Apple invests in the US economy $ 350 billion and will return funds from foreign accounts

in #news7 years ago

Apple will invest $ 350 billion in the US economy and create 20,000 jobs. This is stated in the company's statement.

Apple plans to return about $ 256 billion from foreign accounts, about $ 38 billion will go to pay taxes on profits. The company also talked about plans to build a new campus, whose location will be opened during 2018, and hire 20,000 new employees before 2023.

In addition, Apple expects to increase its own advanced production fund to $ 5 billion and expand the number of training programs.


In response to Apple's statement about plans to return to the US funds from foreign accounts, President Donald Trump told Twitter that he was pleased with the company's decision.

In October 2017, researchers at the Institute of Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) of the United States told that Apple holds about $ 246 billion on offshore accounts.