JFK’s Revenge: WikiLeaks Referenced JFK In Its Passphrase, Was He Killed By The CIA?

in #news7 years ago (edited)

 WikiLeaks released Vault 7, a slew of CIA files on surveillance and  hacking, encrypted with the password  “SplinterItIntoAThousandPiecesAndScatterItIntoTheWinds”, a phrase that President John F. Kennedy used a month prior to his assassination. Kennedy abhorrently hated the CIA.

Speaking in a History Channel documentary years ago, Samuel Halpern, author of  “The Assassination of JFK,” claimed that the threat against JFK’s life stemmed from Kennedy’s frustration with the CIA, which he believed was  becoming a “state within a state.” Halpern was involved in the investigation of the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

The video below focuses on Kennedy’s relationship with Cuba prior to his  assassination, allegedly by Lee Harvey Oswald, despite the fact that the three consecutive shots can’t be recreated. These three shots are confirmed by audio of the motorcade.

The video also discusses Operation Northwoods, a proposed false flag operation against Fidel Castro, planned by the U.S. joint chiefs of staff and CIA.

 According to ABC News, “the plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking  planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.” All to manipulate the American people into supporting a  war against Cuba.

Kennedy also criticized the CIA’s original Bay Of Pigs (Operation Pluto/Zapata) and ultimately caused it to fail because of his decision to cut the operation’s military force down for the mission.

The CIA‘s “Bay of Pigs” plan to overthrow Cuba’s communist government had  been in the works before John F. Kennedy moved into the White House.  After weeks of discussion with his national security advisors, President  Dwight D. Eisenhower approved the CIA’s plan to oust Castro. The operation suggested opening a radio station on Swan Island in the Caribbean to broadcast anti-Castro programming to Cuba, supplying  anti-Castro resistance groups within Cuba and training a paramilitary  force for the eventual infiltration of the country. Eisenhower signed  the deal stating that he knew of “no better plan” to oust the Cuban  Communists and eliminate Castro.

While he was still running for  the presidency, Kennedy learned about the plan on July 23 1960, when CIA  Director Allen Dulles visited Kennedy at his family’s home at Hyannisport on Cape Cod to brief the then candidate about the  anti-Castro operation. But a few weeks later the plan changed. The CIA  abandoned the idea of infiltrating the island in favor of an invasion, complete with air support, to drive Castro from power. Eisenhower  approved a budget of $13 million for the operation but stipulated that  no U.S. military personnel could be part of the combat force.

Somehow, the plan leaked to the press and on January 10, 1961, the New York Times ran a front-page story under the headline, “U.S. HELPS TRAIN AN ANTI-CASTRO FORCE AT SECRET GUATEMALAN BASE.”

On  March 11, 1961, Kennedy invited CIA Director Allen Dulles and Richard  Bissell, the CIA’s chief of operations to the White House. JFK wanted to  know, in detail, the plans for the invasion of Cuba. Dulles and Bissell  explained that after U.S. aircraft had run a bombing mission over the  Bay of Pigs area, Cubans recruited from exile, living in Miami would  take the beach by storm. The CIA expected that the invasion would  inspire anti-Castro Cubans to rise up and overthrow the dictator.

Kennedy didn’t like the idea of beginning the attack with air strikes. “Too  spectacular,” he said. “It sounds like D-Day. You have to reduce the  noise level of this thing.”

Many of the approximately 1,500 CIA-trained  Cuban exiles believed that they were the first wave of Cuban freedom  fighters who would liberate their homeland from Castro. They were  convinced that as they stormed ashore, they would be supported overhead  by the U.S. Air Force, and as they advanced into Cuba, the U.S. Marines  would be right behind them. The exiles were absurdly mistaken  they held the beach for three days and then ran out of ammunition and  over 1,000 of the resistance troops known as Brigade 2506 were captured.

On April 14, 1961, just three days before the invasion, Kennedy called Bissell to ask how many planes he would use in the operation. Bissell  told the president the CIA planned to use all sixteen of their B-26s. “Well, I don’t want it on that scale,” Kennedy replied. “I want it  minimal.” Kennedy cut the planes used down to eight and the operation  ultimately failed. 

CIA  Deputy Director Charles Cabell was fired by Kennedy. Cabell’s brother  was the Mayor of Dallas, Texas at the time of his assassination (more on  that later.)

CIA director Allen Dulles was also fired and  replaced by John A. McCone after the second attempt was proposed to  overthrow the Cuban government under Operation Northwoods.

