high-ranking officials of working with US to assassinate Qassem Soleimani

Published 2020-03-05 15:00:47 by News Desk in Iraq

BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:45 P.M.) - Kata'ib Hezbollah in Iraq hinted at the involvement of high-ranking officials in the assassination of the commander of the Quds Force, Major-General Qassem Soleimani, and the deputy commander of the Popular Mobilization Forces, Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, on January 3rd. In a statement, Kata'ib Hezbollah accused "one of the ministers in Iraq with the intelligence chief of assisting in the killing of Soleimani and Al-Mohandis," and expressed its readiness to provide evidence to the former prime minister, Adel Abdul-Mahdi, exclusively. They said in statement posted on her official website, "If there is any doubt that Al-Kazemi... Read on ->

Tags: Hezbollah, Iraq, Soleimani

Turkey deploys special forces to Greek border to prevent pushing migrants back: minister

Published 2020-03-05 14:37:42 by News Desk in Turkey

Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu has announced that Ankara will deploy 1,000 special operations police officers at the border with the EU to prevent migrants from coming back. He added that the EU border security agency, Frontex, had pushed around 4,900 migrants back to Turkey injuring 164 in the process. "Turkey will deploy 1,000 special operations police officers to prevent migrant pushback at the border”, the minister said as quoted in the newspaper Daily Sabah. The measure comes as a response to a decision by the EU to push back the new wave of migrants mainly coming from Syria's Idlib... Read on ->

Tags: Greece, Turkey

Syrian Army completes successful anti-ISIS operation in southwest Raqqa

Published 2020-03-05 14:28:15 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:15 P.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) launched an operation this week to clear the remaining Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) cells in the southwestern countryside of the Al-Raqqa Goernorate. According to a military source near this front, the Syrian Arab Army managed to eliminate several Islamic State cells in southwestern Al-Raqqa, reestablishing security around the areas used by the terrorist to launch attacks. The Syrian Army also seized a large quantity of weapons and ammunition left behind by the terrorist group. The Islamic State cells used the southwestern countryside of Al-Raqqa to launch attacks against the Syrian Arab... Read on ->

Tags: ISIS, Raqqa, Syria

Russia steps up deliveries to Syria after Turkish strikes: photos

Published 2020-03-05 14:07:25 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:50 P.M.) - The Russian Navy has increased their deliveries to the Syrian Arab Republic this week, following a tumultuous week in which the Turkish Armed Forces carried out several strikes against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA). On Wednesday, the Russian Navy was seen transiting the Bosphorus Strait en route to the Mediterranean, where they would eventually make their way to the Syrian port-city of Tartous. In a series of photos released by maritime observer Yoruk Isik on Wednesday, the Russian ships can be entering the Mediterranean waters from the Bosphorus Strait. More photos were released by... Read on ->

Tags: Russia, Syria

Syrian air defenses confront suspected Israeli missiles over Homs, Quneitra

Published 2020-03-05 13:46:35 by News Desk in Middleeast, Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:35 P.M.) - Las night, the Syrian air defenses confronted several "hostile targets" over the city and countryside of Homs and Al-Quneitra, resulting in a number of explosions in the skies of Syria. "Explosions were heard in the city of Homs", Al-Ikhbariya reported, having attached a video. Meanwhile, Syrian state television also reported that Syrian air defense systems were repelling an Israeli missile attack in Quneitra province. According to SANA, the attack came from Lebanese airspace and over the occupied Golan Heights. "The Israeli aggression on the central and southern region is taking place from Lebanese airspace... Read on ->

Tags: Homs, Israel, Quneitra, Syria

Putin, Erdogan begin high-level meeting on Idlib situation

Published 2020-03-05 13:35:00 by News Desk in Syria, Turkey

The situation in northwestern Syria recently escalated into fighting between government forces and militants that resulted in the deaths of over 30 Turkish troops last week. Turkey has responded by targeting Syrian troops and equipment. Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, meet in Moscow on 5 March to discuss further steps that should be taken in the embattled Syrian province of Idlib to prevent a crisis and further escalation of the conflict. Last year alone, Putin and Erdogan met eight times to discuss the state of affairs in the Arab republic.   Source: Sputnik

Tags: Erdogan, Idlib, Putin, Russia, Syria, Turkey

Syrian Army reverses militant gains in western Aleppo

Published 2020-03-05 13:30:14 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:15 P.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) launched a counter-offensive in western Aleppo on Thursday, targeting the areas that were captured by the Turkish-backed militants yesterday. According to a field report from western Aleppo, the Syrian Arab Army managed to retake all of the areas they lost, including the town of Sheikh Aqil, which was the primary target for the militant forces on Wednesday. The report added that the Syrian Arab Army is still on high alert in western Aleppo as they expect another attack from the Turkish-backed militants of the National Liberation Front (NLF) and their... Read on ->

Tags: Aleppo, Syria

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