PEDOGATE: NYT Boss Mark Thompson Covered Up BBC Jimmy Savile Pedo Scandal And MoresteemCreated with Sketch.

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Current NYTimes CEO Mark Thompson has been linked to the BBC pedophile scandal.

Thompson was Director-General at the BBC from 2004-2012, during which BBC DJ and host of The Top Of The Pops Jimmy Savile was on air and his reign of horror on children was still ongoing. Thompson also canceled the documentary on Savile that was set to air on News Night which exposed his horrific crimes in detail.

Although, Savile’s most prominent abuse is said to be between the 1960s-90s it’s highly doubtful  that Savile didn’t sexually abuse any kids or adult females during his time as a host on the Top Of The Pops in 2004, a British music charts  show similar to the old MTV.

In fact there is even video proof that Savile molested a 18 year old girl Sylvia Edwards live in 1976. So for the BBC to shrug this off is unthinkable. Dame Janet Smithan, one of the lead investigators into the Savile scandal, called Top Of The Pops a “breeding ground for sexual abusers including Savile.” 

Even more shocking is the fact that staff were even amused at the fact Savile was assaulting young girls on the stage live. A Documentary on Savile was canceled by News night, similar to how the Conspiracy Of Silence was canceled years prior in the 1990’s after being  set to air on the Discovery Network before having every copy bought up. Both programs exposed high levels of  pedophilia – more on that later – but here we see a pattern with the media protecting elitist pedophiles.  

Thomspon  at first denied having any information about the News Night  documentary, then later admitted that the decision to cancel the  documentary was a “lack of imagination” on his part when he failed to ask detailed questions about why News Night’s investigation into Jimmy Savile was cancelled.

"I had no reason to believe that his conduct was a pressing concern,” Thompson said in an interview with the New York Times.  “Had  I known about the nature of the allegations and the credible  allegations that these horrific crimes had taken place during his time  at the BBC and in the building at the BBC, I of course would have  considered them very grave and would have acted very differently,” he, added.

The problem is there is absolutely no way Mark Thompson didn’t  know about the abuse and there is no way that Thompson didn’t know about  the decision to kill the investigative report as the director of the BBC at the time. 

In fact, BBC foreign  correspondent Caroline Hawley said that “she thought she had told Thompson the broad context of the axed Newsnight investigation into Savile” at a pre-Christmas drinks party at BBC Television Center in late 2011.Savile was accused by 107 staff at the BBC  over the course of his decades of abuse and you are telling me the BBC  Director-General wouldn’t have ever saw it or heard about it? In fact  it’s known that Mark Thompson did indeed know about it and he lied to cover it up. 

Nick Pollard, former head of Sky News and lead  investigator into the Savile inquiry claimed that former BBC boss Mark  Thompson lied over Savile evidence in the tape released to The  cover up didn’t end there though, they tried to debunk the satanic  pedophile ring claims calling it crazy and unsubstantial problem in the  UK. 

The problem attempting to debunk those claims is that Savile raped children as young as nine years old. Savile’s nephew Guy Marsden came out and testified to the horrors that he had witnessed. He then named one of the abusers in the ring a politician Sir Edward Heath who Guy said abused his 14-year-old friend at a London party.

Jill Dando, worked a a BBC reporter, and warned of a massive pedophile ring in the BBC before meeting her untimely demise when she was found dead on her front doorstep in 1999. It was later revealed that her killer was ordered by someone called Mr.Big. Lo and behold almost a decade later it comes out that the BBC harbored Jimmy Savile a disgusting pedophile. 

Not only was Savile a pedophile but the ring he was apart of was deemed to be a Satanic ring by investigators. This information only came out after Savile’s death.

Johnny Rotten Got kicked off the BBC for bringing the allegation up mentioning that he "wanted to kill Savile,"  Rotten added that others are still alive and free and that he wanted to  bring them “jail time.”

Then  we have the PIE group (Pedophile Information Exchange) lobbying NCCL  officials in the UK and the former Labour Health Secretary Patricia  Hewitt saying the most horrific and disgusting things I have ever heard.  “We can’t prove sex with children does them harm” Hewitt said.

Really we can't because it wouldn't affect their psychological mindset? Now we have Pizzagate across the pond in the U.S. which – make of it what  you will – there are some very disturbing pictures which I won’t provide  here. They are all over the internet and verified symbols  that include the occasional nod to elite pedophilia including one image  with a child being held and the hashtag #chickenlovers which is a  direct slang term for boy lover.

The New York Times now owned by Thompson tried to debunk the claims made by Pizzagate researchers calling it “fake news gone viral.”  They then proceeded with an interview with the pizza shop owner James Alefantis saying the accusations against him and his shop were false and  his life was being ruined.They claim to have debunked Pizzagate  but the problem is that their words aren’t enough – there was no proof  provided and the New York Times failed to question Alefantis about any of the serious hard accusations. A real investigative report would show the questionable  images censoring the children’s faces, as is standard in such cases to  allow their readers to decide whether something was wrong. 