As David Talbot wrote in his book The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government and TheDailybeast reported, did CIA Director Allen Dulles order a hit on JFK?

The next fact surrounding JFK’s assassination is that George H.W. Bush Sr. was present during the day of JFK’s assassination, but he denies that he was there despite photographic evidence. There is also an FBI memo and  another document that mentions an agent, George W. Bush, receiving intel  information on anti-Castro Cubans but Bush denies again that the person  mentioned in the report was him. One FBI memo fails to provide an  answer to where George Bush actually was. A young estimated to be 17 years old George W. Bush was seen walking around that day as well.

George Bush Sr.’s oil company was called Zapata Offshore co. Dulles, Bush and the mayor of Dallas Earle Cabell  all knew each other. Zapata sound familiar? It was the original name for the Bay Of Pigs operation. Was Bush involved in the Bay Of Pigs invasion?

In 1981, all Securities and Exchange Commission filings for Zapata Off-Shore between 1960 and 1966 were destroyed.  In other words, the year Bush became vice president, important records  detailing his years at his drilling company disappeared. In 1969, Zapata  bought the United Fruit Company of Boston, another company with strong  CIA connections. Bush later became CIA director in 1976.

Dulles also headed the Warren Commission investigation into Kennedy’s assassination. Despite being fired by Kennedy, Dulles was  appointed by President Lyndon B. Johnson.

JFK’s son John F. Kennedy, Jr founded a magazine oddly titled “George” which many speculate is insinuating for the public to look closer at his father’s death and that Kenendy Jr. was trying to tell the world that George H.W. Bush was  involved in the murder. 

Bush even laughed at the assassination of JFK at President Gerald Ford’s funeral. What’s so funny George? Some day very soon it will be you in that coffin.

An additional anomaly that suggests Kennedy was murdered by a deepstate hit squad and not a lone gunman is that a nurse, Phyllis Hall, claims that Kennedy was also shot with a “mystery” bullet between his ear and shoulder that was covered up and she never heard about the incident again.

“I could see a bullet lodged between his ear and his shoulder,” she said.  “It was pointed at its tip and showed no signs of damage. There was no blunting of the bullet or scarring around the shell from where it had  been fired.”“I’d had a great deal of experience working with gunshot wounds, but I had never seen anything like this before. It was  about one-and-a-half inches long – nothing like the bullets that were  later produced,” she added.

Then there is CIA agent E. Howard Hunt who confessed to being a part of a hit squad that killed Kennedy on his deathbed.

Hunt names CIA operatives Cord Meyer (whose wife was apparently having an affair  with JFK), David Morales and William Harvey as being involved as gunmen. Hunt also said he hired Frank Sturgis and Bernard Barker.

Which begs the question was Oswald just a patsy or was he apart of a bigger plot?

There is a mysterious attempted call that has been ignored by the mainstream media. “The Raleigh Call”,  happened just hours before his death. Lee Harvey Oswald tried to call  John Hurt, a former military counterintelligence agent in Raleigh, North  Carolina, from the Dallas jail on the evening of Nov. 23, 1963. “For  years, this significant information was ignored by assassination  investigators and concealed from the public,” Dr. Grover Proctor said.

Oswald himself had significant military ties and intelligence serving in the Marines — where his nickname was “Osvaldovich”. He even allegedly had a CIA 201 employee file.w

We  don’t know what happened, but we do know Oswald had intelligence  connections. Everywhere you look with him, there are the fingerprints of  intelligence,” Senator Richard Schweiker said.

Further,  a document titled the “Central Intelligence Report On The Assassination  Of John Kennedy” allegedly sent from then-CIA director McCone to  then-Chief U.S. Secret Service James Rowley mentions Oswald’s ties to  the Office Of Naval Intelligence. Although, there are some who are  calling the document a forgery prior information proves Oswald’s  connection to intelligence services. There is also another very similar  (but very real) memorandum which shares some hallmarks with the “McCone-Rowley” memo titled “Warren Commission Exhibit 1026; Secret Service memorandum, dated March 19,  1964, re “Secret Service Report on the Assassination of President.”

A  former FBI Agent Don Adams even says that “thousands of national  archives prove that John F. Kennedy wasn’t assassinated by Oswald.”  Adding that the “the Warren Commission was a fraud.” 

Which Adams was right some how the Warren Commission found a single gun killed Kennedy when he wasn't the only person hit. Also hit in the exchange was Governor John Connally who suffered a broken wrist and had a bullet lodged in his hip. Which is why it makes no sense for people to claim the driver Connally shot JFK. 

Further, the Warren Commission failed to acknowledge that  depositions of eyewitnesses were destroyed and 13 witnesses were murdered before 1966. The commission failed to question the men on the grassy knoll dressed in all black leaving the scene that day. Evidence provided here in would prove a conspiracy, and not a theory but in the legal sense to murder America's Thirty-Fifth President.

Another theory behind JFK’s assassination is that it was a Cuban government hit  job as payback for the failed Bay Of Pigs invasion a few years prior  but believing that theory would require ignoring all other evidence  testimony and documents. Whatever the truth may be behind  the killing of potentially the greatest President the U.S. has ever had,  it will all come out soon in October 2017 when the CIA is mandated to  disclose the redacted pages behind JFK’s death more than 40,000 documents.

POLITICO reported:

“A  special team of seven archivists and technicians with top-secret  security clearances has been set up at the National Archives and Records  Administration to process all or portions of 40,000 documents that  constitute the final collection of known federal documents that might  shed light on the events surrounding JFK’s murder, files that, according  to law, must be made public by October 2017”

There are many unanswered questions surrounding JFK''s death you can find out more about his death and the strange circumstances surrounding it by visiting JFK2017.  If it was the deep state CIA that murdered our 35th U.S. President,  it’s time to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds” and finish what JFK wanted.

I'll end this post with two songs, disclaimer I do not own these songs in any way shape or form but they are very relevant.


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Thanks for this good post

Welcome man hope you enjoyed the information iv got some good ones coming out soon.

Thanks and don't forget to visit my blog

I followed u I thought I did the other day but I just followed u. :) I upvoted something today Ill keep an eye out if ur in MSP discord feel free to send me a pm if u write something u think ill like. I am very busy and don't have a lot of time to browse individual blogs but always watch my feed. :)


This comment has received a 0.15 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.

This comment has received a 0.15 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.

This comment has received a 0.15 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.

The CIA are now so bloated and powerful that they make the executive government somewhat redundant. Elections are a sham, shady unelected Federal Bureaus run the show no matter who 'wins'.

BIngo I upvoted you that was a dead on an accurate comment. That's what the deep state is a comprised effort of intelligence agencies, banksters, elitist interest, Lobbyist and Secret Societies documented to exist like - CFR, Triliateral Commission, Bilderberg group, Carlyle Group, Bohemian Club etc.

These groups all have no accountability to the American people yet they run America through their influence and control our geopolitics and foreign policies, the same people profiting off of the wars that run the military industrial complex but hey that's none of my business.

I second that.

........and they also killed Marilyn Monroe :(

I have this document on my main pc.

Very interested! Link?

Totally it was the CIA. "Elections are a sham" totally agree with this.

Nice article, well put together. It's ugly how deep the conspiracy goes in our government

This all Castro stuffs was just to draw him as an enemy of the US so he could go to embrace the URSS. Think that even Nikita Krushov though Castro was a CIA agent... I also suspect that, and a good one. The best spies are those who die of old surrounded by their family, if you get caught you are not a good spy :P ... He began when he married Diaz Balart and went to live in New York for a while in the 1940s. First operation "El Bogotazo" in Colombia.

  • Who helped him to go into the power of Cuba giving him weapons and support? US. What country he visited first when he "won"? US.
  • Who ask Batista to take him out of jail and send him to Mexico when he was in the jail of Pine Island? US.
  • Who told Batista, president of Cuba in the 1950 "Leave, we have a new boy in town"? US
  • Why US had never bombarded Cuba? It is not so difficult... (Girón Beach attack was a joke, US army even did not appear at the end)

At the end it was just a game what they did... CIA even helped to build the figure of Fidel been a "Superman" who could not die, planning a lot of failed or never made attentats to his person... always well publicized btw :P Secret operations? Yeah right! :D
You also think that any liberation movement or democratically elected president (not in power for a violent revolution by the arms like Fidel did) did not last long in Latin America when Cuba tried to "help" them. The best example Salvador Allende but there are many more.

Nice write up, that first video/ song is a riot too :)

Hahahah I have a few if you have seen this one you'll like this one enjoy!

Very well written article. Thank you. The whole thing needs to have a bright light shone on it.

October 2017 40,000 documents

This is great news. Although they will be redacted... Also what are the chances the current deep state heads just decide to re-classify this whole thing for another 50 years?

Times up they can't redact them and they can't re-classify what ever was known will soon become public knowledge.

These are awesome news loved reading it!

It's the hard truth thank you.