NYT also failed to ask Alefantis to provide proof that the little girl he says is his "god-daughter" is indeed his god-daughter – a not-so-outrageous  request considering he is being publicly accused by millions all over  the world of running a pedophile ring and selling children just off his disturbing instagram posts alone. If this is proven it might  exonerate him a bit.

The NYTimes completely ignored the  “evidence” and concerns of Pizzagate researchers, deflecting the way BBC  ignored the allegations about a pedophile ring operating in it’s own walls. They even published a story called “Pedophilia: A Disorder, Not a Crime”.

We  have come to a point in time where words are meaningless – evidence  means everything and while the NYTimes and Washington Post were accusing me of peddling “false news” through everything I have ever stated is well-sourced for the reader to personally decide. 

In fact, most of the time I use mainstream sources to connect  dots for this very reason – the evidence in undisputed. Now on to  the ignorance that is the NYTimes, I don’t see one single source for  your “debunking” Pizzagate article, no mentions about Jeff Koons, Laura Silsby, Monica Peterson’s investigation into the Clinton Foundation then her subsequent murder, NCMEC, etc.

Meanwhile, NCMEC is in the middle of a law suit over their handling of child pornography constituting a violation of the  Fourth Amendment with AOL. NCMEC is also allowed to do something private citizens can’t: retain and view child porn. While private citizens can  come across child porn, preserve the evidence, and turn it over to law  enforcement, they can’t maintain a private database of images for cross  reference like NCMEC does.

Laura Silsby, is the former director for New Life Children’s Refuge the woman was caught trying to take 33 children out of Haiti without permission to the Dominican Republic  by claiming that the children were orphans when they weren’t. But a  Haitian judge – in a country notorious for corruption – ruled that  Silsby and nine other accused Americans had not knowingly engaged in any crime

Why was her lawyer a convicted child trafficker? Jorge Torres-Puello was accused of leading a network that recruited children for prostitution in Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic and El Salvador. Puello also allegedly worked undercover with the DEA and Homeland Security according to him and his mother.Why did Clinton work so hard to get her charges dismissed? Why is Laura now working on the management team for Alert Sense,  a company that includes the Amber Alert system after being accused of  child trafficking? How does all this relate to NCMEC? 

They are in charge  of the amber alert systems. All a few good questions that the NYTimes could have asked themselves and the reader when writing up it’s  horrible Opinion article on Alefantis.

How does all this connect  to Alefantis? Jeff Koons a fellow artist of Alefantis which James even  has his artwork hanging up in his house remember the nude alleged picture of Koons wife in his house? Koons is not only an artist he is also a board member of the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC). Another question for the times to ask "why was Jeff Koons paid $50,000, by Correct the Record?" Which is run by David Brock, Alefantis’ previous partner? 

Additionally,  lets add in the CPS as a suspected organization used for child  trafficking, which is known thanks to Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer who said before she and her husband were killed which was ruled a “murder-suicide.”

Maybe it was a “murder-suicide” as they reportedly talked about, a suicide-pact,  but her statement below can not be ignored even if it was. How about  mentioning the Franklin Boys Town Nebraska scandal NYT, or how about DynCorp’s trafficking which was mentioned in Hillary’s emails? Dyncorp has a long history of slavery  and child trafficking starting first in 1999 in Bosnia – “Its employees  were accused of rape and the buying and selling of girls as young as  12.” In 2005, the only brave mainstream outlet to ever bring this up,  the Chicago Tribune, accused the government of covering up child trafficking.

Hillary Clinton is in favor of DynCorp despite it’s years of known historical sexual abuse of kids and losing $1 billion dollars. She also covered up for Dyncorp. The Washington Post wrote the story to her and said they had more negative information on Dyncorp and nothing ever came out.More recently DynCorp also got a pass on pimping out Afghan boys to cops revealed by Wikileaks.

In another light Clinton and her inner circle knew about Anthony Weiner contacting an underage girl five years ago but did nothing about it but it's no surprise since there was also a pedo scandal under her own state department which she shutdown.  Because it involved very powerful people.

Now here’s the juicy connection to Epstein and DynCorp,  Epstein’s helicopter shared FAA tail number with State Department  counterinsurgency aircraft contracted to the private military contractor DynCorp. 

Epstein is key, we also know that Epstein and BIll Clinton shared at least 27 flights together while Trump reportedly took at least one flight. Anyone on Epstein’s flight manifest is suspect. Now we must determine if Jeffrey Epstein is at all connected to Alefantis or if Epstein is connected to Laura Silsby or anyone who worked with New Life Children’s Refugee.

The loud trampling elephant in the room with all this is that for years investigators and whistle-blowers have been murdered who look deep into all this, such as murdered investigator Gary Caradouri, as have victims who come forward in Troy Boner’s case during the Franklin Cover up including his brother and later himself.  While Caradouri who claimed to have evidence against Lawrence E. King Jr of the Franklin case, ended up dead in a convenient plane crash.

As  ex-CIA Director William Colby once Said to former Senator John Decamp, “what you have  to understand is there are powerful people and forces involved in all  this, that you cannot do any­ thing about them, no matter how evil or  wrong they are and no matter how dedicated or sincere you are or how  much evidence you have.”

”What you have to understand,  John, is that sometimes there are forces and events too big, too  powerful, with so much at stake for other people or institutions, that  you cannot do any­ thing about them, no matter how evil or wrong they  are and no matter how dedicated or sincere you are or how much evidence  you have. That is simply one of the hard facts of life you have to face.  You have done your part. You have tried to expose the evil and  wrongdoing. It has hurt you terribly. But it has not killed you up to  this point. I am telling you, get out of this before it does.” ~CIA  Director William Colby.

Right after this statement to Decamp, Colby too met his own fate years later drowning in a lake a very suspicious case if you read the facts here.

Just as a pattern of repeat child abuse allegations probably proves a person  is a pedophile, a pattern of deaths surrounding investigations into elite pedophilia probably means there is some running water under the bridge to these cases/scandals and that those scandals would have affected some politically powerful people and investigations had to be stopped.

Pedogate is real, and  there is so much more information coming my way that overlaps and  expands upon the article that I wrote nearly 6 months ago – and that  article was lengthy in itself, and packed with data.

[RELATED: The Ultimate Exposure of Pedophile Rings in London, Hollywood, and More]

What I am planning next is to revisit the older cases to drop massive  bombshells of information that the world needs to be directed at again. To conclude, no the mainstream media journalists aren’t all pedophiles but  I am sure there are some and this stuff is so crazy that you need all  the evidence in front of you and a few years worth of research to work  it all out. So do I blame them for not covering "Pizzagate" or laughing it off and dismissing  it?

No – mainstream news is operated by their editorial boards in most cases. If  mainstream journalist speak out like I just did it can’t or won't go to press. I’ve been  told this by several friends Iv had in MSM over the years meeting through various Anonymous operations. I will be the first to admit that a lot of disinformation spread about Pizzagate but what is provable are Alefantis own disturbing pictures on instagram and the use of pedophile symbolism. To dismiss something just because it is so deplorable without asking the hard questions and digging to refuse to show the objectifying evidence isn’t journalism it’s being a PR shill for a potential pedophile. Honestly, this is a matter of humanity – the Franklin  cover up happened and the press ignored it. Journalists your pen is your sword and you are the maverick to expose this dark secret use it. 


I wrote this last year on WRC but figured I would re-share all of this important information please comment share and upvote.

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These disgusting pedophiles are everywhere and now you know why biased New York Times is so anti Trump. They have much to hide!

Lock up all the sick fucks and throw away the key. Save the children! God save the queen!

I feel like people keep screaming this stuff and the mainstream culture is ignoring it

There will always be ignorance, no matter where you look (or rather where you don't look)

Anyone who denies these cases can look click and read through them for themselves I provided near enough cases in this article to prove this goes on.

The #pizzagate #pedogate scandal will be the biggest in history. Lock hem all up!

Don't give the press any passes on this. they are all in the pockets of the democrats who are the purveyors of all of this. they are actively protecting them.

The elite pedophilia is a bipartisan issue both Democrates and Republicans are involved.

I doubt that. You don't think the press would be all over it if a republican was involved?

it is 100% bi-partisan- D and R are one in the same controlled by the very same overlords.

There is no divide in the government, their method is divide and conquer. Keep the people arguing about whether or not pizzagate is real, rather than getting to the actual truth.

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Exellent reading compilation of a sad dark reality. If you don't want to hide from the truth, thankfully AK can spell out the harsh reality for us. Someone needs to speak out and not let the ignorance continue.

Don't read the New Times unless you want a laugh. It's hillarious propaganda.

I think 99% of all media is propaganda anyways, biased as fuck

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This is worth watching - "Was Jimmy Savile a Wizard?"

In the occultic sense probably he was indeed a Satanist and likely a high ranking one. But I think stuff like this distracts from the overall more serious allegations that he was a pedophile just my 2 cents. I like evidence over speculation or theorys in most cases.

occult just means 'hidden' and the nature of the variety of techniques and tactics used to manipulate others - such as NLP and other subtle tactics.. is a hidden one. I don't find that this distracts in any way, it just adds an extra layer of explanation as to how he did what he did.

It's an issue that makes things more difficult for the common man to understand everyone knows what a pedophile is and most can agree that above all else to protect the children. That's where I feel the focus needs to be on personally.

the complexities involved all need to be understood to solve the problem - otherwise it is a bit like trying to get children to beat a grand chess master; it's very unlikely to succeed. if people need to evolve and learn to find balance then so be it.

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